Why donate to Ryan Ranney & Ranney Studios?

THANK YOU for considering your support!

We believe that works of art, music, poetry and indeed anything of worth should be free for absolutely anyone who seeks to discover and enjoy.  Many people in our world cannot afford to buy or experience the creative works of others simply because they may struggle to survive.

Still others may be seeking comfort, solace, answers, fun, enjoyment, entertainment or meaningful thoughts to consider for their own personal life and growth that should be open to them to find without effort, and without having to commit their own resources to, in order to find.

Music, Art, Literature and Spirituality are some of the world’s most powerful motivators and comforters during the course of the life of almost anyone who has ever walked the earth.  The sharing of what moves us as individuals with friends, family, community, is also deeply rooted in our human need for connection.

For these very reasons, we have been giving away our works, music and literature freely for over 20 years.

From this website, you will find our music, books and other digital works are free for anyone to download and own.  We will forever offer them freely as we create more, and publish more from the passions of our heart.

Unfortunately, hard copies such as physical books, and CD’s of music have to be manufactured at a cost, and so they can be found for sale at various outlets for those who wish to own a physical product.  We also do sell commercial licences of music for those who wish to use media for their shows or movies, but we often donate those also without cost, especially to beautiful causes and efforts of others to help our world.

We have always been a small and humble studio, working out of a bedroom of our home since the beginning, so we still work regular jobs in order to keep the lights on.  Money was never a key motivator in our creative work, as our desire to share it openly has always existed.  Even so, it has been a lifelong dream to earn enough that we could devote all our days and nights completely to our creative endeavours. Maybe one day that will come true! For that great hope, we have added the ability for anyone to donate to us if they wish to show their support for our work.  In turn we are truly grateful!

What matters most is that anyone, anywhere, under any circumstance may find what they are seeking freely and without obligation right here on our pages.  We believe that anything created is done so because someone is in need, or seeking that very thing that is made.  It is our greatest hope that we may help serve our brothers and sisters all over the world with what has been given to us to make and share for everyone.

Thank you again for your consideration to support us.

Ryan Ranney o0o

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