Themes and Insights
Universal Name
The Power of Symbols: Symbols play a pivotal role in this piece. The dream unveils a specific symbol representing Ryan and another for Colleen, demonstrating how symbols can carry deep meaning, transcending the physical realm to convey identity and belonging.
Spiritual Revelation: The dream presents a divine revelation where a calm voice directly speaks to Ryan, providing him with an understanding of his universal identity. This experience conveys the mystical nature of dreams as a medium for spiritual insight.
Cosmic Love and Unity: The inclusion of Colleen’s symbol beside Ryan’s highlights a cosmic bond between them. This shows that their connection extends beyond the material world, portraying love as something woven into the fabric of the universe.
A Dream-Gift of Knowledge: The dream delivers a gift in the form of this universal symbol, which Ryan immediately recreates in Photoshop, emphasizing the idea of dreams offering wisdom or messages that can be translated into the waking world.
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Universal Name
It was a long and disconcerting night
I felt no relief from my wounds
the flesh, the emotional body
filled with unrest they were
With grace and mercy
sleep did fall upon me
Suddenly I am located in a Nebula
I see the heavens all around me
Nothing seems out of place
it is all brilliant and extraordinary
Then a Scroll appears ahead of me
it is approaching and growing near
it opens
exposing its contents
Millions upon millions of symbols appear
they are in columns and rows
I watch as they pass before my eyes
At once it stops
and one Symbol lights up
and grows bigger
so that I may see
Then a Loud, Calm Voice
directed me to this Symbol
and said
“This is You – Ryan Scott Ranney.”
“Anything with this Symbol affixed on it, is Yours.”
“This is your known name in the Universe”.
Then next to it I saw the same symbol
but slightly slanted to the right
and it also lit up
and the Voice spoke again
“This is your wife, Colleen”
So I awoke…
Opened my Photoshop program
and drew the symbol I saw
as I saw it
Then I colored it as it was
and added everything in it that was there
exactly as it was shown to me
Now I am showing it to you.
Without any forewarning
or previous thought of my own
concerning such things
this gift was given to me
in a dream.
I hope this makes sense
to someone
as for now I have accepted
that this affixed Image above
is my Universal Name
in all the Worlds of Worlds.
Ryan o0o
Universal Name
It was a long and disconcerting night
I felt no relief from my wounds
the flesh, the emotional body
filled with unrest they were
With grace and mercy
sleep did fall upon me
Suddenly I am located in a Nebula
I see the heavens all around me
Nothing seems out of place
it is all brilliant and extraordinary
Then a Scroll appears ahead of me
it is approaching and growing near
it opens
exposing its contents
Millions upon millions of symbols appear
they are in columns and rows
I watch as they pass before my eyes
At once it stops
and one Symbol lights up
and grows bigger
so that I may see
Then a Loud, Calm Voice
directed me to this Symbol
and said
“This is You – Ryan Scott Ranney.”
“Anything with this Symbol affixed on it, is Yours.”
“This is your known name in the Universe”.
Then next to it I saw the same symbol
but slightly slanted to the right
and it also lit up
and the Voice spoke again
“This is your wife, Colleen”
So I awoke…
Opened my Photoshop program
and drew the symbol I saw
as I saw it
Then I colored it as it was
and added everything in it that was there
exactly as it was shown to me
Now I am showing it to you.
Without any forewarning
or previous thought of my own
concerning such things
this gift was given to me
in a dream.
I hope this makes sense
to someone
as for now I have accepted
that this affixed Image above
is my Universal Name
in all the Worlds of Worlds.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Universal Name
The Power of Symbols: Symbols play a pivotal role in this piece. The dream unveils a specific symbol representing Ryan and another for Colleen, demonstrating how symbols can carry deep meaning, transcending the physical realm to convey identity and belonging.
Spiritual Revelation: The dream presents a divine revelation where a calm voice directly speaks to Ryan, providing him with an understanding of his universal identity. This experience conveys the mystical nature of dreams as a medium for spiritual insight.
Cosmic Love and Unity: The inclusion of Colleen’s symbol beside Ryan’s highlights a cosmic bond between them. This shows that their connection extends beyond the material world, portraying love as something woven into the fabric of the universe.
A Dream-Gift of Knowledge: The dream delivers a gift in the form of this universal symbol, which Ryan immediately recreates in Photoshop, emphasizing the idea of dreams offering wisdom or messages that can be translated into the waking world.
Universal Name
It was a long and disconcerting night
I felt no relief from my wounds
the flesh, the emotional body
filled with unrest they were
With grace and mercy
sleep did fall upon me
Suddenly I am located in a Nebula
I see the heavens all around me
Nothing seems out of place
it is all brilliant and extraordinary
Then a Scroll appears ahead of me
it is approaching and growing near
it opens
exposing its contents
Millions upon millions of symbols appear
they are in columns and rows
I watch as they pass before my eyes
At once it stops
and one Symbol lights up
and grows bigger
so that I may see
Then a Loud, Calm Voice
directed me to this Symbol
and said
“This is You – Ryan Scott Ranney.”
“Anything with this Symbol affixed on it, is Yours.”
“This is your known name in the Universe”.
Then next to it I saw the same symbol
but slightly slanted to the right
and it also lit up
and the Voice spoke again
“This is your wife, Colleen”
So I awoke…
Opened my Photoshop program
and drew the symbol I saw
as I saw it
Then I colored it as it was
and added everything in it that was there
exactly as it was shown to me
Now I am showing it to you.
Without any forewarning
or previous thought of my own
concerning such things
this gift was given to me
in a dream.
I hope this makes sense
to someone
as for now I have accepted
that this affixed Image above
is my Universal Name
in all the Worlds of Worlds.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Universal Name
The Power of Symbols: Symbols play a pivotal role in this piece. The dream unveils a specific symbol representing Ryan and another for Colleen, demonstrating how symbols can carry deep meaning, transcending the physical realm to convey identity and belonging.
Spiritual Revelation: The dream presents a divine revelation where a calm voice directly speaks to Ryan, providing him with an understanding of his universal identity. This experience conveys the mystical nature of dreams as a medium for spiritual insight.
Cosmic Love and Unity: The inclusion of Colleen’s symbol beside Ryan’s highlights a cosmic bond between them. This shows that their connection extends beyond the material world, portraying love as something woven into the fabric of the universe.
A Dream-Gift of Knowledge: The dream delivers a gift in the form of this universal symbol, which Ryan immediately recreates in Photoshop, emphasizing the idea of dreams offering wisdom or messages that can be translated into the waking world.