Themes and Insights

True or False

The Fragility of Human ConstructsThe poem emphasizes the impermanence of human efforts, beliefs, and achievements. It reflects on how what is built and believed in the flesh ultimately fades, returning to dust, revealing its lack of true substance.

The Deceptive Nature of the MindThrough pride, fear, and false needs, the human mind perpetuates lies and self-deception. The piece challenges readers to question the narratives they accept and uncover the ignorance hidden behind their assumptions.

The Duality of Flesh and SpiritA key theme is the tension between the transient flesh and the eternal spirit. The work highlights the uniqueness of the flesh and the equality of the spirit, urging humanity to prioritize spiritual truths over physical desires.

The Eternal Work of the SpiritThe poem contrasts the fleeting nature of human endeavors with the enduring impact of the spirit’s love and truth. It calls readers to seek eternal significance through spiritual growth and connection with the divine.

Rediscovering Spiritual IdentityThe writing serves as a reminder of our spiritual essence, encouraging self-reflection and the pursuit of inner truth. It advocates for valuing the eternal spirit over temporal concerns, connecting with the divine source of life.

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True or False

When all is fake
Then what is real?
When all is lies
Then what is true?

Without our agreement of this reality
There is no lie to believe
Without our acceptance of this fate
There is no outcome to expect

Without our belief in another’s lies
There is no fake reality of hope
Without our belief in our fake truth
There is no vain progress made

Man can build what is false
For a time we believe it is real
Yet there it goes back to dust
Proving again it was not

Man can say what is not true
For a time we believe it is real
Yet there it changes before our eyes
Proving again it was not

What we say and what we do
In the blink of an eye it is gone
What we think and what we know
In the blink of an eye it is wrong

What can you tell me
not known before?
What can you show me
Not shown before?

What can be thought
Not thought before?
What can be done
Not done before?

Of our mind does it serve itself
Hiding ignorance in pride
Hiding fear with anger
Hiding want as a need

Of our mind does it lie to itself
Oppressing others for vain profit
Judging others like little gods
Ruling others as greater vessels

So I will say what is not unreal

Of flesh is none equal
For each and all are unique
Some are strong and some are weak
Some are smart and some are dumb

Of spirit are none unequal
For each and all are of God
Some are aware and some are not
Some are awake while others sleep

And this is the challenge of man
That he wrestles his flesh
And the flesh of others
Forgetting always the spirit

And this is the way of man
That he feeds the flesh
And the desires of humanity
Forgetting always the spirit

For all man does
shall it pass as though it never was
For all man hopes
Shall it pass as though it never was
For all man believes
Shall it pass as though it never was
For all man trusts
Shall it pass as though it never was

It is the folly of men to believe in blood
As the spirit is all that lives on
It is our foolishness of pride
Believing ourselves of importance

Who can say who sang the first song?
Who honours the first craftsman?
Who remembers he who found math?
Who cherishes the first artist?

Are they not the fathers of such?
Are they not grand visionaries?
Where is our evidence of their life?
Why do we believe our work so matters?

So I will say what is not unreal

Nothing my flesh does will last
But the work of the spirit is eternal
All my hands do will vanish
But the love of the spirit is life

Where life comes from
And where life goes
Are one in the same indeed
Otherwise it wasn’t at all to begin with

What my spirit trust
And what my spirit believes
Had not been taught or learned
Through man

Of these things do we all know
Yet stuck in our minds we forgot
Of these things do we still know
So seek your spirit over your flesh

For the real me in me is actually me
And the real you in you is actually you
As the real us is our spirit selves
For the real life is the spirit of God

Ryan o0o

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True or False

When all is fake
Then what is real?
When all is lies
Then what is true?

Without our agreement of this reality
There is no lie to believe
Without our acceptance of this fate
There is no outcome to expect

Without our belief in another’s lies
There is no fake reality of hope
Without our belief in our fake truth
There is no vain progress made

Man can build what is false
For a time we believe it is real
Yet there it goes back to dust
Proving again it was not

Man can say what is not true
For a time we believe it is real
Yet there it changes before our eyes
Proving again it was not

What we say and what we do
In the blink of an eye it is gone
What we think and what we know
In the blink of an eye it is wrong

What can you tell me
not known before?
What can you show me
Not shown before?

What can be thought
Not thought before?
What can be done
Not done before?

Of our mind does it serve itself
Hiding ignorance in pride
Hiding fear with anger
Hiding want as a need

Of our mind does it lie to itself
Oppressing others for vain profit
Judging others like little gods
Ruling others as greater vessels

So I will say what is not unreal

Of flesh is none equal
For each and all are unique
Some are strong and some are weak
Some are smart and some are dumb

Of spirit are none unequal
For each and all are of God
Some are aware and some are not
Some are awake while others sleep

And this is the challenge of man
That he wrestles his flesh
And the flesh of others
Forgetting always the spirit

And this is the way of man
That he feeds the flesh
And the desires of humanity
Forgetting always the spirit

For all man does
shall it pass as though it never was
For all man hopes
Shall it pass as though it never was
For all man believes
Shall it pass as though it never was
For all man trusts
Shall it pass as though it never was

It is the folly of men to believe in blood
As the spirit is all that lives on
It is our foolishness of pride
Believing ourselves of importance

Who can say who sang the first song?
Who honours the first craftsman?
Who remembers he who found math?
Who cherishes the first artist?

Are they not the fathers of such?
Are they not grand visionaries?
Where is our evidence of their life?
Why do we believe our work so matters?

So I will say what is not unreal

Nothing my flesh does will last
But the work of the spirit is eternal
All my hands do will vanish
But the love of the spirit is life

Where life comes from
And where life goes
Are one in the same indeed
Otherwise it wasn’t at all to begin with

What my spirit trust
And what my spirit believes
Had not been taught or learned
Through man

Of these things do we all know
Yet stuck in our minds we forgot
Of these things do we still know
So seek your spirit over your flesh

For the real me in me is actually me
And the real you in you is actually you
As the real us is our spirit selves
For the real life is the spirit of God

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

True or False

The Fragility of Human ConstructsThe poem emphasizes the impermanence of human efforts, beliefs, and achievements. It reflects on how what is built and believed in the flesh ultimately fades, returning to dust, revealing its lack of true substance.

The Deceptive Nature of the MindThrough pride, fear, and false needs, the human mind perpetuates lies and self-deception. The piece challenges readers to question the narratives they accept and uncover the ignorance hidden behind their assumptions.

The Duality of Flesh and SpiritA key theme is the tension between the transient flesh and the eternal spirit. The work highlights the uniqueness of the flesh and the equality of the spirit, urging humanity to prioritize spiritual truths over physical desires.

The Eternal Work of the SpiritThe poem contrasts the fleeting nature of human endeavors with the enduring impact of the spirit’s love and truth. It calls readers to seek eternal significance through spiritual growth and connection with the divine.

Rediscovering Spiritual IdentityThe writing serves as a reminder of our spiritual essence, encouraging self-reflection and the pursuit of inner truth. It advocates for valuing the eternal spirit over temporal concerns, connecting with the divine source of life.

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True or False

When all is fake
Then what is real?
When all is lies
Then what is true?

Without our agreement of this reality
There is no lie to believe
Without our acceptance of this fate
There is no outcome to expect

Without our belief in another’s lies
There is no fake reality of hope
Without our belief in our fake truth
There is no vain progress made

Man can build what is false
For a time we believe it is real
Yet there it goes back to dust
Proving again it was not

Man can say what is not true
For a time we believe it is real
Yet there it changes before our eyes
Proving again it was not

What we say and what we do
In the blink of an eye it is gone
What we think and what we know
In the blink of an eye it is wrong

What can you tell me
not known before?
What can you show me
Not shown before?

What can be thought
Not thought before?
What can be done
Not done before?

Of our mind does it serve itself
Hiding ignorance in pride
Hiding fear with anger
Hiding want as a need

Of our mind does it lie to itself
Oppressing others for vain profit
Judging others like little gods
Ruling others as greater vessels

So I will say what is not unreal

Of flesh is none equal
For each and all are unique
Some are strong and some are weak
Some are smart and some are dumb

Of spirit are none unequal
For each and all are of God
Some are aware and some are not
Some are awake while others sleep

And this is the challenge of man
That he wrestles his flesh
And the flesh of others
Forgetting always the spirit

And this is the way of man
That he feeds the flesh
And the desires of humanity
Forgetting always the spirit

For all man does
shall it pass as though it never was
For all man hopes
Shall it pass as though it never was
For all man believes
Shall it pass as though it never was
For all man trusts
Shall it pass as though it never was

It is the folly of men to believe in blood
As the spirit is all that lives on
It is our foolishness of pride
Believing ourselves of importance

Who can say who sang the first song?
Who honours the first craftsman?
Who remembers he who found math?
Who cherishes the first artist?

Are they not the fathers of such?
Are they not grand visionaries?
Where is our evidence of their life?
Why do we believe our work so matters?

So I will say what is not unreal

Nothing my flesh does will last
But the work of the spirit is eternal
All my hands do will vanish
But the love of the spirit is life

Where life comes from
And where life goes
Are one in the same indeed
Otherwise it wasn’t at all to begin with

What my spirit trust
And what my spirit believes
Had not been taught or learned
Through man

Of these things do we all know
Yet stuck in our minds we forgot
Of these things do we still know
So seek your spirit over your flesh

For the real me in me is actually me
And the real you in you is actually you
As the real us is our spirit selves
For the real life is the spirit of God

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

True or False

The Fragility of Human ConstructsThe poem emphasizes the impermanence of human efforts, beliefs, and achievements. It reflects on how what is built and believed in the flesh ultimately fades, returning to dust, revealing its lack of true substance.

The Deceptive Nature of the MindThrough pride, fear, and false needs, the human mind perpetuates lies and self-deception. The piece challenges readers to question the narratives they accept and uncover the ignorance hidden behind their assumptions.

The Duality of Flesh and SpiritA key theme is the tension between the transient flesh and the eternal spirit. The work highlights the uniqueness of the flesh and the equality of the spirit, urging humanity to prioritize spiritual truths over physical desires.

The Eternal Work of the SpiritThe poem contrasts the fleeting nature of human endeavors with the enduring impact of the spirit’s love and truth. It calls readers to seek eternal significance through spiritual growth and connection with the divine.

Rediscovering Spiritual IdentityThe writing serves as a reminder of our spiritual essence, encouraging self-reflection and the pursuit of inner truth. It advocates for valuing the eternal spirit over temporal concerns, connecting with the divine source of life.

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