Themes and Insights

Trial of the Stones

Journey of Discovery: The poem symbolizes a personal journey, depicted through the imagery of a mysterious black stone road that invites exploration. The protagonist is compelled to move forward despite fear, signifying the quest for understanding and self-discovery.

Connection with Nature: The natural setting, with the moonlight, motionless pines, and vast valleys, creates a serene yet profound backdrop. This connection emphasizes the relationship between the self and the universe, suggesting that nature holds secrets and wisdom awaiting revelation.

Encounter with the Divine: The presence of the twins, resembling angels, indicates a spiritual encounter. Their non-verbal communication through musical tones signifies a deeper understanding and connection with the divine, transcending words and traditional forms of communication.

Transformation and Renewal: The experience within the warmth of the stone and the interaction with the twins evokes feelings of transformation. The protagonist undergoes an internal change, suggesting that encounters with the divine can lead to a rebirth or renewal of spirit.

Eternal Youth and Spirit: The closing lines convey a sense of timelessness and the essence of creation. The idea that “we shall be forever young” points to the eternal nature of the spirit and the potential for perpetual growth and learning throughout one's journey.

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Trial of the Stones

Upon the black stone road
Paved as though with glass
Alighting itself even into the night
With only the moon as her source

Surrounded by the motionless pines
Tall, thin with branches to the floor unkempt
All behind me I do not know
As she stretched ahead of me
Beckoning to walk the path
Though I could float slightly above
If as the stones themselves pushed me along

I fear to rise upward on this hill
Though I am compelled to know
What waits for my presence
Where the black stone path ends

Winding it goes to the very top
Where the entire world becomes as a valley
Witness the many hills
As far as the eye can see
Stars may be touched
As even the eagle flies below
To the ends they cannot be seen

There before my eyes
A small rectangular fortress of stone
Overlooking it all
Life breathes inside the walls

I can feel the memory of every tear I ever cried
I can taste the salt of them
Yet I am not crying
My heart pulses as though it has found
Without yet entering in
There is great pause

Suddenly my presence is inside the warmth of the stone
Where two twins await my visit
Standing apart in the center
With a wooden barrel of water between them

Their eyes are black like the stone path
Glimmering in the light of the fire to the right
A book rests on a old wood pulpit to the left
Their hair is long and light
Wearing white robes of a saintly cloth
Oh what shall I do with their stares into my eyes?
Angels they are

Then they speak but not as with words!
The sounds are as musical arpeggios
Passing from one to the other
Even as binary code with unlimited digits

I struggle so hard to interpret the tones and notes and phrases
But unable am I to comprehend
Each individual sound presses into me
As if it alone has touched my inner world
Arranging, re-arranging, creating something new within
That was not as it was or was not there at all before
It is a shower of millions of gold notes passing into me

It is as a perfect harmony of brilliant instruction
I am awed an unable to move
As the twins become as lights themselves
Rising off the floor hovering

I comprehend only that we shall be forever young
The spirit of this creation’s origin
but for an instant realize the massive knowledge
already within me
trembling it is to the chest where there is no darkness
yet the light of eternity which is what I am
is nothing compared to that which gave it power

I see the mouths of the twins open even wider
now one has a right hand out
while the other has a left had out
as if to anchor themselves upon something I cannot see

Then I am as a cloud above the stone house
witnessing all below as even more below than before
suddenly the stones re-arrange themselves into a different structure
perhaps for the next visitor?
Still a body there is
as even my sense of consciousness remains
where it has been felt before in me

But it is all different
even my mind feels different
even my hands feel different
even my bones are as the atomic motionless

What was given? What was taken?
Every point in the heavens I now know how to take myself too!
They open as worlds of their own with a glance
Every life below has purpose I cannot put into words!
There is a smoke of darkness in my left hand
and a flame of light in my right
TIME has a meaning that cannot be spoken!

Yet it shall be tried
for the purpose of what is given

I have never not known myself
yet I did not know I had ever unknown

And it will come to pass
that what is given shall be returned
as they in twin who returned to bring my armor
have always been with me

Ryan o0o

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Trial of the Stones

Upon the black stone road
Paved as though with glass
Alighting itself even into the night
With only the moon as her source

Surrounded by the motionless pines
Tall, thin with branches to the floor unkempt
All behind me I do not know
As she stretched ahead of me
Beckoning to walk the path
Though I could float slightly above
If as the stones themselves pushed me along

I fear to rise upward on this hill
Though I am compelled to know
What waits for my presence
Where the black stone path ends

Winding it goes to the very top
Where the entire world becomes as a valley
Witness the many hills
As far as the eye can see
Stars may be touched
As even the eagle flies below
To the ends they cannot be seen

There before my eyes
A small rectangular fortress of stone
Overlooking it all
Life breathes inside the walls

I can feel the memory of every tear I ever cried
I can taste the salt of them
Yet I am not crying
My heart pulses as though it has found
Without yet entering in
There is great pause

Suddenly my presence is inside the warmth of the stone
Where two twins await my visit
Standing apart in the center
With a wooden barrel of water between them

Their eyes are black like the stone path
Glimmering in the light of the fire to the right
A book rests on a old wood pulpit to the left
Their hair is long and light
Wearing white robes of a saintly cloth
Oh what shall I do with their stares into my eyes?
Angels they are

Then they speak but not as with words!
The sounds are as musical arpeggios
Passing from one to the other
Even as binary code with unlimited digits

I struggle so hard to interpret the tones and notes and phrases
But unable am I to comprehend
Each individual sound presses into me
As if it alone has touched my inner world
Arranging, re-arranging, creating something new within
That was not as it was or was not there at all before
It is a shower of millions of gold notes passing into me

It is as a perfect harmony of brilliant instruction
I am awed an unable to move
As the twins become as lights themselves
Rising off the floor hovering

I comprehend only that we shall be forever young
The spirit of this creation’s origin
but for an instant realize the massive knowledge
already within me
trembling it is to the chest where there is no darkness
yet the light of eternity which is what I am
is nothing compared to that which gave it power

I see the mouths of the twins open even wider
now one has a right hand out
while the other has a left had out
as if to anchor themselves upon something I cannot see

Then I am as a cloud above the stone house
witnessing all below as even more below than before
suddenly the stones re-arrange themselves into a different structure
perhaps for the next visitor?
Still a body there is
as even my sense of consciousness remains
where it has been felt before in me

But it is all different
even my mind feels different
even my hands feel different
even my bones are as the atomic motionless

What was given? What was taken?
Every point in the heavens I now know how to take myself too!
They open as worlds of their own with a glance
Every life below has purpose I cannot put into words!
There is a smoke of darkness in my left hand
and a flame of light in my right
TIME has a meaning that cannot be spoken!

Yet it shall be tried
for the purpose of what is given

I have never not known myself
yet I did not know I had ever unknown

And it will come to pass
that what is given shall be returned
as they in twin who returned to bring my armor
have always been with me

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Trial of the Stones

Journey of Discovery: The poem symbolizes a personal journey, depicted through the imagery of a mysterious black stone road that invites exploration. The protagonist is compelled to move forward despite fear, signifying the quest for understanding and self-discovery.

Connection with Nature: The natural setting, with the moonlight, motionless pines, and vast valleys, creates a serene yet profound backdrop. This connection emphasizes the relationship between the self and the universe, suggesting that nature holds secrets and wisdom awaiting revelation.

Encounter with the Divine: The presence of the twins, resembling angels, indicates a spiritual encounter. Their non-verbal communication through musical tones signifies a deeper understanding and connection with the divine, transcending words and traditional forms of communication.

Transformation and Renewal: The experience within the warmth of the stone and the interaction with the twins evokes feelings of transformation. The protagonist undergoes an internal change, suggesting that encounters with the divine can lead to a rebirth or renewal of spirit.

Eternal Youth and Spirit: The closing lines convey a sense of timelessness and the essence of creation. The idea that “we shall be forever young” points to the eternal nature of the spirit and the potential for perpetual growth and learning throughout one's journey.

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Trial of the Stones

Upon the black stone road
Paved as though with glass
Alighting itself even into the night
With only the moon as her source

Surrounded by the motionless pines
Tall, thin with branches to the floor unkempt
All behind me I do not know
As she stretched ahead of me
Beckoning to walk the path
Though I could float slightly above
If as the stones themselves pushed me along

I fear to rise upward on this hill
Though I am compelled to know
What waits for my presence
Where the black stone path ends

Winding it goes to the very top
Where the entire world becomes as a valley
Witness the many hills
As far as the eye can see
Stars may be touched
As even the eagle flies below
To the ends they cannot be seen

There before my eyes
A small rectangular fortress of stone
Overlooking it all
Life breathes inside the walls

I can feel the memory of every tear I ever cried
I can taste the salt of them
Yet I am not crying
My heart pulses as though it has found
Without yet entering in
There is great pause

Suddenly my presence is inside the warmth of the stone
Where two twins await my visit
Standing apart in the center
With a wooden barrel of water between them

Their eyes are black like the stone path
Glimmering in the light of the fire to the right
A book rests on a old wood pulpit to the left
Their hair is long and light
Wearing white robes of a saintly cloth
Oh what shall I do with their stares into my eyes?
Angels they are

Then they speak but not as with words!
The sounds are as musical arpeggios
Passing from one to the other
Even as binary code with unlimited digits

I struggle so hard to interpret the tones and notes and phrases
But unable am I to comprehend
Each individual sound presses into me
As if it alone has touched my inner world
Arranging, re-arranging, creating something new within
That was not as it was or was not there at all before
It is a shower of millions of gold notes passing into me

It is as a perfect harmony of brilliant instruction
I am awed an unable to move
As the twins become as lights themselves
Rising off the floor hovering

I comprehend only that we shall be forever young
The spirit of this creation’s origin
but for an instant realize the massive knowledge
already within me
trembling it is to the chest where there is no darkness
yet the light of eternity which is what I am
is nothing compared to that which gave it power

I see the mouths of the twins open even wider
now one has a right hand out
while the other has a left had out
as if to anchor themselves upon something I cannot see

Then I am as a cloud above the stone house
witnessing all below as even more below than before
suddenly the stones re-arrange themselves into a different structure
perhaps for the next visitor?
Still a body there is
as even my sense of consciousness remains
where it has been felt before in me

But it is all different
even my mind feels different
even my hands feel different
even my bones are as the atomic motionless

What was given? What was taken?
Every point in the heavens I now know how to take myself too!
They open as worlds of their own with a glance
Every life below has purpose I cannot put into words!
There is a smoke of darkness in my left hand
and a flame of light in my right
TIME has a meaning that cannot be spoken!

Yet it shall be tried
for the purpose of what is given

I have never not known myself
yet I did not know I had ever unknown

And it will come to pass
that what is given shall be returned
as they in twin who returned to bring my armor
have always been with me

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Trial of the Stones

Journey of Discovery: The poem symbolizes a personal journey, depicted through the imagery of a mysterious black stone road that invites exploration. The protagonist is compelled to move forward despite fear, signifying the quest for understanding and self-discovery.

Connection with Nature: The natural setting, with the moonlight, motionless pines, and vast valleys, creates a serene yet profound backdrop. This connection emphasizes the relationship between the self and the universe, suggesting that nature holds secrets and wisdom awaiting revelation.

Encounter with the Divine: The presence of the twins, resembling angels, indicates a spiritual encounter. Their non-verbal communication through musical tones signifies a deeper understanding and connection with the divine, transcending words and traditional forms of communication.

Transformation and Renewal: The experience within the warmth of the stone and the interaction with the twins evokes feelings of transformation. The protagonist undergoes an internal change, suggesting that encounters with the divine can lead to a rebirth or renewal of spirit.

Eternal Youth and Spirit: The closing lines convey a sense of timelessness and the essence of creation. The idea that “we shall be forever young” points to the eternal nature of the spirit and the potential for perpetual growth and learning throughout one's journey.

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