Themes and Insights
The Great Father
God’s Ever-Present LoveGod is portrayed as always present, speaking through acts of love and truth, offering peace, joy, and freedom even in life’s darkest moments.
Endurance Through FaithThrough courage, prayer, and spiritual focus, believers are reminded to endure trials, trusting in God’s justice and the ultimate restoration of all that was lost.
The Revelation of True RealityA call to see beyond worldly suffering and oppression to the eternal truths of God’s Kingdom, where love, faith, and spirit triumph over darkness and lies.
The Power of Spiritual PerceptionTrue understanding, love, and connection with God are found by living through the spirit, which reveals truth, wisdom, and the fullness of life.
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The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth
Silence the doubtful mind
Cleanse the heart of selfish reason
Depart from the cry of the flesh
Give ear unto your spirit
Close the eye of what is seen
Shut the ear of man’s noise
Turn the heart to one’s own youth
That we may awaken what we are
That we may know what we become
For God is not unaware of us
Nor absent in our dwellings
With voice that speaks in all things
And acts of love all around us
That we may choose the holy path
Of our flesh are there pains
And the needs of life pursue us
Man sets a stage we master to live
Distracting from our actual selves
In darkness of the life that is our life
Yet of our spirit – it need be not so
Even in sorrow we may be at peace
Even in chains we may be free
Even in suffering may we make joy
Even in death we are born to life
For not one who sees with their spirit
Is ever alone in all their steps
Nor are the deaf alive in silence
As the voice of God speaks to them
Even the cripple do fly in God’s presence
As men we perceive such horror
The world around us burns with grief
Tyranny rules the tyrannical ruler
Where children sleep with no food
And the elderly pray for release
But in the hand of God
Is a different light within us
Our fears transform to faith
Our loss becomes a gain
Our emptiness is filled with love
All life is loved and cared for
And it is designed to honor you
Not of the flesh, but of the spirit
Does all matters of our path
Align with what we are to witness
Though the world produces chains
And steals all that was meant for you
It is they who are absent of treasure
As they see not beyond their bones
To the child of God within you
Yet all events are accounted for
And the thief will answer his works
What was lost will be returned to all
As he who gave will be given too
And he who took will be taken from
Listen again with spirit alone
So it is known I speak not of brothers
For the thief is a spirit of darkness
That oppressor rules our oppressors
And hides until he claims himself lord
As the children of God
Are meant for greatness
Not one will be denied the truth
Before all life will life be revealed
And before God shall we all present
Endure and endure the flesh
With courage and prayer always
For it often blinds our true self
With slave driving consuming tasks
Of the wicked master of foolishness
Ask God to feed instead your spirit
That eyes may open to the Kingdom
And ears may open to the truth
So that we can see what is hidden
And can accept what is truly offered
For all that we call wonderful
Has been given by God our Father
And all that we call beautiful
And everything that we find good
Is directly from God to us
So then know what is to be known
That we can worship the world
And prosper in its wickedness
That the world does hate God
And tries to punish they who are His
But God is far greater than the world
And Master even of the liar
Their time is short before the throne
As our realities become revealed
That our time with God is everlasting
So that when our spirits are fed
Are we too also then fed in body
And when our spirit is secure
So too is our flesh secure
That our needs are met always in both
For greater a need is to our spirit
Than that of our flesh which strives
And when our life is of our real self
So too are our bones blessed
For that is the fullness of God
As it is by spirit we see truth
And by spirit we hear wisdom
And by spirit we discover newness
And by spirit we understand love
And by spirit we know God
The flesh can only perceive the world
This is of a great truth
That God has always loved us
And desires that we may have life
That we may overcome our disability
Through His power that Is our life
Ryan o0o
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth
Silence the doubtful mind
Cleanse the heart of selfish reason
Depart from the cry of the flesh
Give ear unto your spirit
Close the eye of what is seen
Shut the ear of man’s noise
Turn the heart to one’s own youth
That we may awaken what we are
That we may know what we become
For God is not unaware of us
Nor absent in our dwellings
With voice that speaks in all things
And acts of love all around us
That we may choose the holy path
Of our flesh are there pains
And the needs of life pursue us
Man sets a stage we master to live
Distracting from our actual selves
In darkness of the life that is our life
Yet of our spirit – it need be not so
Even in sorrow we may be at peace
Even in chains we may be free
Even in suffering may we make joy
Even in death we are born to life
For not one who sees with their spirit
Is ever alone in all their steps
Nor are the deaf alive in silence
As the voice of God speaks to them
Even the cripple do fly in God’s presence
As men we perceive such horror
The world around us burns with grief
Tyranny rules the tyrannical ruler
Where children sleep with no food
And the elderly pray for release
But in the hand of God
Is a different light within us
Our fears transform to faith
Our loss becomes a gain
Our emptiness is filled with love
All life is loved and cared for
And it is designed to honor you
Not of the flesh, but of the spirit
Does all matters of our path
Align with what we are to witness
Though the world produces chains
And steals all that was meant for you
It is they who are absent of treasure
As they see not beyond their bones
To the child of God within you
Yet all events are accounted for
And the thief will answer his works
What was lost will be returned to all
As he who gave will be given too
And he who took will be taken from
Listen again with spirit alone
So it is known I speak not of brothers
For the thief is a spirit of darkness
That oppressor rules our oppressors
And hides until he claims himself lord
As the children of God
Are meant for greatness
Not one will be denied the truth
Before all life will life be revealed
And before God shall we all present
Endure and endure the flesh
With courage and prayer always
For it often blinds our true self
With slave driving consuming tasks
Of the wicked master of foolishness
Ask God to feed instead your spirit
That eyes may open to the Kingdom
And ears may open to the truth
So that we can see what is hidden
And can accept what is truly offered
For all that we call wonderful
Has been given by God our Father
And all that we call beautiful
And everything that we find good
Is directly from God to us
So then know what is to be known
That we can worship the world
And prosper in its wickedness
That the world does hate God
And tries to punish they who are His
But God is far greater than the world
And Master even of the liar
Their time is short before the throne
As our realities become revealed
That our time with God is everlasting
So that when our spirits are fed
Are we too also then fed in body
And when our spirit is secure
So too is our flesh secure
That our needs are met always in both
For greater a need is to our spirit
Than that of our flesh which strives
And when our life is of our real self
So too are our bones blessed
For that is the fullness of God
As it is by spirit we see truth
And by spirit we hear wisdom
And by spirit we discover newness
And by spirit we understand love
And by spirit we know God
The flesh can only perceive the world
This is of a great truth
That God has always loved us
And desires that we may have life
That we may overcome our disability
Through His power that Is our life
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
The Great Father
God’s Ever-Present LoveGod is portrayed as always present, speaking through acts of love and truth, offering peace, joy, and freedom even in life’s darkest moments.
Endurance Through FaithThrough courage, prayer, and spiritual focus, believers are reminded to endure trials, trusting in God’s justice and the ultimate restoration of all that was lost.
The Revelation of True RealityA call to see beyond worldly suffering and oppression to the eternal truths of God’s Kingdom, where love, faith, and spirit triumph over darkness and lies.
The Power of Spiritual PerceptionTrue understanding, love, and connection with God are found by living through the spirit, which reveals truth, wisdom, and the fullness of life.
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth
Silence the doubtful mind
Cleanse the heart of selfish reason
Depart from the cry of the flesh
Give ear unto your spirit
Close the eye of what is seen
Shut the ear of man’s noise
Turn the heart to one’s own youth
That we may awaken what we are
That we may know what we become
For God is not unaware of us
Nor absent in our dwellings
With voice that speaks in all things
And acts of love all around us
That we may choose the holy path
Of our flesh are there pains
And the needs of life pursue us
Man sets a stage we master to live
Distracting from our actual selves
In darkness of the life that is our life
Yet of our spirit – it need be not so
Even in sorrow we may be at peace
Even in chains we may be free
Even in suffering may we make joy
Even in death we are born to life
For not one who sees with their spirit
Is ever alone in all their steps
Nor are the deaf alive in silence
As the voice of God speaks to them
Even the cripple do fly in God’s presence
As men we perceive such horror
The world around us burns with grief
Tyranny rules the tyrannical ruler
Where children sleep with no food
And the elderly pray for release
But in the hand of God
Is a different light within us
Our fears transform to faith
Our loss becomes a gain
Our emptiness is filled with love
All life is loved and cared for
And it is designed to honor you
Not of the flesh, but of the spirit
Does all matters of our path
Align with what we are to witness
Though the world produces chains
And steals all that was meant for you
It is they who are absent of treasure
As they see not beyond their bones
To the child of God within you
Yet all events are accounted for
And the thief will answer his works
What was lost will be returned to all
As he who gave will be given too
And he who took will be taken from
Listen again with spirit alone
So it is known I speak not of brothers
For the thief is a spirit of darkness
That oppressor rules our oppressors
And hides until he claims himself lord
As the children of God
Are meant for greatness
Not one will be denied the truth
Before all life will life be revealed
And before God shall we all present
Endure and endure the flesh
With courage and prayer always
For it often blinds our true self
With slave driving consuming tasks
Of the wicked master of foolishness
Ask God to feed instead your spirit
That eyes may open to the Kingdom
And ears may open to the truth
So that we can see what is hidden
And can accept what is truly offered
For all that we call wonderful
Has been given by God our Father
And all that we call beautiful
And everything that we find good
Is directly from God to us
So then know what is to be known
That we can worship the world
And prosper in its wickedness
That the world does hate God
And tries to punish they who are His
But God is far greater than the world
And Master even of the liar
Their time is short before the throne
As our realities become revealed
That our time with God is everlasting
So that when our spirits are fed
Are we too also then fed in body
And when our spirit is secure
So too is our flesh secure
That our needs are met always in both
For greater a need is to our spirit
Than that of our flesh which strives
And when our life is of our real self
So too are our bones blessed
For that is the fullness of God
As it is by spirit we see truth
And by spirit we hear wisdom
And by spirit we discover newness
And by spirit we understand love
And by spirit we know God
The flesh can only perceive the world
This is of a great truth
That God has always loved us
And desires that we may have life
That we may overcome our disability
Through His power that Is our life
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
The Great Father
God’s Ever-Present LoveGod is portrayed as always present, speaking through acts of love and truth, offering peace, joy, and freedom even in life’s darkest moments.
Endurance Through FaithThrough courage, prayer, and spiritual focus, believers are reminded to endure trials, trusting in God’s justice and the ultimate restoration of all that was lost.
The Revelation of True RealityA call to see beyond worldly suffering and oppression to the eternal truths of God’s Kingdom, where love, faith, and spirit triumph over darkness and lies.
The Power of Spiritual PerceptionTrue understanding, love, and connection with God are found by living through the spirit, which reveals truth, wisdom, and the fullness of life.