Themes and Insights
Predator – Harraparia
The Predator’s True Nature – The beast is beyond human comprehension, feared by many yet misunderstood by all. Those who claim to master it unknowingly serve it.
Awakening to Truth and Life – While many are lost in deception, those who speak truth without fear awaken others to the reality of abundant life, even in a dark world.
The Coming Restoration and Peace – Despite the chaos, there remains an unshaken foundation of truth. Awareness, love, and unity will restore balance, reuniting those who seek peace.
The Triumph of Light Over Darkness – The true Champion arrives, bringing sight to the blind and wisdom to the humble. The predator fears the light, for in truth, it is the one exposed and powerless before God.
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Predator – Harraparia
All that the eye can see,
Sees not what it once observed
All that the ear can hear
Hears not what it previously heard
All of the works once done
Act not as they formerly completed
All that the soul does touch
Feels not as the prior sense
Witness the will of the betrayer of life
That great maligner and shrouded one
Where the Church overtaken
By the spurious tolerance
And the Authority overtaken
By worthless greed spoken as justice
And the Parent overtaken
By invalid knowledge
And the world overtaken
By a darkness calling itself light
That we would see even they who see
See not
Pouring the filth of terror into all the world
That their blindness lead the fearful
To the very place they dread!
That we would see even they who warn
Without fear
Pouring heart and spirit into their word
That their care for another does awaken
To the very place they hope to go!
But all eyes on the Predator!
As by design its very desire!
Something is amiss!
Fools we are
As we cannot help but ask
What happened to our world?
Yet what we know is not what it is!
As it is a thing man cannot fathom!
Nor is it a power man can withstand!
Neither is it a being man can contend!
Truly they who love the idea of the beast
Know not at all what they love
And they who fear their idea of the beast
know not at all what they fear
And they who with pride speak of the beast
As if they know the limits of the beast
And are as conquerers of the beast
Surely speak for the dragon who sent them!
For truly again only what is greater than it
Can take away that which is greater than us
Witness – but do not marvel
Warn – but do not frighten
Experience – but do not fear
For it is a far better thing
To remind of all things perfected
And a majestic thing it is
To speak of what is Life abundantly found
Even in the world of darkness
As the dead chase the dead to avoid death
So too do the living embrace the living in life
Even to the dead
Do they share life they have been given
As mystery after mystery unfolds
Adding layer to layer of our uncertainty
Many things will be found to remain
As they were – even better
Clearer shall they become
Of what has changed not
But grew – and made known to us
That our awareness does bring comfort
And a balance even to our spirits
Not alone will we experience this
But shared also with others
That our security be made sure
Brother will find brother again
And Friend will find Friend
Anew and New alike
Love will find Love again
And peace will dwell with peace
We will know what is ours
And what is not
We will find no need to fight
Nor find a desire to make war
But in our poverty of the world
Is there an abundance of Life on earth
Witnessed, discovered, awakened and revealed
For the Actual Champion
Arrives quickly and swiftly
Even now in Living Spirit among many
Which is the greater life
Not hidden, not forbidden, not hindered
But free, available and profound
Opening eyes to they who desire to see
Opening ears to they desiring to hear
Opening hearts to they desiring to love
Opening truth to they desiring peace
Even wisdom to they who are humble
and power to they who are powerless
Of this there is no fear
For it is the predator
Who lurks in the dark
And fearful of the light
That it be exposed of all it deceived
But the Light of God
Exposes all that is true reality
And the revelation of Life
That is the very purpose
Of our existence even now
Fear not – but rejoice.
Ryan o0o
Predator – Harraparia
All that the eye can see,
Sees not what it once observed
All that the ear can hear
Hears not what it previously heard
All of the works once done
Act not as they formerly completed
All that the soul does touch
Feels not as the prior sense
Witness the will of the betrayer of life
That great maligner and shrouded one
Where the Church overtaken
By the spurious tolerance
And the Authority overtaken
By worthless greed spoken as justice
And the Parent overtaken
By invalid knowledge
And the world overtaken
By a darkness calling itself light
That we would see even they who see
See not
Pouring the filth of terror into all the world
That their blindness lead the fearful
To the very place they dread!
That we would see even they who warn
Without fear
Pouring heart and spirit into their word
That their care for another does awaken
To the very place they hope to go!
But all eyes on the Predator!
As by design its very desire!
Something is amiss!
Fools we are
As we cannot help but ask
What happened to our world?
Yet what we know is not what it is!
As it is a thing man cannot fathom!
Nor is it a power man can withstand!
Neither is it a being man can contend!
Truly they who love the idea of the beast
Know not at all what they love
And they who fear their idea of the beast
know not at all what they fear
And they who with pride speak of the beast
As if they know the limits of the beast
And are as conquerers of the beast
Surely speak for the dragon who sent them!
For truly again only what is greater than it
Can take away that which is greater than us
Witness – but do not marvel
Warn – but do not frighten
Experience – but do not fear
For it is a far better thing
To remind of all things perfected
And a majestic thing it is
To speak of what is Life abundantly found
Even in the world of darkness
As the dead chase the dead to avoid death
So too do the living embrace the living in life
Even to the dead
Do they share life they have been given
As mystery after mystery unfolds
Adding layer to layer of our uncertainty
Many things will be found to remain
As they were – even better
Clearer shall they become
Of what has changed not
But grew – and made known to us
That our awareness does bring comfort
And a balance even to our spirits
Not alone will we experience this
But shared also with others
That our security be made sure
Brother will find brother again
And Friend will find Friend
Anew and New alike
Love will find Love again
And peace will dwell with peace
We will know what is ours
And what is not
We will find no need to fight
Nor find a desire to make war
But in our poverty of the world
Is there an abundance of Life on earth
Witnessed, discovered, awakened and revealed
For the Actual Champion
Arrives quickly and swiftly
Even now in Living Spirit among many
Which is the greater life
Not hidden, not forbidden, not hindered
But free, available and profound
Opening eyes to they who desire to see
Opening ears to they desiring to hear
Opening hearts to they desiring to love
Opening truth to they desiring peace
Even wisdom to they who are humble
and power to they who are powerless
Of this there is no fear
For it is the predator
Who lurks in the dark
And fearful of the light
That it be exposed of all it deceived
But the Light of God
Exposes all that is true reality
And the revelation of Life
That is the very purpose
Of our existence even now
Fear not – but rejoice.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Predator – Harraparia
The Predator’s True Nature – The beast is beyond human comprehension, feared by many yet misunderstood by all. Those who claim to master it unknowingly serve it.
Awakening to Truth and Life – While many are lost in deception, those who speak truth without fear awaken others to the reality of abundant life, even in a dark world.
The Coming Restoration and Peace – Despite the chaos, there remains an unshaken foundation of truth. Awareness, love, and unity will restore balance, reuniting those who seek peace.
The Triumph of Light Over Darkness – The true Champion arrives, bringing sight to the blind and wisdom to the humble. The predator fears the light, for in truth, it is the one exposed and powerless before God.
Predator – Harraparia
All that the eye can see,
Sees not what it once observed
All that the ear can hear
Hears not what it previously heard
All of the works once done
Act not as they formerly completed
All that the soul does touch
Feels not as the prior sense
Witness the will of the betrayer of life
That great maligner and shrouded one
Where the Church overtaken
By the spurious tolerance
And the Authority overtaken
By worthless greed spoken as justice
And the Parent overtaken
By invalid knowledge
And the world overtaken
By a darkness calling itself light
That we would see even they who see
See not
Pouring the filth of terror into all the world
That their blindness lead the fearful
To the very place they dread!
That we would see even they who warn
Without fear
Pouring heart and spirit into their word
That their care for another does awaken
To the very place they hope to go!
But all eyes on the Predator!
As by design its very desire!
Something is amiss!
Fools we are
As we cannot help but ask
What happened to our world?
Yet what we know is not what it is!
As it is a thing man cannot fathom!
Nor is it a power man can withstand!
Neither is it a being man can contend!
Truly they who love the idea of the beast
Know not at all what they love
And they who fear their idea of the beast
know not at all what they fear
And they who with pride speak of the beast
As if they know the limits of the beast
And are as conquerers of the beast
Surely speak for the dragon who sent them!
For truly again only what is greater than it
Can take away that which is greater than us
Witness – but do not marvel
Warn – but do not frighten
Experience – but do not fear
For it is a far better thing
To remind of all things perfected
And a majestic thing it is
To speak of what is Life abundantly found
Even in the world of darkness
As the dead chase the dead to avoid death
So too do the living embrace the living in life
Even to the dead
Do they share life they have been given
As mystery after mystery unfolds
Adding layer to layer of our uncertainty
Many things will be found to remain
As they were – even better
Clearer shall they become
Of what has changed not
But grew – and made known to us
That our awareness does bring comfort
And a balance even to our spirits
Not alone will we experience this
But shared also with others
That our security be made sure
Brother will find brother again
And Friend will find Friend
Anew and New alike
Love will find Love again
And peace will dwell with peace
We will know what is ours
And what is not
We will find no need to fight
Nor find a desire to make war
But in our poverty of the world
Is there an abundance of Life on earth
Witnessed, discovered, awakened and revealed
For the Actual Champion
Arrives quickly and swiftly
Even now in Living Spirit among many
Which is the greater life
Not hidden, not forbidden, not hindered
But free, available and profound
Opening eyes to they who desire to see
Opening ears to they desiring to hear
Opening hearts to they desiring to love
Opening truth to they desiring peace
Even wisdom to they who are humble
and power to they who are powerless
Of this there is no fear
For it is the predator
Who lurks in the dark
And fearful of the light
That it be exposed of all it deceived
But the Light of God
Exposes all that is true reality
And the revelation of Life
That is the very purpose
Of our existence even now
Fear not – but rejoice.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Predator – Harraparia
The Predator’s True Nature – The beast is beyond human comprehension, feared by many yet misunderstood by all. Those who claim to master it unknowingly serve it.
Awakening to Truth and Life – While many are lost in deception, those who speak truth without fear awaken others to the reality of abundant life, even in a dark world.
The Coming Restoration and Peace – Despite the chaos, there remains an unshaken foundation of truth. Awareness, love, and unity will restore balance, reuniting those who seek peace.
The Triumph of Light Over Darkness – The true Champion arrives, bringing sight to the blind and wisdom to the humble. The predator fears the light, for in truth, it is the one exposed and powerless before God.