Themes and Insights
Multiverse of Mankind
The Nature of Man’s StrugglesThe poem reflects on the societal struggles we face, such as greed, violence, and wickedness, pointing out that these are not inherently created by mankind, but rather by external influences that have distorted humanity’s true nature.
The Power of Choice and ResponsibilityThe piece highlights the power of choice in breaking free from oppressive systems, recognizing that we must choose truth, love, and peace to overcome the darkness and deception imposed on us.
The Importance of Compassion and UnderstandingCompassion is a recurring theme, emphasizing that by understanding the suffering and struggles of others, we can see beyond surface-level judgments and find unity and healing.
The Ultimate Victory of Life and TruthThe poem concludes with the powerful assertion that life, love, peace, and truth are eternal and ultimately triumph over death, hate, division, and lies. It emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the ultimate power of spiritual choice.
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Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips
The curtain is drawn back
The realm of the wake do sleep
While the valley of rest does awaken
Oh that man could see with eyes
The shadow of his knowledge
The deception of his understanding
And the folly of his wisdom
For what in mind as beautiful
Is twisted delusion of projection
And that called ugly and perverse
Is sacred and wonderful
For they who by proclamation of purity
Do so hide their afflicted desire
While they before us as fallen
Humbly renounce the lies before them
As man calls darkness holy
And holiness he does mock
Knowing not who taught them
Understanding not from where it comes
For man does accuse man
As creator of injustice and wrath
As creator of greed and violence
As creator of perverseness and wickedness
He is not
As we are but puppets
Before the lord of darkness
Do we not know
That when we see another villain
He has been abused by villainy?
Do we not know
That when we see another’s wrath
He has been abused by wrath?
Do we not know
That when we see another steal
He has been stolen from?
Before our time was goodness made
Before our time was evil made
Man has made neither of these
Nor can any man master them
The principles of life and death
Are not made by man
Nor altered by man in any way
Indeed it has always been the same
Since the beginning of us
It has not changed one jot
Do we not know
That when we see another who gives
He has been given to?
Do we not know
That when we see another forgive
He has been forgiven also?
Do we not know
That when we see another love
That he has been loved?
What man can give
What he has not himself?
What man can take
What he has already?
For our enemy is not ourselves
But that which has enslaved us
In lies and false reality
And false doctrine and law
For our enemy is not our brother
But he who has twisted our brother
And turned our brothers from us
And taught our family death
As though it was life
And life as though it is death
Powerful is our foe
As he has convinced us
That we are him
Puffing our pride
And hardening our heart
So that we believe our way is good
When we punish and harm and condemn
Our brothers
Powerful is our enemy
For he has provided for us
Gold and silver and trinkets
Puffing our pride
And hardening our heart
So that we believe ourselves right
When we burden and starve and kill
Our own brothers
Powerful is our oppressor
For he has taken the spiritless
And promoted his own spirit
Within them – within us all
As each and every man must face
As each and every one must choose
So know this, and know this well
The realm of life is truth and love
With eyes that see and know of it
The realm of darkness is fear
And no eye there can see the truth
More powerful is life
For life lives, while death dies
More powerful is love
For love grows, while hate divides
More powerful is peace
For peace creates, while war destroys
More powerful is truth
For truth reveals, while lies conceal
More powerful is forgiveness
Forgiveness bonds a broken link
While judgment breaks the chain
More powerful is humility
For humility empowers eternity
While pride empowers oblivion
More powerful is faith
For faith provides hope
While performance denies it
More powerful is kindness
For kindness creates love
While a critical soul creates sorrow
More powerful is our God
For He made both light and dark
That we may know and see
That we may experience and measure
That we may rise and fall
That we may discover and discard
That we may also be sovereign
That we may discern and choose
That we may become His children
For we cannot – without choice
No our enemy is not each other
Nor is God our oppressor in any way
Indeed they who condemn a brother
In God’s name – know not God at all
But he who is as our own Judas
Does play his role to deceive
And He Who is our true Lord
Does reveal our deception
So that we may choose spirit over flesh
And eternal life over eternal death
Ryan o0o
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips
The curtain is drawn back
The realm of the wake do sleep
While the valley of rest does awaken
Oh that man could see with eyes
The shadow of his knowledge
The deception of his understanding
And the folly of his wisdom
For what in mind as beautiful
Is twisted delusion of projection
And that called ugly and perverse
Is sacred and wonderful
For they who by proclamation of purity
Do so hide their afflicted desire
While they before us as fallen
Humbly renounce the lies before them
As man calls darkness holy
And holiness he does mock
Knowing not who taught them
Understanding not from where it comes
For man does accuse man
As creator of injustice and wrath
As creator of greed and violence
As creator of perverseness and wickedness
He is not
As we are but puppets
Before the lord of darkness
Do we not know
That when we see another villain
He has been abused by villainy?
Do we not know
That when we see another’s wrath
He has been abused by wrath?
Do we not know
That when we see another steal
He has been stolen from?
Before our time was goodness made
Before our time was evil made
Man has made neither of these
Nor can any man master them
The principles of life and death
Are not made by man
Nor altered by man in any way
Indeed it has always been the same
Since the beginning of us
It has not changed one jot
Do we not know
That when we see another who gives
He has been given to?
Do we not know
That when we see another forgive
He has been forgiven also?
Do we not know
That when we see another love
That he has been loved?
What man can give
What he has not himself?
What man can take
What he has already?
For our enemy is not ourselves
But that which has enslaved us
In lies and false reality
And false doctrine and law
For our enemy is not our brother
But he who has twisted our brother
And turned our brothers from us
And taught our family death
As though it was life
And life as though it is death
Powerful is our foe
As he has convinced us
That we are him
Puffing our pride
And hardening our heart
So that we believe our way is good
When we punish and harm and condemn
Our brothers
Powerful is our enemy
For he has provided for us
Gold and silver and trinkets
Puffing our pride
And hardening our heart
So that we believe ourselves right
When we burden and starve and kill
Our own brothers
Powerful is our oppressor
For he has taken the spiritless
And promoted his own spirit
Within them – within us all
As each and every man must face
As each and every one must choose
So know this, and know this well
The realm of life is truth and love
With eyes that see and know of it
The realm of darkness is fear
And no eye there can see the truth
More powerful is life
For life lives, while death dies
More powerful is love
For love grows, while hate divides
More powerful is peace
For peace creates, while war destroys
More powerful is truth
For truth reveals, while lies conceal
More powerful is forgiveness
Forgiveness bonds a broken link
While judgment breaks the chain
More powerful is humility
For humility empowers eternity
While pride empowers oblivion
More powerful is faith
For faith provides hope
While performance denies it
More powerful is kindness
For kindness creates love
While a critical soul creates sorrow
More powerful is our God
For He made both light and dark
That we may know and see
That we may experience and measure
That we may rise and fall
That we may discover and discard
That we may also be sovereign
That we may discern and choose
That we may become His children
For we cannot – without choice
No our enemy is not each other
Nor is God our oppressor in any way
Indeed they who condemn a brother
In God’s name – know not God at all
But he who is as our own Judas
Does play his role to deceive
And He Who is our true Lord
Does reveal our deception
So that we may choose spirit over flesh
And eternal life over eternal death
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Multiverse of Mankind
The Nature of Man’s StrugglesThe poem reflects on the societal struggles we face, such as greed, violence, and wickedness, pointing out that these are not inherently created by mankind, but rather by external influences that have distorted humanity’s true nature.
The Power of Choice and ResponsibilityThe piece highlights the power of choice in breaking free from oppressive systems, recognizing that we must choose truth, love, and peace to overcome the darkness and deception imposed on us.
The Importance of Compassion and UnderstandingCompassion is a recurring theme, emphasizing that by understanding the suffering and struggles of others, we can see beyond surface-level judgments and find unity and healing.
The Ultimate Victory of Life and TruthThe poem concludes with the powerful assertion that life, love, peace, and truth are eternal and ultimately triumph over death, hate, division, and lies. It emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the ultimate power of spiritual choice.
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips
The curtain is drawn back
The realm of the wake do sleep
While the valley of rest does awaken
Oh that man could see with eyes
The shadow of his knowledge
The deception of his understanding
And the folly of his wisdom
For what in mind as beautiful
Is twisted delusion of projection
And that called ugly and perverse
Is sacred and wonderful
For they who by proclamation of purity
Do so hide their afflicted desire
While they before us as fallen
Humbly renounce the lies before them
As man calls darkness holy
And holiness he does mock
Knowing not who taught them
Understanding not from where it comes
For man does accuse man
As creator of injustice and wrath
As creator of greed and violence
As creator of perverseness and wickedness
He is not
As we are but puppets
Before the lord of darkness
Do we not know
That when we see another villain
He has been abused by villainy?
Do we not know
That when we see another’s wrath
He has been abused by wrath?
Do we not know
That when we see another steal
He has been stolen from?
Before our time was goodness made
Before our time was evil made
Man has made neither of these
Nor can any man master them
The principles of life and death
Are not made by man
Nor altered by man in any way
Indeed it has always been the same
Since the beginning of us
It has not changed one jot
Do we not know
That when we see another who gives
He has been given to?
Do we not know
That when we see another forgive
He has been forgiven also?
Do we not know
That when we see another love
That he has been loved?
What man can give
What he has not himself?
What man can take
What he has already?
For our enemy is not ourselves
But that which has enslaved us
In lies and false reality
And false doctrine and law
For our enemy is not our brother
But he who has twisted our brother
And turned our brothers from us
And taught our family death
As though it was life
And life as though it is death
Powerful is our foe
As he has convinced us
That we are him
Puffing our pride
And hardening our heart
So that we believe our way is good
When we punish and harm and condemn
Our brothers
Powerful is our enemy
For he has provided for us
Gold and silver and trinkets
Puffing our pride
And hardening our heart
So that we believe ourselves right
When we burden and starve and kill
Our own brothers
Powerful is our oppressor
For he has taken the spiritless
And promoted his own spirit
Within them – within us all
As each and every man must face
As each and every one must choose
So know this, and know this well
The realm of life is truth and love
With eyes that see and know of it
The realm of darkness is fear
And no eye there can see the truth
More powerful is life
For life lives, while death dies
More powerful is love
For love grows, while hate divides
More powerful is peace
For peace creates, while war destroys
More powerful is truth
For truth reveals, while lies conceal
More powerful is forgiveness
Forgiveness bonds a broken link
While judgment breaks the chain
More powerful is humility
For humility empowers eternity
While pride empowers oblivion
More powerful is faith
For faith provides hope
While performance denies it
More powerful is kindness
For kindness creates love
While a critical soul creates sorrow
More powerful is our God
For He made both light and dark
That we may know and see
That we may experience and measure
That we may rise and fall
That we may discover and discard
That we may also be sovereign
That we may discern and choose
That we may become His children
For we cannot – without choice
No our enemy is not each other
Nor is God our oppressor in any way
Indeed they who condemn a brother
In God’s name – know not God at all
But he who is as our own Judas
Does play his role to deceive
And He Who is our true Lord
Does reveal our deception
So that we may choose spirit over flesh
And eternal life over eternal death
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Multiverse of Mankind
The Nature of Man’s StrugglesThe poem reflects on the societal struggles we face, such as greed, violence, and wickedness, pointing out that these are not inherently created by mankind, but rather by external influences that have distorted humanity’s true nature.
The Power of Choice and ResponsibilityThe piece highlights the power of choice in breaking free from oppressive systems, recognizing that we must choose truth, love, and peace to overcome the darkness and deception imposed on us.
The Importance of Compassion and UnderstandingCompassion is a recurring theme, emphasizing that by understanding the suffering and struggles of others, we can see beyond surface-level judgments and find unity and healing.
The Ultimate Victory of Life and TruthThe poem concludes with the powerful assertion that life, love, peace, and truth are eternal and ultimately triumph over death, hate, division, and lies. It emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the ultimate power of spiritual choice.