Themes and Insights

Just for the Moment

The Illusion of Permanence Throughout life, we believe certain moments, relationships, and experiences will last forever. But time moves forward, and everything inevitably changes.

The Struggle to Let Go Many try to recreate the past or cling to memories, fearing the unknown. This resistance to change can keep us emotionally, mentally, or spiritually stuck.

The Power of Experience Both joyous and painful moments shape who we are. Each phase of life serves a purpose, teaching us lessons that become clear only in hindsight.

The Trap of Wasted Time Instead of embracing the present, people often distract themselves with trivial concerns—complaining, gossiping, or dwelling on the past—missing the beauty of the now.

The Truth of the Present Moment Life is meant to be lived in the moment. The past is our teacher, the future is our guide, but the only place where we truly exist is now—which is the essence of everlasting life in God.

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Just for the Moment

We thought it would never end
Those days of our youth
When Father and Mother would direct
And our siblings would play
While Dad would sweat in the garden
As Mom cleaned all our mess
And sister would get us all singing
When brother would dream of a great bike

We thought it would never end
As School became a parody
Those movies reflected our lives
And we dreamed of the lime lighted stage
Laughing and joking and chasing girls
Surfs up dude, get your board
Spring break was for us, all hell breaks lose
And the memories dare never fade

We thought it would never end
That time we finally left home
Making friends who jammed music so loud
Drinking days upon night upon week
Confident it all was created for us
We could never fail in all we desired
Adventure was made of every choice
And the best of the best was found there

We thought it would never end
As we built our most coveted legacy
Knowing legends and posers and in-betweens
Falling short in every success
Gaining ground in every failure
Wasting time doing nothing, wasting love doing damage
Making music like never before
All in the days we shall never see again

We thought it would never end
As we took vows to settle our angst
Seeking safety and security in bonds to others
Hoping life would reward our good choice
Finding peace and ideas and lifelong brothers
Exploring realms of the mysteries unknown
Snapshots of moments recall in our dreams
Of the end we never saw coming

We thought it would never end
As experience finally paid off
So that courage awakened our personal truth
By the lessons of those we had loved
But those ghosts of the past grow louder with time
Where only humility may be found to answer
And change may be done to amend
As everything becomes what it wasn’t

We thought it would never end
When all that we lost was revealed
Where the horrors of the heart could not be silenced
So that acceptance must dawn within
With courage our only path left to take
And honesty the only way that is right
As we now see forever and ever
That all things have always come to an end


Each and every one of us has been blessed with experiences no one will ever have but us. Many of our moments are terribly painful and horrible and tragic, and many of our moments are blissful and wonderful and purposeful. Yet for all of us, they are but moments – and then they move on, never to be seen again. Also for us all, they are truly ours alone, even when shared with others.

We humans often try to recreate those moments, and hang onto those moments which have passed into memory. Sometimes we go to great lengths, even destroying our own lives in order to rebuild something we had before. Some of us never grow up emotionally, mentally or spiritually, in one area of our psyche or another, simply because we don’t want to lose that golden sensation of what we believe to be the best of what we have.

This I believe to be a cornerstone of human experience, a foundation of our awareness of time and its affect upon our fears, wants, hopes, dreams and needs. We needed those passages of time then, would it not make some self-appealing sense we also need them now? Why would we not wish to hold on to them all for dear life? We needed our parents, our friends, our education in life, our first steps into the world, our failures and our successes, our relationships, our mistakes, our wrongs and our rights, our revelations and our choices.

But they don’t last do they? And often we learn too late that we should have let go of the time, as the time went by and let go of us. Why does it feel intimidating to most of us to step into the unknown, when it was each new unknown that gave us those times we thought would never end? And how is it that while there in those moments, we so often forget to relish every second, and embrace every good thing we can before it passes?

Instead many of us babble on about nonsense, and create drama about nothing, and judge life and others in idle chatter to pass the time… as if THIS time is worthless to us because of those OTHER good times we had that we thought would never end?

I remember the moments of my life where I did live in that moment and did cherish its value to my existence, regardless if it was a moment of pain, or a moment of greatness. They which are not recalled, are of those where I did waste in idle longing for the past, and the future.

But this is what both choices had shown to me – that the past is my teacher and comforter, and the future is my lesson and hope.

And this, that I should learn even now what has ALWAYS been revealed while I ignored… To Live in the Moment, now. That is where I exists, and that is the everlasting Life of God.

Ryan o0o

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Just for the Moment

We thought it would never end
Those days of our youth
When Father and Mother would direct
And our siblings would play
While Dad would sweat in the garden
As Mom cleaned all our mess
And sister would get us all singing
When brother would dream of a great bike

We thought it would never end
As School became a parody
Those movies reflected our lives
And we dreamed of the lime lighted stage
Laughing and joking and chasing girls
Surfs up dude, get your board
Spring break was for us, all hell breaks lose
And the memories dare never fade

We thought it would never end
That time we finally left home
Making friends who jammed music so loud
Drinking days upon night upon week
Confident it all was created for us
We could never fail in all we desired
Adventure was made of every choice
And the best of the best was found there

We thought it would never end
As we built our most coveted legacy
Knowing legends and posers and in-betweens
Falling short in every success
Gaining ground in every failure
Wasting time doing nothing, wasting love doing damage
Making music like never before
All in the days we shall never see again

We thought it would never end
As we took vows to settle our angst
Seeking safety and security in bonds to others
Hoping life would reward our good choice
Finding peace and ideas and lifelong brothers
Exploring realms of the mysteries unknown
Snapshots of moments recall in our dreams
Of the end we never saw coming

We thought it would never end
As experience finally paid off
So that courage awakened our personal truth
By the lessons of those we had loved
But those ghosts of the past grow louder with time
Where only humility may be found to answer
And change may be done to amend
As everything becomes what it wasn’t

We thought it would never end
When all that we lost was revealed
Where the horrors of the heart could not be silenced
So that acceptance must dawn within
With courage our only path left to take
And honesty the only way that is right
As we now see forever and ever
That all things have always come to an end


Each and every one of us has been blessed with experiences no one will ever have but us. Many of our moments are terribly painful and horrible and tragic, and many of our moments are blissful and wonderful and purposeful. Yet for all of us, they are but moments – and then they move on, never to be seen again. Also for us all, they are truly ours alone, even when shared with others.

We humans often try to recreate those moments, and hang onto those moments which have passed into memory. Sometimes we go to great lengths, even destroying our own lives in order to rebuild something we had before. Some of us never grow up emotionally, mentally or spiritually, in one area of our psyche or another, simply because we don’t want to lose that golden sensation of what we believe to be the best of what we have.

This I believe to be a cornerstone of human experience, a foundation of our awareness of time and its affect upon our fears, wants, hopes, dreams and needs. We needed those passages of time then, would it not make some self-appealing sense we also need them now? Why would we not wish to hold on to them all for dear life? We needed our parents, our friends, our education in life, our first steps into the world, our failures and our successes, our relationships, our mistakes, our wrongs and our rights, our revelations and our choices.

But they don’t last do they? And often we learn too late that we should have let go of the time, as the time went by and let go of us. Why does it feel intimidating to most of us to step into the unknown, when it was each new unknown that gave us those times we thought would never end? And how is it that while there in those moments, we so often forget to relish every second, and embrace every good thing we can before it passes?

Instead many of us babble on about nonsense, and create drama about nothing, and judge life and others in idle chatter to pass the time… as if THIS time is worthless to us because of those OTHER good times we had that we thought would never end?

I remember the moments of my life where I did live in that moment and did cherish its value to my existence, regardless if it was a moment of pain, or a moment of greatness. They which are not recalled, are of those where I did waste in idle longing for the past, and the future.

But this is what both choices had shown to me – that the past is my teacher and comforter, and the future is my lesson and hope.

And this, that I should learn even now what has ALWAYS been revealed while I ignored… To Live in the Moment, now. That is where I exists, and that is the everlasting Life of God.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Just for the Moment

The Illusion of Permanence Throughout life, we believe certain moments, relationships, and experiences will last forever. But time moves forward, and everything inevitably changes.

The Struggle to Let Go Many try to recreate the past or cling to memories, fearing the unknown. This resistance to change can keep us emotionally, mentally, or spiritually stuck.

The Power of Experience Both joyous and painful moments shape who we are. Each phase of life serves a purpose, teaching us lessons that become clear only in hindsight.

The Trap of Wasted Time Instead of embracing the present, people often distract themselves with trivial concerns—complaining, gossiping, or dwelling on the past—missing the beauty of the now.

The Truth of the Present Moment Life is meant to be lived in the moment. The past is our teacher, the future is our guide, but the only place where we truly exist is now—which is the essence of everlasting life in God.

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Just for the Moment

We thought it would never end
Those days of our youth
When Father and Mother would direct
And our siblings would play
While Dad would sweat in the garden
As Mom cleaned all our mess
And sister would get us all singing
When brother would dream of a great bike

We thought it would never end
As School became a parody
Those movies reflected our lives
And we dreamed of the lime lighted stage
Laughing and joking and chasing girls
Surfs up dude, get your board
Spring break was for us, all hell breaks lose
And the memories dare never fade

We thought it would never end
That time we finally left home
Making friends who jammed music so loud
Drinking days upon night upon week
Confident it all was created for us
We could never fail in all we desired
Adventure was made of every choice
And the best of the best was found there

We thought it would never end
As we built our most coveted legacy
Knowing legends and posers and in-betweens
Falling short in every success
Gaining ground in every failure
Wasting time doing nothing, wasting love doing damage
Making music like never before
All in the days we shall never see again

We thought it would never end
As we took vows to settle our angst
Seeking safety and security in bonds to others
Hoping life would reward our good choice
Finding peace and ideas and lifelong brothers
Exploring realms of the mysteries unknown
Snapshots of moments recall in our dreams
Of the end we never saw coming

We thought it would never end
As experience finally paid off
So that courage awakened our personal truth
By the lessons of those we had loved
But those ghosts of the past grow louder with time
Where only humility may be found to answer
And change may be done to amend
As everything becomes what it wasn’t

We thought it would never end
When all that we lost was revealed
Where the horrors of the heart could not be silenced
So that acceptance must dawn within
With courage our only path left to take
And honesty the only way that is right
As we now see forever and ever
That all things have always come to an end


Each and every one of us has been blessed with experiences no one will ever have but us. Many of our moments are terribly painful and horrible and tragic, and many of our moments are blissful and wonderful and purposeful. Yet for all of us, they are but moments – and then they move on, never to be seen again. Also for us all, they are truly ours alone, even when shared with others.

We humans often try to recreate those moments, and hang onto those moments which have passed into memory. Sometimes we go to great lengths, even destroying our own lives in order to rebuild something we had before. Some of us never grow up emotionally, mentally or spiritually, in one area of our psyche or another, simply because we don’t want to lose that golden sensation of what we believe to be the best of what we have.

This I believe to be a cornerstone of human experience, a foundation of our awareness of time and its affect upon our fears, wants, hopes, dreams and needs. We needed those passages of time then, would it not make some self-appealing sense we also need them now? Why would we not wish to hold on to them all for dear life? We needed our parents, our friends, our education in life, our first steps into the world, our failures and our successes, our relationships, our mistakes, our wrongs and our rights, our revelations and our choices.

But they don’t last do they? And often we learn too late that we should have let go of the time, as the time went by and let go of us. Why does it feel intimidating to most of us to step into the unknown, when it was each new unknown that gave us those times we thought would never end? And how is it that while there in those moments, we so often forget to relish every second, and embrace every good thing we can before it passes?

Instead many of us babble on about nonsense, and create drama about nothing, and judge life and others in idle chatter to pass the time… as if THIS time is worthless to us because of those OTHER good times we had that we thought would never end?

I remember the moments of my life where I did live in that moment and did cherish its value to my existence, regardless if it was a moment of pain, or a moment of greatness. They which are not recalled, are of those where I did waste in idle longing for the past, and the future.

But this is what both choices had shown to me – that the past is my teacher and comforter, and the future is my lesson and hope.

And this, that I should learn even now what has ALWAYS been revealed while I ignored… To Live in the Moment, now. That is where I exists, and that is the everlasting Life of God.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Just for the Moment

The Illusion of Permanence Throughout life, we believe certain moments, relationships, and experiences will last forever. But time moves forward, and everything inevitably changes.

The Struggle to Let Go Many try to recreate the past or cling to memories, fearing the unknown. This resistance to change can keep us emotionally, mentally, or spiritually stuck.

The Power of Experience Both joyous and painful moments shape who we are. Each phase of life serves a purpose, teaching us lessons that become clear only in hindsight.

The Trap of Wasted Time Instead of embracing the present, people often distract themselves with trivial concerns—complaining, gossiping, or dwelling on the past—missing the beauty of the now.

The Truth of the Present Moment Life is meant to be lived in the moment. The past is our teacher, the future is our guide, but the only place where we truly exist is now—which is the essence of everlasting life in God.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

