Themes and Insights
God’s Table
Truth vs. Deception Those who live in lies are blind to righteousness, whereas those who seek truth gain clarity and understanding. Judgment by worldly standards leads to folly, but righteous judgment reveals deeper wisdom.
Honor & Dishonor True honor cannot be stolen, only given or lived. The dishonorable crave what they destroy, creating their own downfall, while the honorable live in peace and do not engage in empty battles.
The Choice of Seeking God Spiritual fulfillment is available to all, but it requires humility and a willingness to seek truth and peace. Those who reject mercy and love do so by their own choices, not by God’s exclusion.
The Path to God's Table The way to divine peace is through a sincere pursuit of love and peacemaking. The call to seek God is open to all, and the rewards are everlasting for those who walk the path of truth.
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God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it cannot be given or taken.
There is drink that quenches the soul, not found of the earth. It cannot be gathered, it cannot be washed away, it cannot be stolen or sold.
There is rest and comfort, not found in man’s ways. It cannot be withheld, it cannot be controlled, it cannot be manipulated.
There is a peace not seen with the eyes. It cannot be altered, it cannot be crushed, it cannot be lost in darkness.
For the wicked are blind to all righteousness, and see only their wickedness in others. How can a liar see truth? When he himself speaks not truth, the spirit of truth flees far from him. As he who speaks does create with his voice, so too does he receive his creation.
But he who speaks truth, found in the humility of words, sees all. For the truth is blind to nothing, revealing itself by the creation of it. The choice of which is given to all, called to by many, but chosen to by few.
This to why a man judges the outer performance of man, and sees not the humility in the man he judged. For man judges with the folly of man’s limited intellect, knowing not even the meaning of righteous judgment he claims.
Insomuch that he takes food and drink and reputation and honor from those who have it, for he cannot take it from those who don’t, just as he cannot take the bread you do not have. Knowing not the food and drink and peace found already within the man he does harm in flesh, who lives greater in spirit.
What man takes honor from another who himself is honourable? This is impossible. For the man of honor does honor others, and they without honor does honor no one. But he without honor burns within, craving all that he himself destroyed that he may take yours. And they with honor see such clearly, while they without do fall victim of the dishonourable liars tongue; as gathered armies to their own slaughter in a battle without an enemy but themselves.
Surely it is a folly, and a deep pit. As he who has chosen his lies, cannot be saved except by the truth. And the truth he flees far from himself, for he must face his falsely gathered army and disgrace them all with the revelation of his lies, all born of his own covetousness, which is selfish and deceptive, thus creating then an army against himself. Only he with honor and truth can do so, and he already with honor finds himself not in the field of battle in the first place, nor does he gather armies, but brothers.
Such is the greatness of the food from God, and the drink from God’s cup, and the rest and comfort in God’s court, and the peace in God’s Kingdom. For of all these things does not the wicked perceive at all, nor do they abide there to cause unrest. But within the temple, even of the flesh of man, is it given to empower the spirit of God within man that he may live with honor before all the hosts of heaven and all the creatures of the heavens which are eternal, with blessing even to the creatures of earth who are friends with the spirit of God within us.
It is only to the corruption in man and in the darkness of the pit, that God’s spirit within you is an enemy. And neither of these shall live.
And these things are evil to the evil, for that way of foolishness perishes with the flesh, as it cannot dwell before God and live. That which knowns its time is short is as a roaring lion, seeking whom it may destroy in its wrath of its own foreshadowed destruction. It punishes the flesh, stealing, robbing, lying, conjuring, harming, dishonouring and doing all it can to wound our emotions and darken our spirit.
Thank God it shall not last forever. For to they who do seek truth and do seek peace and do seek God, it is sorrow to witness and hardship to endure, as they cannot give them the food and drink and comfort and peace which was given to them by God. The wicked also must go before God in humility and truth, admitting themselves and their folly just as all those who receive God’s spirit have done.
It is not punishment from God that they receive not this peace, but choice by them to seek it not. I do not own a pink automobile, for I have not sought one out to purchase. It is not a banishment from God that they acquire no mercy, but a choice of theirs to be merciful not themselves. I cannot be quenched of my thirst if I drink no water.
This is the way and not as man describes. For the desire of love produces love, and the belief in it must first be born for the desire to exist. I do not desire to be angry, for I do not believe anger will profit me. This I saw and learned, for of these things I asked in honest desire to know; tasking anger deeply for all its lessons, and receiving then the fruit of destruction did I understand. I would not speak of folly and foolishness if I had not been a great fool.
So too for all, even the wicked, is God’s table made ready for any who wish to sit there and eat of His spiritual, everlasting and most powerful food. We need not be clean, we need not be well, we need not be upright and perfect. For we are perfected only by God and His way, and we cannot be so without God first. And we do not seek God first without desire to do so, and belief it would be well with us. We can find desire by progress, or we can find desire by pain. Choose God, that you do not suffer inside yourself as I had formerly done.
And truly the path to God’s table is simple and wonderful, for all we need do is to honestly seek peace, and pursue it earnestly. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons of God.
Ryan o0o
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it cannot be given or taken.
There is drink that quenches the soul, not found of the earth. It cannot be gathered, it cannot be washed away, it cannot be stolen or sold.
There is rest and comfort, not found in man’s ways. It cannot be withheld, it cannot be controlled, it cannot be manipulated.
There is a peace not seen with the eyes. It cannot be altered, it cannot be crushed, it cannot be lost in darkness.
For the wicked are blind to all righteousness, and see only their wickedness in others. How can a liar see truth? When he himself speaks not truth, the spirit of truth flees far from him. As he who speaks does create with his voice, so too does he receive his creation.
But he who speaks truth, found in the humility of words, sees all. For the truth is blind to nothing, revealing itself by the creation of it. The choice of which is given to all, called to by many, but chosen to by few.
This to why a man judges the outer performance of man, and sees not the humility in the man he judged. For man judges with the folly of man’s limited intellect, knowing not even the meaning of righteous judgment he claims.
Insomuch that he takes food and drink and reputation and honor from those who have it, for he cannot take it from those who don’t, just as he cannot take the bread you do not have. Knowing not the food and drink and peace found already within the man he does harm in flesh, who lives greater in spirit.
What man takes honor from another who himself is honourable? This is impossible. For the man of honor does honor others, and they without honor does honor no one. But he without honor burns within, craving all that he himself destroyed that he may take yours. And they with honor see such clearly, while they without do fall victim of the dishonourable liars tongue; as gathered armies to their own slaughter in a battle without an enemy but themselves.
Surely it is a folly, and a deep pit. As he who has chosen his lies, cannot be saved except by the truth. And the truth he flees far from himself, for he must face his falsely gathered army and disgrace them all with the revelation of his lies, all born of his own covetousness, which is selfish and deceptive, thus creating then an army against himself. Only he with honor and truth can do so, and he already with honor finds himself not in the field of battle in the first place, nor does he gather armies, but brothers.
Such is the greatness of the food from God, and the drink from God’s cup, and the rest and comfort in God’s court, and the peace in God’s Kingdom. For of all these things does not the wicked perceive at all, nor do they abide there to cause unrest. But within the temple, even of the flesh of man, is it given to empower the spirit of God within man that he may live with honor before all the hosts of heaven and all the creatures of the heavens which are eternal, with blessing even to the creatures of earth who are friends with the spirit of God within us.
It is only to the corruption in man and in the darkness of the pit, that God’s spirit within you is an enemy. And neither of these shall live.
And these things are evil to the evil, for that way of foolishness perishes with the flesh, as it cannot dwell before God and live. That which knowns its time is short is as a roaring lion, seeking whom it may destroy in its wrath of its own foreshadowed destruction. It punishes the flesh, stealing, robbing, lying, conjuring, harming, dishonouring and doing all it can to wound our emotions and darken our spirit.
Thank God it shall not last forever. For to they who do seek truth and do seek peace and do seek God, it is sorrow to witness and hardship to endure, as they cannot give them the food and drink and comfort and peace which was given to them by God. The wicked also must go before God in humility and truth, admitting themselves and their folly just as all those who receive God’s spirit have done.
It is not punishment from God that they receive not this peace, but choice by them to seek it not. I do not own a pink automobile, for I have not sought one out to purchase. It is not a banishment from God that they acquire no mercy, but a choice of theirs to be merciful not themselves. I cannot be quenched of my thirst if I drink no water.
This is the way and not as man describes. For the desire of love produces love, and the belief in it must first be born for the desire to exist. I do not desire to be angry, for I do not believe anger will profit me. This I saw and learned, for of these things I asked in honest desire to know; tasking anger deeply for all its lessons, and receiving then the fruit of destruction did I understand. I would not speak of folly and foolishness if I had not been a great fool.
So too for all, even the wicked, is God’s table made ready for any who wish to sit there and eat of His spiritual, everlasting and most powerful food. We need not be clean, we need not be well, we need not be upright and perfect. For we are perfected only by God and His way, and we cannot be so without God first. And we do not seek God first without desire to do so, and belief it would be well with us. We can find desire by progress, or we can find desire by pain. Choose God, that you do not suffer inside yourself as I had formerly done.
And truly the path to God’s table is simple and wonderful, for all we need do is to honestly seek peace, and pursue it earnestly. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons of God.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
God’s Table
Truth vs. Deception Those who live in lies are blind to righteousness, whereas those who seek truth gain clarity and understanding. Judgment by worldly standards leads to folly, but righteous judgment reveals deeper wisdom.
Honor & Dishonor True honor cannot be stolen, only given or lived. The dishonorable crave what they destroy, creating their own downfall, while the honorable live in peace and do not engage in empty battles.
The Choice of Seeking God Spiritual fulfillment is available to all, but it requires humility and a willingness to seek truth and peace. Those who reject mercy and love do so by their own choices, not by God’s exclusion.
The Path to God's Table The way to divine peace is through a sincere pursuit of love and peacemaking. The call to seek God is open to all, and the rewards are everlasting for those who walk the path of truth.
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it cannot be given or taken.
There is drink that quenches the soul, not found of the earth. It cannot be gathered, it cannot be washed away, it cannot be stolen or sold.
There is rest and comfort, not found in man’s ways. It cannot be withheld, it cannot be controlled, it cannot be manipulated.
There is a peace not seen with the eyes. It cannot be altered, it cannot be crushed, it cannot be lost in darkness.
For the wicked are blind to all righteousness, and see only their wickedness in others. How can a liar see truth? When he himself speaks not truth, the spirit of truth flees far from him. As he who speaks does create with his voice, so too does he receive his creation.
But he who speaks truth, found in the humility of words, sees all. For the truth is blind to nothing, revealing itself by the creation of it. The choice of which is given to all, called to by many, but chosen to by few.
This to why a man judges the outer performance of man, and sees not the humility in the man he judged. For man judges with the folly of man’s limited intellect, knowing not even the meaning of righteous judgment he claims.
Insomuch that he takes food and drink and reputation and honor from those who have it, for he cannot take it from those who don’t, just as he cannot take the bread you do not have. Knowing not the food and drink and peace found already within the man he does harm in flesh, who lives greater in spirit.
What man takes honor from another who himself is honourable? This is impossible. For the man of honor does honor others, and they without honor does honor no one. But he without honor burns within, craving all that he himself destroyed that he may take yours. And they with honor see such clearly, while they without do fall victim of the dishonourable liars tongue; as gathered armies to their own slaughter in a battle without an enemy but themselves.
Surely it is a folly, and a deep pit. As he who has chosen his lies, cannot be saved except by the truth. And the truth he flees far from himself, for he must face his falsely gathered army and disgrace them all with the revelation of his lies, all born of his own covetousness, which is selfish and deceptive, thus creating then an army against himself. Only he with honor and truth can do so, and he already with honor finds himself not in the field of battle in the first place, nor does he gather armies, but brothers.
Such is the greatness of the food from God, and the drink from God’s cup, and the rest and comfort in God’s court, and the peace in God’s Kingdom. For of all these things does not the wicked perceive at all, nor do they abide there to cause unrest. But within the temple, even of the flesh of man, is it given to empower the spirit of God within man that he may live with honor before all the hosts of heaven and all the creatures of the heavens which are eternal, with blessing even to the creatures of earth who are friends with the spirit of God within us.
It is only to the corruption in man and in the darkness of the pit, that God’s spirit within you is an enemy. And neither of these shall live.
And these things are evil to the evil, for that way of foolishness perishes with the flesh, as it cannot dwell before God and live. That which knowns its time is short is as a roaring lion, seeking whom it may destroy in its wrath of its own foreshadowed destruction. It punishes the flesh, stealing, robbing, lying, conjuring, harming, dishonouring and doing all it can to wound our emotions and darken our spirit.
Thank God it shall not last forever. For to they who do seek truth and do seek peace and do seek God, it is sorrow to witness and hardship to endure, as they cannot give them the food and drink and comfort and peace which was given to them by God. The wicked also must go before God in humility and truth, admitting themselves and their folly just as all those who receive God’s spirit have done.
It is not punishment from God that they receive not this peace, but choice by them to seek it not. I do not own a pink automobile, for I have not sought one out to purchase. It is not a banishment from God that they acquire no mercy, but a choice of theirs to be merciful not themselves. I cannot be quenched of my thirst if I drink no water.
This is the way and not as man describes. For the desire of love produces love, and the belief in it must first be born for the desire to exist. I do not desire to be angry, for I do not believe anger will profit me. This I saw and learned, for of these things I asked in honest desire to know; tasking anger deeply for all its lessons, and receiving then the fruit of destruction did I understand. I would not speak of folly and foolishness if I had not been a great fool.
So too for all, even the wicked, is God’s table made ready for any who wish to sit there and eat of His spiritual, everlasting and most powerful food. We need not be clean, we need not be well, we need not be upright and perfect. For we are perfected only by God and His way, and we cannot be so without God first. And we do not seek God first without desire to do so, and belief it would be well with us. We can find desire by progress, or we can find desire by pain. Choose God, that you do not suffer inside yourself as I had formerly done.
And truly the path to God’s table is simple and wonderful, for all we need do is to honestly seek peace, and pursue it earnestly. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons of God.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
God’s Table
Truth vs. Deception Those who live in lies are blind to righteousness, whereas those who seek truth gain clarity and understanding. Judgment by worldly standards leads to folly, but righteous judgment reveals deeper wisdom.
Honor & Dishonor True honor cannot be stolen, only given or lived. The dishonorable crave what they destroy, creating their own downfall, while the honorable live in peace and do not engage in empty battles.
The Choice of Seeking God Spiritual fulfillment is available to all, but it requires humility and a willingness to seek truth and peace. Those who reject mercy and love do so by their own choices, not by God’s exclusion.
The Path to God's Table The way to divine peace is through a sincere pursuit of love and peacemaking. The call to seek God is open to all, and the rewards are everlasting for those who walk the path of truth.