Themes and Insights

Fallen Man

The Betrayal of Trust: Those entrusted with protection and guidance fail, leaving humanity in a state of disillusionment and despair.

The Loss of Spiritual Anchors: Grace, peace, love, and faith are abandoned, leading to a world consumed by lies and hatred disguised as love.

Prophetic Warning: The poem portrays a vision of the last days, marked by confusion, deceit, and humanity's inability to discern truth from falsehood.

Isolation and Blame: The abandoned and betrayed curse their existence, burdened by blame and self-righteousness from others.

The Need for Divine Guidance: The recurring idea that humanity cannot stand alone without divine grace and love underscores the poem's central lament.

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Fallen Man

“When shall we see it?”

When the two comets cross the sky

“What shall we know then?”

You shall know that hope has been abondoned
Grace has been denied
Peace has been forgotten
Love has been overlooked
Strength has been diminshed
Courage has been squandered
Blessings have been turned to curses
and Faith has been given to evil.

Many shall walk the earth
betrayed by those commanded to preserve them
decieved by those instructed to teach them
disavowed by they whom they serve
and fallen to treachery by those who freely gave themselves
to them

Insomuch that even upon looking back
will there be no promise kept
all the days of their life by anyone

Woe to they who stand with eyes to see
the fall of man

For is it not known even in Heaven
that man cannot stand alone?

Yet it will in the last days
words of praise will be used
in order to make their brother stumble
and words of cursing will be used
in order to raise up another
and none shall know of what they can believe
confused by every word called truth
believing every word spoken in falsehood
running to and fro seeking every mystery
finding none of worth
in a world full of lies and hatred
disguised as love

Then they who have been abandoned by all whom they have loved
will curse their own life below the dust of the ground

For has not all placed blame upon them?
Has not all turned away because of self-righteousness?
Has not all found favor with themselves above truth?

And who shall be left to know love?

This is the end
It has been heard
It has been recorded
It has been witnessed

Ryan o0o

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Fallen Man

“When shall we see it?”

When the two comets cross the sky

“What shall we know then?”

You shall know that hope has been abondoned
Grace has been denied
Peace has been forgotten
Love has been overlooked
Strength has been diminshed
Courage has been squandered
Blessings have been turned to curses
and Faith has been given to evil.

Many shall walk the earth
betrayed by those commanded to preserve them
decieved by those instructed to teach them
disavowed by they whom they serve
and fallen to treachery by those who freely gave themselves
to them

Insomuch that even upon looking back
will there be no promise kept
all the days of their life by anyone

Woe to they who stand with eyes to see
the fall of man

For is it not known even in Heaven
that man cannot stand alone?

Yet it will in the last days
words of praise will be used
in order to make their brother stumble
and words of cursing will be used
in order to raise up another
and none shall know of what they can believe
confused by every word called truth
believing every word spoken in falsehood
running to and fro seeking every mystery
finding none of worth
in a world full of lies and hatred
disguised as love

Then they who have been abandoned by all whom they have loved
will curse their own life below the dust of the ground

For has not all placed blame upon them?
Has not all turned away because of self-righteousness?
Has not all found favor with themselves above truth?

And who shall be left to know love?

This is the end
It has been heard
It has been recorded
It has been witnessed

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Fallen Man

The Betrayal of Trust: Those entrusted with protection and guidance fail, leaving humanity in a state of disillusionment and despair.

The Loss of Spiritual Anchors: Grace, peace, love, and faith are abandoned, leading to a world consumed by lies and hatred disguised as love.

Prophetic Warning: The poem portrays a vision of the last days, marked by confusion, deceit, and humanity's inability to discern truth from falsehood.

Isolation and Blame: The abandoned and betrayed curse their existence, burdened by blame and self-righteousness from others.

The Need for Divine Guidance: The recurring idea that humanity cannot stand alone without divine grace and love underscores the poem's central lament.

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Fallen Man

“When shall we see it?”

When the two comets cross the sky

“What shall we know then?”

You shall know that hope has been abondoned
Grace has been denied
Peace has been forgotten
Love has been overlooked
Strength has been diminshed
Courage has been squandered
Blessings have been turned to curses
and Faith has been given to evil.

Many shall walk the earth
betrayed by those commanded to preserve them
decieved by those instructed to teach them
disavowed by they whom they serve
and fallen to treachery by those who freely gave themselves
to them

Insomuch that even upon looking back
will there be no promise kept
all the days of their life by anyone

Woe to they who stand with eyes to see
the fall of man

For is it not known even in Heaven
that man cannot stand alone?

Yet it will in the last days
words of praise will be used
in order to make their brother stumble
and words of cursing will be used
in order to raise up another
and none shall know of what they can believe
confused by every word called truth
believing every word spoken in falsehood
running to and fro seeking every mystery
finding none of worth
in a world full of lies and hatred
disguised as love

Then they who have been abandoned by all whom they have loved
will curse their own life below the dust of the ground

For has not all placed blame upon them?
Has not all turned away because of self-righteousness?
Has not all found favor with themselves above truth?

And who shall be left to know love?

This is the end
It has been heard
It has been recorded
It has been witnessed

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Fallen Man

The Betrayal of Trust: Those entrusted with protection and guidance fail, leaving humanity in a state of disillusionment and despair.

The Loss of Spiritual Anchors: Grace, peace, love, and faith are abandoned, leading to a world consumed by lies and hatred disguised as love.

Prophetic Warning: The poem portrays a vision of the last days, marked by confusion, deceit, and humanity's inability to discern truth from falsehood.

Isolation and Blame: The abandoned and betrayed curse their existence, burdened by blame and self-righteousness from others.

The Need for Divine Guidance: The recurring idea that humanity cannot stand alone without divine grace and love underscores the poem's central lament.

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