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To My Beloved: A 16-Year Journey Together
I love you This will never change Though it awakens always in truth How could I have known That my [...]
Generation of Hope
To the young who still dream To those who are honing their skill To those who are learning to build [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a [...]
The Forest and the Trees
The elder does not speak Before the will of fools Neither does he correct The chosen path thereof As the [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The [...]
Turning Point
Though our world is full of sorrow And the voices cry out Multitudes have answered And presented their care How [...]
God’s Peace
What challenge we have with Peace! How unpopular it is with the flesh Since with man there is much to [...]
Sacred Life
Lift up your brothers Stand always with them Give hand when they fall Share heart when they are broken What [...]
God of the Fallen
Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation. I, a servant of the Most High God [...]
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, [...]
For Judah and Israel
Greetings to all the brethren in the Body of Christ. I, a servant of our Lord, Christ Jesus and His [...]
The Work Begins
Greetings to all brethren of the world and the Body of Christ. I who had turned away from logic and [...]
Opening Message
I come to you as one of the low, one of the dark, knowing nothing of my own, but awakened [...]
Where Eternity Met Us
Not with idle hands was this formed that we would know our tender love How else could it be that [...]
Lesson of the All-Seeing Eye
What can we say today that we set our hearts upon a new vision or inspire at a new thought [...]
The Return of the AlaBathians
There they are all the way back to the beginnings tho many speak of many from the stars they have [...]
Sacred Forest
El-air devolition pontelegrio In Familia Bestowed upon thee is grace. Is it not so that lover stands with lover? Like [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. [...]
The Lover’s Gift
Whisper quietly in my ear, the thoughts you have to share. Let them not be hidden or destroyed. Let them [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given [...]
The Landscape of Time
Within there plays a grossly misinterpreted dream. It is I who knows not the hour of my own deterrent. It [...]
Brothers of Peace
"I look and see into my brothers, their eyes speak spirits of their intent." "I grapple with thee for untold [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Sharing a Soul
Set against the backdrop of our life, We find a greater love within our bliss. She is my word. Set [...]
The World of Lovers
I live in the world of lovers. Where Light and Dark collide. Where God and Beast are one. Where Heaven [...]
The Proposal
So many have said the words of love to each other. So many have asked the question. So many have [...]
She is My Desire
From the beginning there lay the gifts to bestow upon her. Of love, of Prowess, of Passion, of Desire, of [...]
A Letter to Eve
My Eve, Man is born with a sorrowful pit inside his belly. He finds all that he can to fill [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in [...]
To My Beloved: A 16-Year Journey Together
I love you This will never change Though it awakens always in truth How could I have known That my love for you Would grow as it has become? Where [...]
Generation of Hope
To the young who still dream To those who are honing their skill To those who are learning to build To those who are educating themselves To those who are [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a single tree Missing the forest around him Whereas the tree [...]
The Forest and the Trees
The elder does not speak Before the will of fools Neither does he correct The chosen path thereof As the need to be right And to make others wrong Sets [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The darkness seeks to steal So that you should not have [...]
Turning Point
Though our world is full of sorrow And the voices cry out Multitudes have answered And presented their care How wonderful to witness goodness How beautiful to behold unity How [...]
God’s Peace
What challenge we have with Peace! How unpopular it is with the flesh Since with man there is much to accomplish But with God it is not so Yet even [...]
Sacred Life
Lift up your brothers Stand always with them Give hand when they fall Share heart when they are broken What does it profit us When we scold another in judgment? [...]
God of the Fallen
Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation. I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, come to you not of the greatness of [...]
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, King of all Kings, and Creator of Life from the [...]
For Judah and Israel
Greetings to all the brethren in the Body of Christ. I, a servant of our Lord, Christ Jesus and His Father in Heaven do come to you after the stillness, [...]
The Work Begins
Greetings to all brethren of the world and the Body of Christ. I who had turned away from logic and reason, embracing the darkness of my soul, did awake in [...]
Opening Message
I come to you as one of the low, one of the dark, knowing nothing of my own, but awakened to that which was given to me. It was given [...]
Where Eternity Met Us
Not with idle hands was this formed that we would know our tender love How else could it be that all prayers find their way into one answer spoken? I [...]
Lesson of the All-Seeing Eye
What can we say today that we set our hearts upon a new vision or inspire at a new thought in order to bring about the wish of a dream [...]
The Return of the AlaBathians
There they are all the way back to the beginnings tho many speak of many from the stars they have not made account of they of the Batia El-Al. Have [...]
Sacred Forest
El-air devolition pontelegrio In Familia Bestowed upon thee is grace. Is it not so that lover stands with lover? Like two trees sharing the earth beneath them Their roots firmly [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor When she also reflects my integrity When she also values [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. Committed to Liberty, they sacrificed all, May the mothers of [...]
The Lover’s Gift
Whisper quietly in my ear, the thoughts you have to share. Let them not be hidden or destroyed. Let them not be forgotten in your abyss. All the challenge of [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given to my life. With deep earnestness I feel the history [...]
The Landscape of Time
Within there plays a grossly misinterpreted dream. It is I who knows not the hour of my own deterrent. It is I who knows only the result. Winter brings the [...]
Brothers of Peace
"I look and see into my brothers, their eyes speak spirits of their intent." "I grapple with thee for untold reasons, I wrestle with thee since Adam." Give of your [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Sharing a Soul
Set against the backdrop of our life, We find a greater love within our bliss. She is my word. Set against the bliss of our love, We find a greater [...]
The World of Lovers
I live in the world of lovers. Where Light and Dark collide. Where God and Beast are one. Where Heaven and Hell are both open. Where Love and Lust are [...]
The Proposal
So many have said the words of love to each other. So many have asked the question. So many have reached for a union of soul, heart, body. So many [...]
She is My Desire
From the beginning there lay the gifts to bestow upon her. Of love, of Prowess, of Passion, of Desire, of Meaning and Want was put into her. Given by God [...]
A Letter to Eve
My Eve, Man is born with a sorrowful pit inside his belly. He finds all that he can to fill this place of emptiness. His hands do work to satisfy [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in us, For we have lost belief in ourselves. The woman [...]