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Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has [...]
The Temptation of Solomon
Look to my eyes Take in that which you see If at all given to you That there be oceans [...]
The Veil of Change Descending
Peace or Perish It's all about to change in this world that we have built. What we have known will [...]
When the Time Reveals the Word
For as many as proclaim their righteousness Speaking forms and tones and tongues Who then has given thanks? For as [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a [...]
Honor Thy Father and Mother
This eye does perceive My father in my brother And my mother in my sister This ear does hear My [...]
Open Understanding, Hidden Wisdom
Understanding is of the flesh While wisdom is of the spirit He who understands a thing Does so through experience [...]
Emakume Misteriotsua
A man may forget The lass he adored While looking upon the grace She has become Even so he seeks [...]
The Unwanted Wisdom
Memories are not always about the past Visions are not always about the future Opinions are not always about the [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a [...]
Without a Paddle
Let alone there be a time for war and peace lay by its side When the days of sunrise call [...]
Discovery of Belief
I believe the story and the message of the religions are far more intimate in nature than we have remembered. [...]
Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has been heavy And your foundations have been shaken Remember always [...]
The Temptation of Solomon
Look to my eyes Take in that which you see If at all given to you That there be oceans of heaven's light And in a blink The pit of [...]
The Veil of Change Descending
Peace or Perish It's all about to change in this world that we have built. What we have known will be no more, and what we have dreamed will be [...]
When the Time Reveals the Word
For as many as proclaim their righteousness Speaking forms and tones and tongues Who then has given thanks? For as many as establish their doctrine Speaking riddles and mysteries and [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a single tree Missing the forest around him Whereas the tree [...]
Honor Thy Father and Mother
This eye does perceive My father in my brother And my mother in my sister This ear does hear My father in my brother And my mother in my sister [...]
Open Understanding, Hidden Wisdom
Understanding is of the flesh While wisdom is of the spirit He who understands a thing Does so through experience As victim and victor As fool and professor Time and [...]
Emakume Misteriotsua
A man may forget The lass he adored While looking upon the grace She has become Even so he seeks her A man will not let go Of the vision [...]
The Unwanted Wisdom
Memories are not always about the past Visions are not always about the future Opinions are not always about the moment These ideas keep us from seeing a bigger picture [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a greater mystery My thoughts fall to You often When I [...]
Without a Paddle
Let alone there be a time for war and peace lay by its side When the days of sunrise call and midnight sleeps again Even when a lover feels the [...]
Discovery of Belief
I believe the story and the message of the religions are far more intimate in nature than we have remembered. I believe they do not stem from a relationship with [...]