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Trust in God
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by [...]
Discovering God
Can your brother tell you How to feel about your dad? Can your sister tell you How to feel about [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance [...]
Begin Again
There is no end to the seeking of knowledge Nor can one find The boundary of wisdom As one layer [...]
Kingdom of Man, Kingdom of God
On shaken ground The world recoils To drown the sabres rattle In fire and force The world is aghast To [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we [...]
Whisper Counsel
Power is found in a whisper For he who has ears attuned No, there is no might in strength Nor [...]
The King’s Patience
Surely my fall could no light be found Nor in ever essence of will belief Entombed alone in the darkness [...]
The First Question from the Fellowship
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the protection and love of our Father [...]
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith. We who have labored long [...]
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking comfort in times of trouble. We of the family of [...]
Trust in God
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and know today, those things that have transformed my life, and [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by hundreds And what is taken by greed Is replaced by [...]
Discovering God
Can your brother tell you How to feel about your dad? Can your sister tell you How to feel about your mother? Does a dad treat a baby The same [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance the receiving of God They who desire to walk with [...]
Begin Again
There is no end to the seeking of knowledge Nor can one find The boundary of wisdom As one layer is revealed Two more become apparent As one revelation wakes [...]
Kingdom of Man, Kingdom of God
On shaken ground The world recoils To drown the sabres rattle In fire and force The world is aghast To witness the wages of war Who but our God may [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we lost We get up and do it again Give to [...]
Whisper Counsel
Power is found in a whisper For he who has ears attuned No, there is no might in strength Nor wisdom in knowledge Truly strategy is easily frustrated And courage [...]
The King’s Patience
Surely my fall could no light be found Nor in ever essence of will belief Entombed alone in the darkness well Of lost hope left all before me Yet of [...]
The First Question from the Fellowship
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the protection and love of our Father in heaven and the guidance, wisdom and peace of our [...]
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith. We who have labored long in bringing the message of God's true power and will [...]
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking comfort in times of trouble. We of the family of God, do humbly present ourselves before you in order to [...]