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The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the [...]
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father [...]
The Landscape of Time
Within there plays a grossly misinterpreted dream. It is I who knows not the hour of my own deterrent. It [...]
The Sex Talk I Never Got
There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers, that time has forgotten. All manner of stupidity and childishness I [...]
Loving is the Greatest of All
Loving someone is the greatest salvation of mankind. Loving someone is the greatest gift. Loving someone is the greatest joy [...]
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is the free soul and spirit who acts. For the world [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the fearful seek control And the fear of them is to [...]
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience Quietly we wait often for meaning But that is not [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do we bask in the peace of life Requiring nothing of [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we lost We get up and do it again Give to [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father in heaven and the peace, guidance and wisdom of our [...]
The Landscape of Time
Within there plays a grossly misinterpreted dream. It is I who knows not the hour of my own deterrent. It is I who knows only the result. Winter brings the [...]
The Sex Talk I Never Got
There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers, that time has forgotten. All manner of stupidity and childishness I have done, and paid for what I know with my [...]
Loving is the Greatest of All
Loving someone is the greatest salvation of mankind. Loving someone is the greatest gift. Loving someone is the greatest joy there is. Loving someone is the greatest of all journeys. [...]