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Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and [...]
The Veil of Change Descending
Peace or Perish It's all about to change in this world that we have built. What we have known will [...]
The Vanity and Blessing of Self
I waited fifty years to be truly happy. There was a longing of sorts to enter into the years of [...]
Paradox of the Spirit
For the words of the spirit Are insane to the world’s sane And sane to the insane Unrighteous to the [...]
Gratitude of the Living Dog
The love of God is a mystery to man For He lifts up the fallen And brings down the raised [...]
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not How much I wished to love Nor did it make any difference That I desired to be [...]
Without Regret
As a child, I was mellow Unspoken and shy Obedient and scared Dismissed and overlooked Unwanted and alone Incapable of [...]
The Poet’s Passion
Oh that I would write only goodness! That my cross not be of foolishness! But of my heart I cannot [...]
Riddle of Orion
Transfer of rite of 2005 While the world looked on at storms Seeing none of what awaited Sleeping to the [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as [...]
The Flame of the Virtuous Woman
I stand in the darkness of my own creation wraith unbound It is that my eyes were aflame with all [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon [...]
The Pillar and the Lamp
I have to admit to my very self that almost all of what I write is like a blunt force [...]
If even there were a chance To tell a beautiful soul While they were shattered with fear That their life [...]
Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not [...]
Do No Harm
We cannot put away the beast Unless the beast is first set free Those who war and those who rage [...]
The Sharpened Blade
Who dares to toss every comfort And every security And every warmth And every option Into the fire? When every [...]
The Song of Her Voice
Her words are my ointment bring out her prophecies those secret things are revealed in the song of her lips [...]
When a Man Loves a Woman
When a man loves a woman it is a dream within a dream the tricking mind is given a trick [...]
The 14 Year Garden
Sometimes a beginning takes a long time. Sometimes growth takes a while. We can sit and wonder why things take [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly [...]
More Beautiful Every Day
Her words reach into me deeper with each passing moment. Her glances pierce further into my bones. Her heart expresses [...]
Into the Fire of Love’s Healing
The mending of a broken heart is of the most difficult task. In the loss of a hearts security is [...]
The City of Gold
There among the solitary moment, in the evening of my reckless thoughts, I awaited inspiration. Battles of wit and will [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come [...]
Morning Star
She is the Morning Star who gazes last upon the opening day of my awakening. When all others have faded [...]
With and Without Her
Without Her, I am as a voice lost. There is the banishment of music, without her. Without her, I am [...]
Heaven Within Her
There is no pain in Her embrace, There is no sorrow, No remorse, No noise, No war, No dispute, No [...]
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and know today, those things that have transformed my life, and [...]
The Veil of Change Descending
Peace or Perish It's all about to change in this world that we have built. What we have known will be no more, and what we have dreamed will be [...]
The Vanity and Blessing of Self
I waited fifty years to be truly happy. There was a longing of sorts to enter into the years of jubilee. Before that I carried a great sorrow and sadness [...]
Paradox of the Spirit
For the words of the spirit Are insane to the world’s sane And sane to the insane Unrighteous to the world’s righteous And righteous to the unrighteous For the spirit [...]
Gratitude of the Living Dog
The love of God is a mystery to man For He lifts up the fallen And brings down the raised What does it profit us at all If for our [...]
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not How much I wished to love Nor did it make any difference That I desired to be decent I am a man born of flesh and blood [...]
Without Regret
As a child, I was mellow Unspoken and shy Obedient and scared Dismissed and overlooked Unwanted and alone Incapable of real friendship As a teen, I was wild Rebellious and [...]
The Poet’s Passion
Oh that I would write only goodness! That my cross not be of foolishness! But of my heart I cannot count it guile Nor of my mind Does it seek [...]
Riddle of Orion
Transfer of rite of 2005 While the world looked on at storms Seeing none of what awaited Sleeping to the constructed facade He that arose did so to prepare Alter [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as a servant it is paramount for me to present myself [...]
The Flame of the Virtuous Woman
I stand in the darkness of my own creation wraith unbound It is that my eyes were aflame with all that I may consume The cold, the heat, the island [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is nothing to see nothing to build In a time of [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon my own self many such times reclaim the present in [...]
The Pillar and the Lamp
I have to admit to my very self that almost all of what I write is like a blunt force instrument… my posts generally tackle subjects concerning our self-importance, our [...]
If even there were a chance To tell a beautiful soul While they were shattered with fear That their life has meaning Or when another cannot see the road ahead [...]
Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that we live in lean-to tents? Yet the tents were private, [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not of my intellect And experiences Unknown to my days There [...]
Do No Harm
We cannot put away the beast Unless the beast is first set free Those who war and those who rage Are those afraid to see what lies Beneath the glare [...]
The Sharpened Blade
Who dares to toss every comfort And every security And every warmth And every option Into the fire? When every chain is loosed That confined one life to its path [...]
The Song of Her Voice
Her words are my ointment bring out her prophecies those secret things are revealed in the song of her lips by day the muse creates her form and echoes in [...]
When a Man Loves a Woman
When a man loves a woman it is a dream within a dream the tricking mind is given a trick of its own the heart does not know only itself [...]
The 14 Year Garden
Sometimes a beginning takes a long time. Sometimes growth takes a while. We can sit and wonder why things take so long. Have we been forgotten? Have we been over [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly it would be interesting To forget who I was And [...]
More Beautiful Every Day
Her words reach into me deeper with each passing moment. Her glances pierce further into my bones. Her heart expresses greater love from this moment to that. Her soul asks [...]
Into the Fire of Love’s Healing
The mending of a broken heart is of the most difficult task. In the loss of a hearts security is torment beyond reason. Decades it may take, to finally tare [...]
The City of Gold
There among the solitary moment, in the evening of my reckless thoughts, I awaited inspiration. Battles of wit and will sprang out before my eyes from the terrors of lost [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and [...]
Morning Star
She is the Morning Star who gazes last upon the opening day of my awakening. When all others have faded and fallen to the light, she shines still evermore into [...]
With and Without Her
Without Her, I am as a voice lost. There is the banishment of music, without her. Without her, I am as an uncreated reality. There is darkness without form, without [...]
Heaven Within Her
There is no pain in Her embrace, There is no sorrow, No remorse, No noise, No war, No dispute, No upset, No bitterness, No hatred, No tears of sadness, No [...]