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Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has [...]
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the [...]
Keepers of the Veil
We are the witness of the age The wanderer in the light Where darkness fell away And shadows linger no [...]
My Two Wolves
We have heard it said That inside of us Are two battling wolves One that is good And one that [...]
What Does it Matter?
It matters not What people see or say of us It matters not What they think or judge of us [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley [...]
The Hidden Father
A son who lost a Father And a Father who lost a son Join together in mutual need Bond together [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do [...]
Generation of Hope
To the young who still dream To those who are honing their skill To those who are learning to build [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & [...]
Open Understanding, Hidden Wisdom
Understanding is of the flesh While wisdom is of the spirit He who understands a thing Does so through experience [...]
True or False
When all is fake Then what is real? When all is lies Then what is true? Without our agreement of [...]
From Beginning to End
Why would they fear That you know a truth? Why would it be Your deliverance is hidden? Who decided What [...]
Nagusitu Zen
The lives who answer seek Drifts not amidst the light Nor shadows tell of meaning tact Without the fall of [...]
Emakume Misteriotsua
A man may forget The lass he adored While looking upon the grace She has become Even so he seeks [...]
Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God
Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus, The reality of this letter is not a subject [...]
The Game of Life
Greetings to all our Brethren in Christ Jesus all over the world. This life on earth is as a test, [...]
Still They Ride
What if I shared with you those memories that return always the ones that make up my life with perminant [...]
Lesson of the All-Seeing Eye
What can we say today that we set our hearts upon a new vision or inspire at a new thought [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon [...]
Among the Weeds
What would you do if you woke up in the morning and suddenly could calculate the predictability of everything? What [...]
Flight of the Serpent
The awakening is not of logic Or spirit Or heart Command oh stand behind the man Ye who would stand [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? [...]
The Pillar and the Lamp
I have to admit to my very self that almost all of what I write is like a blunt force [...]
Overture of Humanity
It doesn’t matter How far down into the depths We may travel There is still another Covetous of our life [...]
Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a [...]
The Innocent Spirit
Religion cannot touch it Science cannot unlock its truths Until the very end man will grapple with his darkness Inside [...]
A Star Dweller’s Return
(Interpreted Symbology – Finding Earth Again) Beautiful blue waters glow The work of life revealed Land below standing still In [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning [...]
Spoken Unspoken
I cannot write what cannot be written About the Riddle of the Shapes With 1 Foundation With 2 Perspectives With [...]
Sacred Forest
El-air devolition pontelegrio In Familia Bestowed upon thee is grace. Is it not so that lover stands with lover? Like [...]
Eros Divine
What more is from God than the expressions of Love? What more do we discover in life than the uncovering [...]
Exposed in an Instant
First like a drifting cloud remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind. "Hear me" "See me" "Touch me" As [...]
The Water’s Edge
It would take me longer to recite all that I remember then there is time in this life. It would [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor [...]
Little Icebergs
If everyone knew every one of my secrets no one would really care. The lie is more interesting. You can [...]
Missing My Father
Restore the heart of my youth Return the unknowing mind Repair the withered flesh Flourish in that spirit then Young, [...]
The Beast of the Mind – Revelations
The beast of the mind of the human experience. A box inside a box inside a box 6 sides of [...]
Time’s Descendant
Sometimes I wonder what everything before was all about? In my spirit there has only been one home one place [...]
The Dream of Impossibility
I hear what is not said am deaf to what is shared. I see what is not shown and blind [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it [...]
The Eternal Question
What cause do we trust with the fragmentation of souls compromising our own remembrance? Where can we find ourself unless [...]
Of Blessings
What gives me joy is born not alone from heartache. What offers me peace is born not alone from lawlessness. [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. [...]
When a Man Loves a Woman
When a man loves a woman it is a dream within a dream the tricking mind is given a trick [...]
Prayer of the Homeless
Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God, He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly [...]
The Sleeping Man
I was a man asleep. Not knowing. Every man knows his desires Every man knows the woman in his heart. [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me [...]
World of the Setting Sun
If the sun did not set, it would also not rise. If the song bird did not sing, would we [...]
The City of Gold
There among the solitary moment, in the evening of my reckless thoughts, I awaited inspiration. Battles of wit and will [...]
Brothers of Peace
"I look and see into my brothers, their eyes speak spirits of their intent." "I grapple with thee for untold [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on [...]
None Knoweth the Hour
In life we strive for principalities. Each has a darkened corner. Each has a terrible fear. Each has a merciless [...]
The Two Hunters
Does she know the terror she has unleashed? Does he know the power of the victims role? Does she know [...]
4 Sentences of My Affection in Gravitas
The fragrance of my enjoyment is spread evenly on the ocean of our wandering by the will alone where it [...]
Sharing a Soul
Set against the backdrop of our life, We find a greater love within our bliss. She is my word. Set [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you [...]
The Eyes of Desire
With the eyes of desire we do seek our own pleasure. With the words of love we do cast our [...]
This One Woman
Thank you Father for the love of this Woman. Thank you for her heart, Thank you for her understanding, Thank [...]
The Virtuous Woman
Neither the Sun nor the Moon could contain her. And all of the stars of Heaven cannot radiate as her. [...]
Masks and other Great Intentions
It is said and we have been told that life is an illusion. It has been said and we have [...]
Heaven Within Her
There is no pain in Her embrace, There is no sorrow, No remorse, No noise, No war, No dispute, No [...]
A Letter to Eve
My Eve, Man is born with a sorrowful pit inside his belly. He finds all that he can to fill [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Discovery of Belief
I believe the story and the message of the religions are far more intimate in nature than we have remembered. [...]
Knowing I Am
Withering generations of man, Flutter to and fro, mocking the insect. Silence damning sanity awakens the tempest, The memories flash. [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in [...]
They Seek a Sign
They seek a sign, And look without. Look within. They seek love, And look to an outsider. Look inside. They [...]
Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has been heavy And your foundations have been shaken Remember always [...]
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it cannot be given or taken. There is drink that quenches [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the way of hate The way of faith or the way [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the fearful seek control And the fear of them is to [...]
Keepers of the Veil
We are the witness of the age The wanderer in the light Where darkness fell away And shadows linger no more We are the hidden hand The motion of all [...]
My Two Wolves
We have heard it said That inside of us Are two battling wolves One that is good And one that is evil And that wolf who wins the battle Is [...]
What Does it Matter?
It matters not What people see or say of us It matters not What they think or judge of us It matters not What people give or take from us [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley of rest does awaken Oh that man could see with [...]
The Hidden Father
A son who lost a Father And a Father who lost a son Join together in mutual need Bond together in mutual trust For what makes a man a father? [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do we bask in the peace of life Requiring nothing of [...]
Generation of Hope
To the young who still dream To those who are honing their skill To those who are learning to build To those who are educating themselves To those who are [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a single tree Missing the forest around him Whereas the tree [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & subjecting Talking and commanding Puffing himself up amongst others Rattling [...]
Open Understanding, Hidden Wisdom
Understanding is of the flesh While wisdom is of the spirit He who understands a thing Does so through experience As victim and victor As fool and professor Time and [...]
True or False
When all is fake Then what is real? When all is lies Then what is true? Without our agreement of this reality There is no lie to believe Without our [...]
From Beginning to End
Why would they fear That you know a truth? Why would it be Your deliverance is hidden? Who decided What you can know? How is it we think it is [...]
Nagusitu Zen
The lives who answer seek Drifts not amidst the light Nor shadows tell of meaning tact Without the fall of hindered grace How frail we are with wanting Always another [...]
Emakume Misteriotsua
A man may forget The lass he adored While looking upon the grace She has become Even so he seeks her A man will not let go Of the vision [...]
Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God
Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus, The reality of this letter is not a subject where I am above the sensation of anger and wrath [...]
The Game of Life
Greetings to all our Brethren in Christ Jesus all over the world. This life on earth is as a test, it is as a game. We have rules to the [...]
Still They Ride
What if I shared with you those memories that return always the ones that make up my life with perminant presence forever teaching me a light to remind me bringing [...]
Lesson of the All-Seeing Eye
What can we say today that we set our hearts upon a new vision or inspire at a new thought in order to bring about the wish of a dream [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon my own self many such times reclaim the present in [...]
Among the Weeds
What would you do if you woke up in the morning and suddenly could calculate the predictability of everything? What would you say if you could hear the words of [...]
Flight of the Serpent
The awakening is not of logic Or spirit Or heart Command oh stand behind the man Ye who would stand before him That such man knows not himself Knowing himself [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? We set ourselves above the land Though the land does [...]
The Pillar and the Lamp
I have to admit to my very self that almost all of what I write is like a blunt force instrument… my posts generally tackle subjects concerning our self-importance, our [...]
Overture of Humanity
It doesn’t matter How far down into the depths We may travel There is still another Covetous of our life It doesn’t matter How far into poverty We do fall [...]
Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that we live in lean-to tents? Yet the tents were private, [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not of my intellect And experiences Unknown to my days There [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a greater mystery My thoughts fall to You often When I [...]
The Innocent Spirit
Religion cannot touch it Science cannot unlock its truths Until the very end man will grapple with his darkness Inside us all is knowledge and wisdom Inside us all is [...]
A Star Dweller’s Return
(Interpreted Symbology – Finding Earth Again) Beautiful blue waters glow The work of life revealed Land below standing still In this forgotten corner Of the cosmos Within her shores tempered [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning Discern the truth Grasp the reality The wisdom of our [...]
Spoken Unspoken
I cannot write what cannot be written About the Riddle of the Shapes With 1 Foundation With 2 Perspectives With 3 Directions With 4 Corners And 5 Faces Or the [...]
Sacred Forest
El-air devolition pontelegrio In Familia Bestowed upon thee is grace. Is it not so that lover stands with lover? Like two trees sharing the earth beneath them Their roots firmly [...]
Eros Divine
What more is from God than the expressions of Love? What more do we discover in life than the uncovering of Love? To be raised by parents one can know [...]
Exposed in an Instant
First like a drifting cloud remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind. "Hear me" "See me" "Touch me" As if with the orbiting of my eyes in jest I [...]
The Water’s Edge
It would take me longer to recite all that I remember then there is time in this life. It would require a thousand years to share what is contained within. [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor When she also reflects my integrity When she also values [...]
Little Icebergs
If everyone knew every one of my secrets no one would really care. The lie is more interesting. You can find this evidence in our love of entertainment laws, rules, [...]
Missing My Father
Restore the heart of my youth Return the unknowing mind Repair the withered flesh Flourish in that spirit then Young, unimportant, without need. Blind these eyes to these worlds Deafen [...]
The Beast of the Mind – Revelations
The beast of the mind of the human experience. A box inside a box inside a box 6 sides of ourselves As the inner most box 6 sides of our [...]
Time’s Descendant
Sometimes I wonder what everything before was all about? In my spirit there has only been one home one place of safety one moment of peace one goal one purpose. [...]
The Dream of Impossibility
I hear what is not said am deaf to what is shared. I see what is not shown and blind to what is before me. I say what is not [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard and more things unwitnessed than witnessed and more things unthought [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it up, nor shall I condemn myself for it. It is [...]
The Eternal Question
What cause do we trust with the fragmentation of souls compromising our own remembrance? Where can we find ourself unless to be a scar unwanted and forgotten without pride requiring [...]
Of Blessings
What gives me joy is born not alone from heartache. What offers me peace is born not alone from lawlessness. What sanctifies my body or my mind has not been [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. Committed to Liberty, they sacrificed all, May the mothers of [...]
When a Man Loves a Woman
When a man loves a woman it is a dream within a dream the tricking mind is given a trick of its own the heart does not know only itself [...]
Prayer of the Homeless
Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God, He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason of all life... With such gratitude my heart does feel [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. Though that I will to be Love, I am of [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given to my life. With deep earnestness I feel the history [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly it would be interesting To forget who I was And [...]
The Sleeping Man
I was a man asleep. Not knowing. Every man knows his desires Every man knows the woman in his heart. Not every man knows he is asleep. How do we [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me to Follow God. Those who taught me to conform, taught [...]
World of the Setting Sun
If the sun did not set, it would also not rise. If the song bird did not sing, would we know its lovely voice? If the bear did not Stand, [...]
The City of Gold
There among the solitary moment, in the evening of my reckless thoughts, I awaited inspiration. Battles of wit and will sprang out before my eyes from the terrors of lost [...]
Brothers of Peace
"I look and see into my brothers, their eyes speak spirits of their intent." "I grapple with thee for untold reasons, I wrestle with thee since Adam." Give of your [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on earth. All creatures great and small as it is known! [...]
None Knoweth the Hour
In life we strive for principalities. Each has a darkened corner. Each has a terrible fear. Each has a merciless oppressor. If it were not for our hidden fears, we [...]
The Two Hunters
Does she know the terror she has unleashed? Does he know the power of the victims role? Does she know the prowess she has encountered? Does he know the vehemence [...]
4 Sentences of My Affection in Gravitas
The fragrance of my enjoyment is spread evenly on the ocean of our wandering by the will alone where it moves slowly, ever slowly for the purpose of this one [...]
Sharing a Soul
Set against the backdrop of our life, We find a greater love within our bliss. She is my word. Set against the bliss of our love, We find a greater [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things, and all things are under your [...]
The Eyes of Desire
With the eyes of desire we do seek our own pleasure. With the words of love we do cast our spells. With the will of our spirits we force our [...]
This One Woman
Thank you Father for the love of this Woman. Thank you for her heart, Thank you for her understanding, Thank you for her kindness, and thank you for her charity. [...]
The Virtuous Woman
Neither the Sun nor the Moon could contain her. And all of the stars of Heaven cannot radiate as her. She is as Mother to all that is living, and [...]
Masks and other Great Intentions
It is said and we have been told that life is an illusion. It has been said and we have been told that we all wear masks. It has been [...]
Heaven Within Her
There is no pain in Her embrace, There is no sorrow, No remorse, No noise, No war, No dispute, No upset, No bitterness, No hatred, No tears of sadness, No [...]
A Letter to Eve
My Eve, Man is born with a sorrowful pit inside his belly. He finds all that he can to fill this place of emptiness. His hands do work to satisfy [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Discovery of Belief
I believe the story and the message of the religions are far more intimate in nature than we have remembered. I believe they do not stem from a relationship with [...]
Knowing I Am
Withering generations of man, Flutter to and fro, mocking the insect. Silence damning sanity awakens the tempest, The memories flash. What creature am I to hold such a dream? What [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in us, For we have lost belief in ourselves. The woman [...]
They Seek a Sign
They seek a sign, And look without. Look within. They seek love, And look to an outsider. Look inside. They seek hope, And look to another. Look to your eyes. [...]