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Spiritual Strength
The King’s Patience
Surely my fall could no light be found Nor in ever essence of will belief Entombed alone in the darkness [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father [...]
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith. We who have labored long [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is [...]
Spiritual Strength
The King’s Patience
Surely my fall could no light be found Nor in ever essence of will belief Entombed alone in the darkness well Of lost hope left all before me Yet of [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father in heaven and the peace, guidance and wisdom of our [...]
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith. We who have labored long in bringing the message of God's true power and will [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is nothing to see nothing to build In a time of [...]