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Spiritual Journey
A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by [...]
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience [...]
Discovering God
Can your brother tell you How to feel about your dad? Can your sister tell you How to feel about [...]
Man oh Man
What can a man be of his own? Do I draw my own breath? Do I beat my own heart? [...]
The Poet’s Passion
Oh that I would write only goodness! That my cross not be of foolishness! But of my heart I cannot [...]
Forgiving Spirit
When darkness falls on the land My spirit seeks the Great Spirit And when darkness falls upon my soul My [...]
Fear of the World
The world that we see Is not what is there It’s the illusion of dreams By those fearful of losing [...]
God of the Fallen
Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation. I, a servant of the Most High God [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as [...]
The Flame of the Virtuous Woman
I stand in the darkness of my own creation wraith unbound It is that my eyes were aflame with all [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon [...]
Eha-lios Aware
From Eha-lios To the solemn appointed Listen to the sounds Of the hidden memory Pursuing always See it upon the [...]
Far Behind the Foresight
What secrets have I let loose Behind the veil of the keys? Was it not a thousand lifetimes ago? I [...]
Beyond the End of Faith
I write tonight not only for words to share But also for words that I shall listen to What is [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed [...]
Gateway of the Traveler
How can mankind see the perception Of their perception Between the common two worlds? With eyes that cannot see We [...]
When the War is Over
Crowds at home rejoice in song Angels pluck their harps in joy Trumpets sound to call for Peace And Warriors [...]
This Realm’s Awakening
I was 7 when you first appeared in a dream Nothing to hide your arms open wide you spoke as [...]
Ladder of the Soul
I used to be a soul of deep thought This was not because of actual depth of character It was [...]
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. [...]
Ala Bathia
On the sacred mound of ages ago where man met the flames of burning bushes and feet of the holy [...]
How Much I Miss My Father’s House
How much I miss the Father of my Fathers. How far I go to find his rest. How deep in [...]
Entranced in a Moment
There is no time, or sense of time when love lives beyond this, Life is one and all. Perceptions mock [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come [...]
Birthright – Passage 4 of 7
Then we grow and become middle aged wondering what we have done with our life. Then we look one day [...]
Thanksgiving for Hope in God
Friends, I have to believe in a life after this. I have to believe we shall all return to a [...]
Spiritual Journey
A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as one generation comes, and another departs So then are we [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I grew cold from lack of sight Open me again to [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by hundreds And what is taken by greed Is replaced by [...]
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience Quietly we wait often for meaning But that is not [...]
Discovering God
Can your brother tell you How to feel about your dad? Can your sister tell you How to feel about your mother? Does a dad treat a baby The same [...]
Man oh Man
What can a man be of his own? Do I draw my own breath? Do I beat my own heart? Do I cause myself to hunger and thirst? Do I [...]
The Poet’s Passion
Oh that I would write only goodness! That my cross not be of foolishness! But of my heart I cannot count it guile Nor of my mind Does it seek [...]
Forgiving Spirit
When darkness falls on the land My spirit seeks the Great Spirit And when darkness falls upon my soul My spirit struggles to seek How long we do strive with [...]
Fear of the World
The world that we see Is not what is there It’s the illusion of dreams By those fearful of losing The world as it stands Is not all that we [...]
God of the Fallen
Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation. I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, come to you not of the greatness of [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as a servant it is paramount for me to present myself [...]
The Flame of the Virtuous Woman
I stand in the darkness of my own creation wraith unbound It is that my eyes were aflame with all that I may consume The cold, the heat, the island [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon my own self many such times reclaim the present in [...]
Eha-lios Aware
From Eha-lios To the solemn appointed Listen to the sounds Of the hidden memory Pursuing always See it upon the sky Between the stars Before the phrases of the human [...]
Far Behind the Foresight
What secrets have I let loose Behind the veil of the keys? Was it not a thousand lifetimes ago? I can feel it as if it were now That soul [...]
Beyond the End of Faith
I write tonight not only for words to share But also for words that I shall listen to What is the value of our Faith When there is no work [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed every important document throughout history is in many ways that [...]
Gateway of the Traveler
How can mankind see the perception Of their perception Between the common two worlds? With eyes that cannot see We seek And with ears that cannot hear Do we set [...]
When the War is Over
Crowds at home rejoice in song Angels pluck their harps in joy Trumpets sound to call for Peace And Warriors fall apart. Long and tragic battle leaves a mark And [...]
This Realm’s Awakening
I was 7 when you first appeared in a dream Nothing to hide your arms open wide you spoke as a whisper Then another of you after you also approaches [...]
Ladder of the Soul
I used to be a soul of deep thought This was not because of actual depth of character It was due to depth of false information Hours upon hours of [...]
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. Where we live inside is not always where we are [...]
Ala Bathia
On the sacred mound of ages ago where man met the flames of burning bushes and feet of the holy tread There alone the hammer fist surrounded the waters where [...]
How Much I Miss My Father’s House
How much I miss the Father of my Fathers. How far I go to find his rest. How deep in debt is my heart. How my comfort displeases flesh. To [...]
Entranced in a Moment
There is no time, or sense of time when love lives beyond this, Life is one and all. Perceptions mock they who desire knowledge. In this justice is true, Heaven [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and [...]
Birthright – Passage 4 of 7
Then we grow and become middle aged wondering what we have done with our life. Then we look one day and see ourselves doing to our own children that which [...]
Thanksgiving for Hope in God
Friends, I have to believe in a life after this. I have to believe we shall all return to a place of everlasting growth, discovery and universal understanding. I have [...]