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Spiritual Connection
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is [...]
For a Friend
How great is our sorrow at loss How deep our hearts feel For the flesh is bonded to flesh And [...]
Rest In Peace
What do we have that remains? Life lives on even after life is gone As the matter of another is [...]
Maite Eternaia
The fire of my loves light Shines upon the shores Of our old sovereign palaces Herald of the sky adorns [...]
Anniversary Message
I would not bind to that ancient tradition Nor would I walk the path of life With any other In [...]
Aeon as One
I have been everywhere with you At the formation of the earth itself The rising of the mountains The blossoming [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the [...]
I Need You
For my Wife, May blessings and mercy pour themselves upon her. I need you because: I am not me without [...]
Just Because
My care for you goes beyond what I hope for myself. My desire for you lives in a special place [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor [...]
Her Kingdom, My Crown
If I AM the Love I wish to be then I shall seek no other love. Just as a man [...]
Ala Bathia
On the sacred mound of ages ago where man met the flames of burning bushes and feet of the holy [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if [...]
How Much I Miss My Father’s House
How much I miss the Father of my Fathers. How far I go to find his rest. How deep in [...]
Devoted to One
Deep within all humans is the truth about their devotions. It is not a matter of choice, or a decision [...]
The Prayer of Man to Woman
To my Ever Beloved Her Prayers I have heard, and my Heart does answer. I shall give in Abundance, so [...]
In the Arms of Bliss
7 Days Journey away from your flesh. Oh how our spirits did soar, even more our hearts did join as [...]
Spiritual Connection
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is the free soul and spirit who acts. For the world [...]
For a Friend
How great is our sorrow at loss How deep our hearts feel For the flesh is bonded to flesh And even ourselves are lost When we lose our family Father, [...]
Rest In Peace
What do we have that remains? Life lives on even after life is gone As the matter of another is not flesh And the love of another is not bone [...]
Maite Eternaia
The fire of my loves light Shines upon the shores Of our old sovereign palaces Herald of the sky adorns the waves Caressed by glimmering dreams Of our hopes desire [...]
Anniversary Message
I would not bind to that ancient tradition Nor would I walk the path of life With any other In a realm where there was not You I would not [...]
Aeon as One
I have been everywhere with you At the formation of the earth itself The rising of the mountains The blossoming of the fields The flowing of the beautiful sky We [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the edge of a black rock cliff overlooking the waters. I [...]
I Need You
For my Wife, May blessings and mercy pour themselves upon her. I need you because: I am not me without you. You complete me. I have someone to love and [...]
Just Because
My care for you goes beyond what I hope for myself. My desire for you lives in a special place in me set aside for you. My dreams for you [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor When she also reflects my integrity When she also values [...]
Her Kingdom, My Crown
If I AM the Love I wish to be then I shall seek no other love. Just as a man seeks no other job when he loves the job he [...]
Ala Bathia
On the sacred mound of ages ago where man met the flames of burning bushes and feet of the holy tread There alone the hammer fist surrounded the waters where [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter If arrogance [...]
How Much I Miss My Father’s House
How much I miss the Father of my Fathers. How far I go to find his rest. How deep in debt is my heart. How my comfort displeases flesh. To [...]
Devoted to One
Deep within all humans is the truth about their devotions. It is not a matter of choice, or a decision of what we are devoted to, because that lingers only [...]
The Prayer of Man to Woman
To my Ever Beloved Her Prayers I have heard, and my Heart does answer. I shall give in Abundance, so that there is more then could ever be measured. I [...]
In the Arms of Bliss
7 Days Journey away from your flesh. Oh how our spirits did soar, even more our hearts did join as one. But how tender the flesh we left for 7 [...]