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Mine all Mine – Son of God or Man
The church laid the foundation of what God is and what God isn't, and then ironically departed from their Creator. [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & [...]
Vanity of the Hardened Heart
The ache of the past mankind does ignore calling folly and fool to they who do not overcome. When it [...]
Mine all Mine – Son of God or Man
The church laid the foundation of what God is and what God isn't, and then ironically departed from their Creator. The family laid the foundation of what is good and [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & subjecting Talking and commanding Puffing himself up amongst others Rattling [...]
Vanity of the Hardened Heart
The ache of the past mankind does ignore calling folly and fool to they who do not overcome. When it is felt wrapping around the chest strangling the neck tightening [...]