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The Temptation of Solomon
Look to my eyes Take in that which you see If at all given to you That there be oceans [...]
The Shunning of Children
Who returns what is given? Who restores what is broken? Who replaces what is stolen? Who heals what is wounded? [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words [...]
Fallen Man
“When shall we see it?” When the two comets cross the sky “What shall we know then?” You shall know [...]
The Temptation of Solomon
Look to my eyes Take in that which you see If at all given to you That there be oceans of heaven's light And in a blink The pit of [...]
The Shunning of Children
Who returns what is given? Who restores what is broken? Who replaces what is stolen? Who heals what is wounded? Who answers what is asked? My eyes cannot see before [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words of the Lord Time has lost its meaning Man has [...]
Fallen Man
“When shall we see it?” When the two comets cross the sky “What shall we know then?” You shall know that hope has been abondoned Grace has been denied Peace [...]