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Self Reflection
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s [...]
True or False
When all is fake Then what is real? When all is lies Then what is true? Without our agreement of [...]
A Look in the Mirror
As open as can be As honest as can be As vulnerable as can be As loving as can be [...]
Forgiving Spirit
When darkness falls on the land My spirit seeks the Great Spirit And when darkness falls upon my soul My [...]
The Dreamer
It is true we have accepted too much It is true we have accepted too little It is true we [...]
Relationship Advice About Relationship Advice
I think we have all seen it far too many times. We got therapists, preachers, social workers, ministers, psychologist, psychiatrists, [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon [...]
Among the Weeds
What would you do if you woke up in the morning and suddenly could calculate the predictability of everything? What [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed [...]
The Uninvited Guest
Excerpts from a Dream During a dark time of my life. See it as you wish, Interpret what you will [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of [...]
Little Icebergs
If everyone knew every one of my secrets no one would really care. The lie is more interesting. You can [...]
The Answer We Already Know
The answer we already know The desire we already have The want we already feel The vision we already see [...]
The Beast of the Mind – Revelations
The beast of the mind of the human experience. A box inside a box inside a box 6 sides of [...]
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. [...]
Yes, We Can
To tell the truth... WE CAN Ya sure we can spend thousand of dollars and hundreds of hours in Therapy... [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it [...]
The Eternal Question
What cause do we trust with the fragmentation of souls compromising our own remembrance? Where can we find ourself unless [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. [...]
World of the Setting Sun
If the sun did not set, it would also not rise. If the song bird did not sing, would we [...]
A Selfish Man
A selfish man would hold you A childish man would cry A beaten man would seek you A fallen man [...]
To Be Alone
When the darkness comes to me in the heart, I write to myself so that I may understand my own [...]
Self Reflection
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and know today, those things that have transformed my life, and [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s self. It is even is harder to see in one’s [...]
True or False
When all is fake Then what is real? When all is lies Then what is true? Without our agreement of this reality There is no lie to believe Without our [...]
A Look in the Mirror
As open as can be As honest as can be As vulnerable as can be As loving as can be Still one heart beats alone Still one experience is known [...]
Forgiving Spirit
When darkness falls on the land My spirit seeks the Great Spirit And when darkness falls upon my soul My spirit struggles to seek How long we do strive with [...]
The Dreamer
It is true we have accepted too much It is true we have accepted too little It is true we have left behind our brothers and sisters to live in [...]
Relationship Advice About Relationship Advice
I think we have all seen it far too many times. We got therapists, preachers, social workers, ministers, psychologist, psychiatrists, counselors, self appointed healers, self appointed experts, self appointed relationship [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon my own self many such times reclaim the present in [...]
Among the Weeds
What would you do if you woke up in the morning and suddenly could calculate the predictability of everything? What would you say if you could hear the words of [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed every important document throughout history is in many ways that [...]
The Uninvited Guest
Excerpts from a Dream During a dark time of my life. See it as you wish, Interpret what you will it's haunts me ever still. The Uninvited Guest Haunted by [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of truth and say they are Light. They who smile at [...]
Little Icebergs
If everyone knew every one of my secrets no one would really care. The lie is more interesting. You can find this evidence in our love of entertainment laws, rules, [...]
The Answer We Already Know
The answer we already know The desire we already have The want we already feel The vision we already see The idea we already thought The will we already muster [...]
The Beast of the Mind – Revelations
The beast of the mind of the human experience. A box inside a box inside a box 6 sides of ourselves As the inner most box 6 sides of our [...]
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. Where we live inside is not always where we are [...]
Yes, We Can
To tell the truth... WE CAN Ya sure we can spend thousand of dollars and hundreds of hours in Therapy... but why not save the money and time and get [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or deeper holes we can feel in our chest, then the [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it up, nor shall I condemn myself for it. It is [...]
The Eternal Question
What cause do we trust with the fragmentation of souls compromising our own remembrance? Where can we find ourself unless to be a scar unwanted and forgotten without pride requiring [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. Though that I will to be Love, I am of [...]
World of the Setting Sun
If the sun did not set, it would also not rise. If the song bird did not sing, would we know its lovely voice? If the bear did not Stand, [...]
A Selfish Man
A selfish man would hold you A childish man would cry A beaten man would seek you A fallen man would crawl to be near you. A selfish man would [...]
To Be Alone
When the darkness comes to me in the heart, I write to myself so that I may understand my own experiences. It is my poetry to me, and my prayers. [...]