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Seeking God
We Cannot See
We cannot see the heavenly things. For our eyes have been attuned to the limits of the flesh, and our [...]
As One, As All
Rise up Great Father Stand ready to defend Open the hearts of Your children Place Your seal upon them For [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Seeking God
We Cannot See
We cannot see the heavenly things. For our eyes have been attuned to the limits of the flesh, and our ears to the noise of the world. But the great [...]
As One, As All
Rise up Great Father Stand ready to defend Open the hearts of Your children Place Your seal upon them For wisdom has departed the earth And understanding has passed on [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon my own self many such times reclaim the present in [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]