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When the Time Reveals the Word
For as many as proclaim their righteousness Speaking forms and tones and tongues Who then has given thanks? For as [...]
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it [...]
A Kingdom Not of This World
Who in earnest asks their Father for forgiveness and receives it not? Who in deceit asks their Father for forgiveness [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by [...]
I’m Trying to Think, but Nothing Happens
What a world of worlds we know Where he who should know Knows not And he who should not know [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low [...]
Grave Temptation
I was lifted up Shown all the world of glory Placed at my feet to rule Offered with praise and [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words [...]
The Power of Peace
Peace is power Wrath is fear Truth is power Lies are fear Helping another is righteousness Oppressing another is wickedness [...]
God Also Speaks Through Us
Greetings to the Brethren of our Lord Jesus Christ I, a servant of our Lord God, beseech you brethren to [...]
Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God
Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus, The reality of this letter is not a subject [...]
The Source of Goodness
Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness. If our Father [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal [...]
When the Time Reveals the Word
For as many as proclaim their righteousness Speaking forms and tones and tongues Who then has given thanks? For as many as establish their doctrine Speaking riddles and mysteries and [...]
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it cannot be given or taken. There is drink that quenches [...]
A Kingdom Not of This World
Who in earnest asks their Father for forgiveness and receives it not? Who in deceit asks their Father for forgiveness and receives it? Who cries out in the night, haunted [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by hundreds And what is taken by greed Is replaced by [...]
I’m Trying to Think, but Nothing Happens
What a world of worlds we know Where he who should know Knows not And he who should not know Knows What a place of places be Where he who [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low the pride of abomination Rise this earth with song and [...]
Grave Temptation
I was lifted up Shown all the world of glory Placed at my feet to rule Offered with praise and enticement If I would only accept it I was lifted [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & subjecting Talking and commanding Puffing himself up amongst others Rattling [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words of the Lord Time has lost its meaning Man has [...]
The Power of Peace
Peace is power Wrath is fear Truth is power Lies are fear Helping another is righteousness Oppressing another is wickedness Caring for another heals both And harming another harms both [...]
God Also Speaks Through Us
Greetings to the Brethren of our Lord Jesus Christ I, a servant of our Lord God, beseech you brethren to take stock of the thoughts and words and works of [...]
Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God
Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus, The reality of this letter is not a subject where I am above the sensation of anger and wrath [...]
The Source of Goodness
Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness. If our Father can take one such as myself, who had not only [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal To bless the memory of the Righteous (As the Righteous [...]