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Just for the Moment
We thought it would never end Those days of our youth When Father and Mother would direct And our siblings [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I [...]
Oh, Great!
With great knowledge Comes great questions With great intellect Comes great confusion With great heart Comes great loneliness With great [...]
Thanksgiving and Gratitude
How many time were we saved When we should have been hurt? How many times did it all work out [...]
Heartache and Faith
Though my spirit rejoices At the battle you won Knowing your life is now with God, My flesh cries out [...]
Enduring Tides
Every day I fail And every day I succeed Every day I harm another And every day I love another [...]
Blessings of the Day
My wife spoke of wisdom today And experience of great value My brother shared his heart My sister shared her [...]
Vain Glory
The seeking of personal glory Is born of self lack Raised in self denial Groomed in self praise Founded in [...]
The Hidden Father
A son who lost a Father And a Father who lost a son Join together in mutual need Bond together [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & [...]
Open Understanding, Hidden Wisdom
Understanding is of the flesh While wisdom is of the spirit He who understands a thing Does so through experience [...]
Father of the Scribe
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. - Proverbs 15:3 I write not that it [...]
Baptism of Elders
Listen to the elders Who speak of natural things For they remember the making of life And the perfection of [...]
Peace Inside
The filling of my flesh Brought peace for a time In joy and revelry played With friends and laughter And [...]
Remember Our Loved Ones
Time and space fill the hours Of my blank stare into the barren land of former life Where loved ones [...]
Turning Point
Though our world is full of sorrow And the voices cry out Multitudes have answered And presented their care How [...]
From Beginning to End
Why would they fear That you know a truth? Why would it be Your deliverance is hidden? Who decided What [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we [...]
Before Sleep
The time it calls to remind us all Of that which is good and just For the eyes do see [...]
Still They Ride
What if I shared with you those memories that return always the ones that make up my life with perminant [...]
Save Them All
In sorrow do I plead as the distance laid by the shores of unforgettable memory The whisper is heard Was [...]
Parable of the Foreigner – Translated Imagery
Sent down among the brotherhood of the agile warrior Placed down among the brotherhood of the soil Cast down among [...]
Time Bandit
It changes The damned thing Changes Is it such a great thing To live once And remember always The life [...]
Take Me Back
If I could take you to the place of my birth And show you that little black house Where we [...]
Overture of Humanity
It doesn’t matter How far down into the depths We may travel There is still another Covetous of our life [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a [...]
A Star Dweller’s Return
(Interpreted Symbology – Finding Earth Again) Beautiful blue waters glow The work of life revealed Land below standing still In [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could [...]
Exposed in an Instant
First like a drifting cloud remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind. "Hear me" "See me" "Touch me" As [...]
Ladder of the Soul
I used to be a soul of deep thought This was not because of actual depth of character It was [...]
The Water’s Edge
It would take me longer to recite all that I remember then there is time in this life. It would [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the [...]
Missing My Father
Restore the heart of my youth Return the unknowing mind Repair the withered flesh Flourish in that spirit then Young, [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly [...]
The Landscape of Time
Within there plays a grossly misinterpreted dream. It is I who knows not the hour of my own deterrent. It [...]
The Solitude of Man
If such a man be lost on earth, and hawks his only reminder, who then remembers the man? If such [...]
That all Men should be so Lucky
From the past I have forgotten greatness and peace, for this peace now is above everything before it. From this [...]
Without a Paddle
Let alone there be a time for war and peace lay by its side When the days of sunrise call [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Birthright – Passage 1 of 7
In the reasoning of individuality, and responsibility to our relationships, is an entire dimension of human experience. To be [...]
The Tasks of Man
What is this that man should be? Our days are filled with tasks. Our nights are filled with tasks. Even [...]
Just for the Moment
We thought it would never end Those days of our youth When Father and Mother would direct And our siblings would play While Dad would sweat in the garden As [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I grew cold from lack of sight Open me again to [...]
Oh, Great!
With great knowledge Comes great questions With great intellect Comes great confusion With great heart Comes great loneliness With great passion Comes great heartache With great wisdom Comes great sorrow [...]
Thanksgiving and Gratitude
How many time were we saved When we should have been hurt? How many times did it all work out When it should have been chaos? How many times did [...]
Heartache and Faith
Though my spirit rejoices At the battle you won Knowing your life is now with God, My flesh cries out for you My heart sinks further into breaking My life [...]
Enduring Tides
Every day I fail And every day I succeed Every day I harm another And every day I love another Every day my flesh corrupts me And every day God [...]
Blessings of the Day
My wife spoke of wisdom today And experience of great value My brother shared his heart My sister shared her journey An uncle sent a message of family A father [...]
Vain Glory
The seeking of personal glory Is born of self lack Raised in self denial Groomed in self praise Founded in self deception Polished to a shine of self pride All [...]
The Hidden Father
A son who lost a Father And a Father who lost a son Join together in mutual need Bond together in mutual trust For what makes a man a father? [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do we bask in the peace of life Requiring nothing of [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & subjecting Talking and commanding Puffing himself up amongst others Rattling [...]
Open Understanding, Hidden Wisdom
Understanding is of the flesh While wisdom is of the spirit He who understands a thing Does so through experience As victim and victor As fool and professor Time and [...]
Father of the Scribe
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. - Proverbs 15:3 I write not that it should be praised Nor do I speak to be heard [...]
Baptism of Elders
Listen to the elders Who speak of natural things For they remember the making of life And the perfection of earth's balance Listen to the elders Who speak of peaceful [...]
Peace Inside
The filling of my flesh Brought peace for a time In joy and revelry played With friends and laughter And goodness to share The passing of time took away The [...]
Remember Our Loved Ones
Time and space fill the hours Of my blank stare into the barren land of former life Where loved ones had stood And cherished souls grew close A memory brings [...]
Turning Point
Though our world is full of sorrow And the voices cry out Multitudes have answered And presented their care How wonderful to witness goodness How beautiful to behold unity How [...]
From Beginning to End
Why would they fear That you know a truth? Why would it be Your deliverance is hidden? Who decided What you can know? How is it we think it is [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we lost We get up and do it again Give to [...]
Before Sleep
The time it calls to remind us all Of that which is good and just For the eyes do see the folly of man And the ears are filled with [...]
Still They Ride
What if I shared with you those memories that return always the ones that make up my life with perminant presence forever teaching me a light to remind me bringing [...]
Save Them All
In sorrow do I plead as the distance laid by the shores of unforgettable memory The whisper is heard Was it for another ear? Why do we walk the narrow [...]
Parable of the Foreigner – Translated Imagery
Sent down among the brotherhood of the agile warrior Placed down among the brotherhood of the soil Cast down among the brotherhood of the scales It does not ring within [...]
Time Bandit
It changes The damned thing Changes Is it such a great thing To live once And remember always The life before To live again? Is it such a wonderful thing [...]
Take Me Back
If I could take you to the place of my birth And show you that little black house Where we played in the back yard And my Father built a [...]
Overture of Humanity
It doesn’t matter How far down into the depths We may travel There is still another Covetous of our life It doesn’t matter How far into poverty We do fall [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not of my intellect And experiences Unknown to my days There [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a greater mystery My thoughts fall to You often When I [...]
A Star Dweller’s Return
(Interpreted Symbology – Finding Earth Again) Beautiful blue waters glow The work of life revealed Land below standing still In this forgotten corner Of the cosmos Within her shores tempered [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I rose inside myself Before when I prayed to be humble [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could write one out right now with all the thoughts in [...]
Exposed in an Instant
First like a drifting cloud remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind. "Hear me" "See me" "Touch me" As if with the orbiting of my eyes in jest I [...]
Ladder of the Soul
I used to be a soul of deep thought This was not because of actual depth of character It was due to depth of false information Hours upon hours of [...]
The Water’s Edge
It would take me longer to recite all that I remember then there is time in this life. It would require a thousand years to share what is contained within. [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the edge of a black rock cliff overlooking the waters. I [...]
Missing My Father
Restore the heart of my youth Return the unknowing mind Repair the withered flesh Flourish in that spirit then Young, unimportant, without need. Blind these eyes to these worlds Deafen [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly it would be interesting To forget who I was And [...]
The Landscape of Time
Within there plays a grossly misinterpreted dream. It is I who knows not the hour of my own deterrent. It is I who knows only the result. Winter brings the [...]
The Solitude of Man
If such a man be lost on earth, and hawks his only reminder, who then remembers the man? If such a man be found on earth, and himself his only [...]
That all Men should be so Lucky
From the past I have forgotten greatness and peace, for this peace now is above everything before it. From this olden trail I have forgotten Stones, for the stones now [...]
Without a Paddle
Let alone there be a time for war and peace lay by its side When the days of sunrise call and midnight sleeps again Even when a lover feels the [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things, and all things are under your [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Birthright – Passage 1 of 7
In the reasoning of individuality, and responsibility to our relationships, is an entire dimension of human experience. To be sure of our purpose requires from us our own truths [...]
The Tasks of Man
What is this that man should be? Our days are filled with tasks. Our nights are filled with tasks. Even our rest is overrun with tasks. Who among ALL the [...]