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Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has [...]
Kingdom Within
I will not die a paupers fate Nor walk alone in my steps For the wealth of all the universe [...]
Words of the Soul
From the heart, the mouth speaks, But the hand proves the intent. All movement on earth, is a word in [...]
Walk Alone
It does not encompass Kings this thing of comforts nor does compassion or understanding find its way towards them For [...]
Concerning Purpose
Life for me is not a mystery It is not a joke It is not a riddle Of ancient lost [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning [...]
And I See Nothing So Beautiful
I don't know if you remember The caves of your creation or the mountains of my suns light? I am [...]
The Life of a Creator
The Life of a creator is a reckless place. There is no order, no symmetry, no precision, no direction, and [...]
Thanksgiving for Hope in God
Friends, I have to believe in a life after this. I have to believe we shall all return to a [...]
Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has been heavy And your foundations have been shaken Remember always [...]
Kingdom Within
I will not die a paupers fate Nor walk alone in my steps For the wealth of all the universe Has been laid out before me And the riches of [...]
Words of the Soul
From the heart, the mouth speaks, But the hand proves the intent. All movement on earth, is a word in Heaven. All action in body, is a calculated intent of [...]
Walk Alone
It does not encompass Kings this thing of comforts nor does compassion or understanding find its way towards them For they in whom is bestowed grace is grace given to [...]
Concerning Purpose
Life for me is not a mystery It is not a joke It is not a riddle Of ancient lost articles When I embrace blessings They can often direct me [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning Discern the truth Grasp the reality The wisdom of our [...]
And I See Nothing So Beautiful
I don't know if you remember The caves of your creation or the mountains of my suns light? I am not just intrigued by what we have forgot but often [...]
The Life of a Creator
The Life of a creator is a reckless place. There is no order, no symmetry, no precision, no direction, and no focus. It is from this vast emptiness that a [...]
Thanksgiving for Hope in God
Friends, I have to believe in a life after this. I have to believe we shall all return to a place of everlasting growth, discovery and universal understanding. I have [...]