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The Temptation of Solomon
Look to my eyes Take in that which you see If at all given to you That there be oceans [...]
The Shunning of Children
Who returns what is given? Who restores what is broken? Who replaces what is stolen? Who heals what is wounded? [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s [...]
True or False
When all is fake Then what is real? When all is lies Then what is true? Without our agreement of [...]
The Forest and the Trees
The elder does not speak Before the will of fools Neither does he correct The chosen path thereof As the [...]
Pride – the Hidden Sin
Greetings to all brethren seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy. I, a fellow servant of our God and [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I [...]
The Temptation of Solomon
Look to my eyes Take in that which you see If at all given to you That there be oceans of heaven's light And in a blink The pit of [...]
The Shunning of Children
Who returns what is given? Who restores what is broken? Who replaces what is stolen? Who heals what is wounded? Who answers what is asked? My eyes cannot see before [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s self. It is even is harder to see in one’s [...]
True or False
When all is fake Then what is real? When all is lies Then what is true? Without our agreement of this reality There is no lie to believe Without our [...]
The Forest and the Trees
The elder does not speak Before the will of fools Neither does he correct The chosen path thereof As the need to be right And to make others wrong Sets [...]
Pride – the Hidden Sin
Greetings to all brethren seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy. I, a fellow servant of our God and King do humbly beseech you my brothers and sisters to [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal To bless the memory of the Righteous (As the Righteous [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I rose inside myself Before when I prayed to be humble [...]