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When the Time Reveals the Word
For as many as proclaim their righteousness Speaking forms and tones and tongues Who then has given thanks? For as [...]
False Flag
Cover your eyes and listen not Banish your thought and relent Harden your heart to all that is true As [...]
I’m Trying to Think, but Nothing Happens
What a world of worlds we know Where he who should know Knows not And he who should not know [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & [...]
The Power of Peace
Peace is power Wrath is fear Truth is power Lies are fear Helping another is righteousness Oppressing another is wickedness [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? [...]
Power to the Powerless
(Taken from the radiance of the Flower of Life) Even the Messengers of life – need life Even the formless [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal [...]
The World of Worlds
It hasn’t always been this way Before it all How to forget, was the issue How to make a life, [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or [...]
The Two Hunters
Does she know the terror she has unleashed? Does he know the power of the victims role? Does she know [...]
They Seek a Sign
They seek a sign, And look without. Look within. They seek love, And look to an outsider. Look inside. They [...]
When the Time Reveals the Word
For as many as proclaim their righteousness Speaking forms and tones and tongues Who then has given thanks? For as many as establish their doctrine Speaking riddles and mysteries and [...]
False Flag
Cover your eyes and listen not Banish your thought and relent Harden your heart to all that is true As the whirlwind stalks upon you For the words of your [...]
I’m Trying to Think, but Nothing Happens
What a world of worlds we know Where he who should know Knows not And he who should not know Knows What a place of places be Where he who [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the blink of an eye Enter a room as two had [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & subjecting Talking and commanding Puffing himself up amongst others Rattling [...]
The Power of Peace
Peace is power Wrath is fear Truth is power Lies are fear Helping another is righteousness Oppressing another is wickedness Caring for another heals both And harming another harms both [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is nothing to see nothing to build In a time of [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? We set ourselves above the land Though the land does [...]
Power to the Powerless
(Taken from the radiance of the Flower of Life) Even the Messengers of life – need life Even the formless powers of Angels – need life Even the Flame is [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal To bless the memory of the Righteous (As the Righteous [...]
The World of Worlds
It hasn’t always been this way Before it all How to forget, was the issue How to make a life, without knowledge How to make a channel, without power How [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or deeper holes we can feel in our chest, then the [...]
The Two Hunters
Does she know the terror she has unleashed? Does he know the power of the victims role? Does she know the prowess she has encountered? Does he know the vehemence [...]
They Seek a Sign
They seek a sign, And look without. Look within. They seek love, And look to an outsider. Look inside. They seek hope, And look to another. Look to your eyes. [...]