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Blessings of the Day
My wife spoke of wisdom today And experience of great value My brother shared his heart My sister shared her [...]
The Dream of Impossibility
I hear what is not said am deaf to what is shared. I see what is not shown and blind [...]
The Solitude of Man
If such a man be lost on earth, and hawks his only reminder, who then remembers the man? If such [...]
Blessings of the Day
My wife spoke of wisdom today And experience of great value My brother shared his heart My sister shared her journey An uncle sent a message of family A father [...]
The Dream of Impossibility
I hear what is not said am deaf to what is shared. I see what is not shown and blind to what is before me. I say what is not [...]
The Solitude of Man
If such a man be lost on earth, and hawks his only reminder, who then remembers the man? If such a man be found on earth, and himself his only [...]