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Personal Growth
Heroes of Independence
To know loss one must first have and to have one must first gain and to gain one must first [...]
Just for the Moment
We thought it would never end Those days of our youth When Father and Mother would direct And our siblings [...]
From Failure to Faith
Who is the solution to our problems? Is it the ex who has all our old life who needs to [...]
My Two Wolves
We have heard it said That inside of us Are two battling wolves One that is good And one that [...]
Still They Ride
What if I shared with you those memories that return always the ones that make up my life with perminant [...]
Relationship Advice About Relationship Advice
I think we have all seen it far too many times. We got therapists, preachers, social workers, ministers, psychologist, psychiatrists, [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could [...]
The Sharpened Blade
Who dares to toss every comfort And every security And every warmth And every option Into the fire? When every [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor [...]
Little Icebergs
If everyone knew every one of my secrets no one would really care. The lie is more interesting. You can [...]
Time’s Descendant
Sometimes I wonder what everything before was all about? In my spirit there has only been one home one place [...]
Yes, We Can
To tell the truth... WE CAN Ya sure we can spend thousand of dollars and hundreds of hours in Therapy... [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it [...]
Into the Fire of Love’s Healing
The mending of a broken heart is of the most difficult task. In the loss of a hearts security is [...]
In Gratitude
Not many are given the chance to touch the dreams of their youth. I was as a wonderer on the [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come [...]
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love? A god is anything you worship. To worship is to [...]
The Sex Talk I Never Got
There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers, that time has forgotten. All manner of stupidity and childishness I [...]
A Man’s Honor
"Honor is a gift a man gives himself" Though there are several meanings, Honor cannot be defined by an outside [...]
Birthright – Passage 4 of 7
Then we grow and become middle aged wondering what we have done with our life. Then we look one day [...]
A Selfish Man
A selfish man would hold you A childish man would cry A beaten man would seek you A fallen man [...]
To Be Alone
When the darkness comes to me in the heart, I write to myself so that I may understand my own [...]
Personal Growth
Heroes of Independence
To know loss one must first have and to have one must first gain and to gain one must first act and to act one must first take responsibility and [...]
Just for the Moment
We thought it would never end Those days of our youth When Father and Mother would direct And our siblings would play While Dad would sweat in the garden As [...]
From Failure to Faith
Who is the solution to our problems? Is it the ex who has all our old life who needs to make things right? Is it the religion that stole everything [...]
My Two Wolves
We have heard it said That inside of us Are two battling wolves One that is good And one that is evil And that wolf who wins the battle Is [...]
Still They Ride
What if I shared with you those memories that return always the ones that make up my life with perminant presence forever teaching me a light to remind me bringing [...]
Relationship Advice About Relationship Advice
I think we have all seen it far too many times. We got therapists, preachers, social workers, ministers, psychologist, psychiatrists, counselors, self appointed healers, self appointed experts, self appointed relationship [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could write one out right now with all the thoughts in [...]
The Sharpened Blade
Who dares to toss every comfort And every security And every warmth And every option Into the fire? When every chain is loosed That confined one life to its path [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of truth and say they are Light. They who smile at [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor When she also reflects my integrity When she also values [...]
Little Icebergs
If everyone knew every one of my secrets no one would really care. The lie is more interesting. You can find this evidence in our love of entertainment laws, rules, [...]
Time’s Descendant
Sometimes I wonder what everything before was all about? In my spirit there has only been one home one place of safety one moment of peace one goal one purpose. [...]
Yes, We Can
To tell the truth... WE CAN Ya sure we can spend thousand of dollars and hundreds of hours in Therapy... but why not save the money and time and get [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it up, nor shall I condemn myself for it. It is [...]
Into the Fire of Love’s Healing
The mending of a broken heart is of the most difficult task. In the loss of a hearts security is torment beyond reason. Decades it may take, to finally tare [...]
In Gratitude
Not many are given the chance to touch the dreams of their youth. I was as a wonderer on the earth drifting in and out of lives seeking longing yearning. [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and [...]
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love? A god is anything you worship. To worship is to give adorning reverence to. In several of the sacred texts, [...]
The Sex Talk I Never Got
There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers, that time has forgotten. All manner of stupidity and childishness I have done, and paid for what I know with my [...]
A Man’s Honor
"Honor is a gift a man gives himself" Though there are several meanings, Honor cannot be defined by an outside source. It can be recognized as similar in nature to [...]
Birthright – Passage 4 of 7
Then we grow and become middle aged wondering what we have done with our life. Then we look one day and see ourselves doing to our own children that which [...]
A Selfish Man
A selfish man would hold you A childish man would cry A beaten man would seek you A fallen man would crawl to be near you. A selfish man would [...]
To Be Alone
When the darkness comes to me in the heart, I write to myself so that I may understand my own experiences. It is my poetry to me, and my prayers. [...]