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The Temple of God’s Light
Greetings to the all around the world who seek the Kingdom of God, the wisdom and understand of Jesus Christ, [...]
Hamlet Prayer
To the heavens I direct my words To the founder of life do I seek To the Father of my [...]
Royal Mercy
I live in Your Word And dream in Your Spirit With holiness and peace Am I renewed by Your Love [...]
A Prayer for Restoration and Guidance
Dear Great and Most Holy Father in heaven, Thank you God for hearing these words of Your son – that [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed [...]
Without a Paddle
Let alone there be a time for war and peace lay by its side When the days of sunrise call [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you [...]
The Temple of God’s Light
Greetings to the all around the world who seek the Kingdom of God, the wisdom and understand of Jesus Christ, And the grace and love of our Father in Heaven [...]
Hamlet Prayer
To the heavens I direct my words To the founder of life do I seek To the Father of my Lord And the origin of every peace Lo, are many [...]
Royal Mercy
I live in Your Word And dream in Your Spirit With holiness and peace Am I renewed by Your Love What am I that life should be found? Or that [...]
A Prayer for Restoration and Guidance
Dear Great and Most Holy Father in heaven, Thank you God for hearing these words of Your son – that we all may join with You in this time of [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed every important document throughout history is in many ways that [...]
Without a Paddle
Let alone there be a time for war and peace lay by its side When the days of sunrise call and midnight sleeps again Even when a lover feels the [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things, and all things are under your [...]