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Our Little Man Who Walks with God
You are always with me, my Son Where not a day is without Neither evening is the heart alone As [...]
A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as [...]
For a Friend
How great is our sorrow at loss How deep our hearts feel For the flesh is bonded to flesh And [...]
Remember Our Loved Ones
Time and space fill the hours Of my blank stare into the barren land of former life Where loved ones [...]
Our Little Man Who Walks with God
You are always with me, my Son Where not a day is without Neither evening is the heart alone As dreams of what You would be, live on Six years [...]
A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as one generation comes, and another departs So then are we [...]
For a Friend
How great is our sorrow at loss How deep our hearts feel For the flesh is bonded to flesh And even ourselves are lost When we lose our family Father, [...]
Remember Our Loved Ones
Time and space fill the hours Of my blank stare into the barren land of former life Where loved ones had stood And cherished souls grew close A memory brings [...]