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Love and Hate
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the [...]
Honor Thy Father and Mother
This eye does perceive My father in my brother And my mother in my sister This ear does hear My [...]
Concerning Purpose
Life for me is not a mystery It is not a joke It is not a riddle Of ancient lost [...]
Love and Hate
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the way of hate The way of faith or the way [...]
Honor Thy Father and Mother
This eye does perceive My father in my brother And my mother in my sister This ear does hear My father in my brother And my mother in my sister [...]
Concerning Purpose
Life for me is not a mystery It is not a joke It is not a riddle Of ancient lost articles When I embrace blessings They can often direct me [...]