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Light and Darkness
Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has [...]
The Ladder and the Book of Life
My flesh was at rest contemplating the nature of life when a vision came upon me. Suddenly was I transported [...]
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice. Who can provide mercy [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the [...]
God – My Father
Who can say what will be done And what will not be done Except He who created it all? Who [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by [...]
Keepers of the Veil
We are the witness of the age The wanderer in the light Where darkness fell away And shadows linger no [...]
I’m Trying to Think, but Nothing Happens
What a world of worlds we know Where he who should know Knows not And he who should not know [...]
Paradox of the Spirit
For the words of the spirit Are insane to the world’s sane And sane to the insane Unrighteous to the [...]
Gratitude of the Living Dog
The love of God is a mystery to man For He lifts up the fallen And brings down the raised [...]
Brother to Another
Who can be called brother? Who can be called sister? If a house divided cannot stand Than how can it [...]
Not Lost when Lost
If I rise into a fine stage of prosperity My Father is there And if I mire myself in dark [...]
Riddle of Orion
Transfer of rite of 2005 While the world looked on at storms Seeing none of what awaited Sleeping to the [...]
The Choice
As the mind does deny the spirit recalls Though not a soul of defiant bliss marked tare by tear inside [...]
Liberty of Spirit
Hear O children of the Light with open ears and fixed eyes while in silence of the flesh For it [...]
Visions of the Great One
I cried out to the angel of He who comforts, And I looked and behold the earth! How beautiful she [...]
Inevitable Untruth
Where is the past that it shall not become the future? To set oneself upon another path requires the consideration [...]
Flight of the Serpent
The awakening is not of logic Or spirit Or heart Command oh stand behind the man Ye who would stand [...]
Aeon as One
I have been everywhere with you At the formation of the earth itself The rising of the mountains The blossoming [...]
Gateway of the Traveler
How can mankind see the perception Of their perception Between the common two worlds? With eyes that cannot see We [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of [...]
Light and Darkness
Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has been heavy And your foundations have been shaken Remember always [...]
The Ladder and the Book of Life
My flesh was at rest contemplating the nature of life when a vision came upon me. Suddenly was I transported to a forest on the earth. The trees were all [...]
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice. Who can provide mercy and care except He who created it? Who can restore [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the way of hate The way of faith or the way [...]
God – My Father
Who can say what will be done And what will not be done Except He who created it all? Who can say what will be spoke And what will be [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by hundreds And what is taken by greed Is replaced by [...]
Keepers of the Veil
We are the witness of the age The wanderer in the light Where darkness fell away And shadows linger no more We are the hidden hand The motion of all [...]
I’m Trying to Think, but Nothing Happens
What a world of worlds we know Where he who should know Knows not And he who should not know Knows What a place of places be Where he who [...]
Paradox of the Spirit
For the words of the spirit Are insane to the world’s sane And sane to the insane Unrighteous to the world’s righteous And righteous to the unrighteous For the spirit [...]
Gratitude of the Living Dog
The love of God is a mystery to man For He lifts up the fallen And brings down the raised What does it profit us at all If for our [...]
Brother to Another
Who can be called brother? Who can be called sister? If a house divided cannot stand Than how can it be called family? For a brother upholds a brother And [...]
Not Lost when Lost
If I rise into a fine stage of prosperity My Father is there And if I mire myself in dark debt My Father is also there No matter where I [...]
Riddle of Orion
Transfer of rite of 2005 While the world looked on at storms Seeing none of what awaited Sleeping to the constructed facade He that arose did so to prepare Alter [...]
The Choice
As the mind does deny the spirit recalls Though not a soul of defiant bliss marked tare by tear inside a kiss spoiled always then within this patterned soil what [...]
Liberty of Spirit
Hear O children of the Light with open ears and fixed eyes while in silence of the flesh For it is that of the mind are we accursed and of [...]
Visions of the Great One
I cried out to the angel of He who comforts, And I looked and behold the earth! How beautiful she is - as if being healed And to the right [...]
Inevitable Untruth
Where is the past that it shall not become the future? To set oneself upon another path requires the consideration of Heaven and Hell What do we do alone that [...]
Flight of the Serpent
The awakening is not of logic Or spirit Or heart Command oh stand behind the man Ye who would stand before him That such man knows not himself Knowing himself [...]
Aeon as One
I have been everywhere with you At the formation of the earth itself The rising of the mountains The blossoming of the fields The flowing of the beautiful sky We [...]
Gateway of the Traveler
How can mankind see the perception Of their perception Between the common two worlds? With eyes that cannot see We seek And with ears that cannot hear Do we set [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of truth and say they are Light. They who smile at [...]