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Rise of the Dark
We saw you rise at the fall of life Handing power and might to the sea Subdue and lie in [...]
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth Silence the doubtful mind Cleanse the heart of selfish reason Depart from the cry [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & [...]
Maite Eternaia
The fire of my loves light Shines upon the shores Of our old sovereign palaces Herald of the sky adorns [...]
Kingdom Within
I will not die a paupers fate Nor walk alone in my steps For the wealth of all the universe [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as [...]
Opening Message
I come to you as one of the low, one of the dark, knowing nothing of my own, but awakened [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? [...]
Shadows Fall
See the shadow that time forgot Lurking behind the veil Ugly and twisted and loathed That there is none to [...]
The Sharpened Blade
Who dares to toss every comfort And every security And every warmth And every option Into the fire? When every [...]
Rise of the Dark
We saw you rise at the fall of life Handing power and might to the sea Subdue and lie in every word Though the nations know not who Cut off [...]
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth Silence the doubtful mind Cleanse the heart of selfish reason Depart from the cry of the flesh Give ear unto your spirit Close the [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & subjecting Talking and commanding Puffing himself up amongst others Rattling [...]
Maite Eternaia
The fire of my loves light Shines upon the shores Of our old sovereign palaces Herald of the sky adorns the waves Caressed by glimmering dreams Of our hopes desire [...]
Kingdom Within
I will not die a paupers fate Nor walk alone in my steps For the wealth of all the universe Has been laid out before me And the riches of [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as a servant it is paramount for me to present myself [...]
Opening Message
I come to you as one of the low, one of the dark, knowing nothing of my own, but awakened to that which was given to me. It was given [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is nothing to see nothing to build In a time of [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? We set ourselves above the land Though the land does [...]
Shadows Fall
See the shadow that time forgot Lurking behind the veil Ugly and twisted and loathed That there is none to embrace such a thing Is said to be good That [...]
The Sharpened Blade
Who dares to toss every comfort And every security And every warmth And every option Into the fire? When every chain is loosed That confined one life to its path [...]