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Life and Death
Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley [...]
Nagusitu Zen
The lives who answer seek Drifts not amidst the light Nor shadows tell of meaning tact Without the fall of [...]
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith. We who have labored long [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is [...]
Vanity of the Hardened Heart
The ache of the past mankind does ignore calling folly and fool to they who do not overcome. When it [...]
Time Bandit
It changes The damned thing Changes Is it such a great thing To live once And remember always The life [...]
Revelation Within
Millions came before us Million come after us Millions are with us Who will change the tune? I’ll have my [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me [...]
The Eyes of Desire
With the eyes of desire we do seek our own pleasure. With the words of love we do cast our [...]
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love? A god is anything you worship. To worship is to [...]
Life and Death
Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has been heavy And your foundations have been shaken Remember always [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the way of hate The way of faith or the way [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley of rest does awaken Oh that man could see with [...]
Nagusitu Zen
The lives who answer seek Drifts not amidst the light Nor shadows tell of meaning tact Without the fall of hindered grace How frail we are with wanting Always another [...]
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith. We who have labored long in bringing the message of God's true power and will [...]
Where lies the Faith?
In a time of untruth there is nothing to speak nothing to hear In a time of darkness there is nothing to see nothing to build In a time of [...]
Vanity of the Hardened Heart
The ache of the past mankind does ignore calling folly and fool to they who do not overcome. When it is felt wrapping around the chest strangling the neck tightening [...]
Time Bandit
It changes The damned thing Changes Is it such a great thing To live once And remember always The life before To live again? Is it such a wonderful thing [...]
Revelation Within
Millions came before us Million come after us Millions are with us Who will change the tune? I’ll have my way And you’ll have your way And someone will say [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning Discern the truth Grasp the reality The wisdom of our [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of truth and say they are Light. They who smile at [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard and more things unwitnessed than witnessed and more things unthought [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me to Follow God. Those who taught me to conform, taught [...]
The Eyes of Desire
With the eyes of desire we do seek our own pleasure. With the words of love we do cast our spells. With the will of our spirits we force our [...]
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love? A god is anything you worship. To worship is to give adorning reverence to. In several of the sacred texts, [...]