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A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as [...]
Just for the Moment
We thought it would never end Those days of our youth When Father and Mother would direct And our siblings [...]
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how [...]
Rise of the Dark
We saw you rise at the fall of life Handing power and might to the sea Subdue and lie in [...]
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice. Who can provide mercy [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The [...]
Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love [...]
Absent Immortal
I have never been taught the reality of purpose nor have I been witness to the reality of truth by [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on [...]
Returning Home
There is a place in us all that we call home. Many of us are as yet unaware of what [...]
Everyone Knows what Love is.
Everyone knows what love is. Some will doubt these words heavily, and this I understand to be common. Often in [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
The Life of a Creator
The Life of a creator is a reckless place. There is no order, no symmetry, no precision, no direction, and [...]
The Tasks of Man
What is this that man should be? Our days are filled with tasks. Our nights are filled with tasks. Even [...]
Thanksgiving for Hope in God
Friends, I have to believe in a life after this. I have to believe we shall all return to a [...]
Fallen Angel
Why must I fall so far from my own heart? Why must I feel the awesome power of my own [...]
A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as one generation comes, and another departs So then are we [...]
Just for the Moment
We thought it would never end Those days of our youth When Father and Mother would direct And our siblings would play While Dad would sweat in the garden As [...]
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how you feel, put it all out there, hold back nothing, [...]
Rise of the Dark
We saw you rise at the fall of life Handing power and might to the sea Subdue and lie in every word Though the nations know not who Cut off [...]
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice. Who can provide mercy and care except He who created it? Who can restore [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low the pride of abomination Rise this earth with song and [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a single tree Missing the forest around him Whereas the tree [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The darkness seeks to steal So that you should not have [...]
Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Around the world today, many [...]
Absent Immortal
I have never been taught the reality of purpose nor have I been witness to the reality of truth by the works of mankind For each generation is exactly the [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. Though that I will to be Love, I am of [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly it would be interesting To forget who I was And [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on earth. All creatures great and small as it is known! [...]
Returning Home
There is a place in us all that we call home. Many of us are as yet unaware of what home is. Even so, we all know something inside us [...]
Everyone Knows what Love is.
Everyone knows what love is. Some will doubt these words heavily, and this I understand to be common. Often in my past I too believed I did not know love. [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
The Life of a Creator
The Life of a creator is a reckless place. There is no order, no symmetry, no precision, no direction, and no focus. It is from this vast emptiness that a [...]
The Tasks of Man
What is this that man should be? Our days are filled with tasks. Our nights are filled with tasks. Even our rest is overrun with tasks. Who among ALL the [...]
Thanksgiving for Hope in God
Friends, I have to believe in a life after this. I have to believe we shall all return to a place of everlasting growth, discovery and universal understanding. I have [...]
Fallen Angel
Why must I fall so far from my own heart? Why must I feel the awesome power of my own isolation? Why must I own such powerlessness of expression to [...]