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Oh, Great!
With great knowledge Comes great questions With great intellect Comes great confusion With great heart Comes great loneliness With great [...]
The Unwanted Wisdom
Memories are not always about the past Visions are not always about the future Opinions are not always about the [...]
Error 404 – Reality not Found
By the very notes of the song Our essence does belong As we look backward And we look forward So [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard [...]
Entranced in a Moment
There is no time, or sense of time when love lives beyond this, Life is one and all. Perceptions mock [...]
Oh, Great!
With great knowledge Comes great questions With great intellect Comes great confusion With great heart Comes great loneliness With great passion Comes great heartache With great wisdom Comes great sorrow [...]
The Unwanted Wisdom
Memories are not always about the past Visions are not always about the future Opinions are not always about the moment These ideas keep us from seeing a bigger picture [...]
Error 404 – Reality not Found
By the very notes of the song Our essence does belong As we look backward And we look forward So too do we not see Reality As the cavemen are [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard and more things unwitnessed than witnessed and more things unthought [...]
Entranced in a Moment
There is no time, or sense of time when love lives beyond this, Life is one and all. Perceptions mock they who desire knowledge. In this justice is true, Heaven [...]