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Jesus Christ
The Temple of God’s Light
Greetings to the all around the world who seek the Kingdom of God, the wisdom and understand of Jesus Christ, [...]
Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom [...]
The Ladder and the Book of Life
My flesh was at rest contemplating the nature of life when a vision came upon me. Suddenly was I transported [...]
God – My Father
Who can say what will be done And what will not be done Except He who created it all? Who [...]
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience [...]
Royal Mercy
I live in Your Word And dream in Your Spirit With holiness and peace Am I renewed by Your Love [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low [...]
Return to Spirit
God would have us know We need not be afraid He said so many times while on earth He brought [...]
As One, As All
Rise up Great Father Stand ready to defend Open the hearts of Your children Place Your seal upon them For [...]
The Peasant’s Prayer
Lift my eyes to truth oh Father Cast away the shadow of doubt Embrace me in Your arms my God [...]
For the Love of God
Those who love God Love also their neighbor Those who curse their neighbor Also curse God. Who can curse a [...]
Discovering God
Can your brother tell you How to feel about your dad? Can your sister tell you How to feel about [...]
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth Silence the doubtful mind Cleanse the heart of selfish reason Depart from the cry [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a [...]
Life Upon Life
Difficult is the way And fearful is the journey When the life of flesh Is all that can be considered [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the [...]
Mustard Seed
The life of man is but a puff of smoke To the earth as she has hosted The life of [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance [...]
Father of the Scribe
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. - Proverbs 15:3 I write not that it [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words [...]
The Final Kingdom
The final kingdom is at hand Of iron and clay it is With blood of blood unalike And seed of [...]
Whisper Counsel
Power is found in a whisper For he who has ears attuned No, there is no might in strength Nor [...]
Kingdom Within
I will not die a paupers fate Nor walk alone in my steps For the wealth of all the universe [...]
The Journey of a Man
I set my mind to being my own man Knowing that was the answer I sought How free I would [...]
Embracing Faith in Troubling Times
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom [...]
Returning to Faith
With great love and affection from myself to you, along with the Grace and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father [...]
The First Question from the Fellowship
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the protection and love of our Father [...]
Race and God
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love [...]
An Introduction to God the Father
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love [...]
The Feast of Unleavened Bread – Even today!
Greetings to the churches of the earth, the peoples of the earth and all her inhabitants with Love and Compassion [...]
Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love [...]
God’s Good Work is Everywhere
Greeting to the people of the earth, with the Mercy and Peace of God the Father, and the Love and [...]
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking comfort in times of trouble. We of the family of [...]
Works of the Flesh – Fruits of the Spirit
Greetings to all who seek after our Lord Jesus Christ, I, a continuing servant of our Father in Heaven, fellow [...]
Pride – the Hidden Sin
Greetings to all brethren seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy. I, a fellow servant of our God and [...]
God of the Fallen
Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation. I, a servant of the Most High God [...]
The Kingdom of God
Greeting to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ, I, a servant of our Lord, such as yourself, going [...]
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, [...]
Loving God with all Our Soul
Greetings to our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. In continuation of the First Commandment, that we should love God [...]
God Also Speaks Through Us
Greetings to the Brethren of our Lord Jesus Christ I, a servant of our Lord God, beseech you brethren to [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as [...]
Upright and Clean
Greeting to all who may seek rest and peace, may they be joined to Christ. Let us consider the understanding [...]
The Game of Life
Greetings to all our Brethren in Christ Jesus all over the world. This life on earth is as a test, [...]
Faith and Law
Greeting to all the churches of Christ throughout the world. May your faith strengthen you this day. As Paul said [...]
The Source of Goodness
Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness. If our Father [...]
First Steps
Greetings and blessings to all seeking the Kingdom of God. Being of the fallen of man, just as all other [...]
Jesus Christ
The Temple of God’s Light
Greetings to the all around the world who seek the Kingdom of God, the wisdom and understand of Jesus Christ, And the grace and love of our Father in Heaven [...]
Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven. My words tonight are both [...]
The Ladder and the Book of Life
My flesh was at rest contemplating the nature of life when a vision came upon me. Suddenly was I transported to a forest on the earth. The trees were all [...]
God – My Father
Who can say what will be done And what will not be done Except He who created it all? Who can say what will be spoke And what will be [...]
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience Quietly we wait often for meaning But that is not [...]
Royal Mercy
I live in Your Word And dream in Your Spirit With holiness and peace Am I renewed by Your Love What am I that life should be found? Or that [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley of rest does awaken Oh that man could see with [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low the pride of abomination Rise this earth with song and [...]
Return to Spirit
God would have us know We need not be afraid He said so many times while on earth He brought us good news, not bad For God did not enter [...]
As One, As All
Rise up Great Father Stand ready to defend Open the hearts of Your children Place Your seal upon them For wisdom has departed the earth And understanding has passed on [...]
The Peasant’s Prayer
Lift my eyes to truth oh Father Cast away the shadow of doubt Embrace me in Your arms my God Bring peace to the children of men Ay! The world [...]
For the Love of God
Those who love God Love also their neighbor Those who curse their neighbor Also curse God. Who can curse a song Without wounding the song writer? Who can curse a [...]
Discovering God
Can your brother tell you How to feel about your dad? Can your sister tell you How to feel about your mother? Does a dad treat a baby The same [...]
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth Silence the doubtful mind Cleanse the heart of selfish reason Depart from the cry of the flesh Give ear unto your spirit Close the [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a single tree Missing the forest around him Whereas the tree [...]
Life Upon Life
Difficult is the way And fearful is the journey When the life of flesh Is all that can be considered For we are here as men a short time Raptured [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the blink of an eye Enter a room as two had [...]
Mustard Seed
The life of man is but a puff of smoke To the earth as she has hosted The life of man is but a single note To the song of [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance the receiving of God They who desire to walk with [...]
Father of the Scribe
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. - Proverbs 15:3 I write not that it should be praised Nor do I speak to be heard [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words of the Lord Time has lost its meaning Man has [...]
The Final Kingdom
The final kingdom is at hand Of iron and clay it is With blood of blood unalike And seed of seed revealed The sons of Old return in haste To [...]
Whisper Counsel
Power is found in a whisper For he who has ears attuned No, there is no might in strength Nor wisdom in knowledge Truly strategy is easily frustrated And courage [...]
Kingdom Within
I will not die a paupers fate Nor walk alone in my steps For the wealth of all the universe Has been laid out before me And the riches of [...]
The Journey of a Man
I set my mind to being my own man Knowing that was the answer I sought How free I would be! I set my mind to performing music Knowing that [...]
Embracing Faith in Troubling Times
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven. Brothers and Sisters, we do [...]
Returning to Faith
With great love and affection from myself to you, along with the Grace and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Almighty Love of our Father in Heaven, we [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father in heaven and the peace, guidance and wisdom of our [...]
The First Question from the Fellowship
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the protection and love of our Father in heaven and the guidance, wisdom and peace of our [...]
Race and God
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Much around the world today [...]
An Introduction to God the Father
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. We who have desired to [...]
The Feast of Unleavened Bread – Even today!
Greetings to the churches of the earth, the peoples of the earth and all her inhabitants with Love and Compassion from our Father in Heaven and our Lord and Savior [...]
Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Around the world today, many [...]
God’s Good Work is Everywhere
Greeting to the people of the earth, with the Mercy and Peace of God the Father, and the Love and Honor of our Lord Jesus Christ. I who write to [...]
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking comfort in times of trouble. We of the family of God, do humbly present ourselves before you in order to [...]
Works of the Flesh – Fruits of the Spirit
Greetings to all who seek after our Lord Jesus Christ, I, a continuing servant of our Father in Heaven, fellow worker in Christ Jesus, do write to you today with [...]
Pride – the Hidden Sin
Greetings to all brethren seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy. I, a fellow servant of our God and King do humbly beseech you my brothers and sisters to [...]
God of the Fallen
Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation. I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, come to you not of the greatness of [...]
The Kingdom of God
Greeting to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ, I, a servant of our Lord, such as yourself, going about this life seeking to know our Father in Heaven [...]
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, King of all Kings, and Creator of Life from the [...]
Loving God with all Our Soul
Greetings to our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. In continuation of the First Commandment, that we should love God with all our heart, all our mind, and all our [...]
God Also Speaks Through Us
Greetings to the Brethren of our Lord Jesus Christ I, a servant of our Lord God, beseech you brethren to take stock of the thoughts and words and works of [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as a servant it is paramount for me to present myself [...]
Upright and Clean
Greeting to all who may seek rest and peace, may they be joined to Christ. Let us consider the understanding we have been given by the examples of the old [...]
The Game of Life
Greetings to all our Brethren in Christ Jesus all over the world. This life on earth is as a test, it is as a game. We have rules to the [...]
Faith and Law
Greeting to all the churches of Christ throughout the world. May your faith strengthen you this day. As Paul said in Romans, “First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ [...]
The Source of Goodness
Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness. If our Father can take one such as myself, who had not only [...]
First Steps
Greetings and blessings to all seeking the Kingdom of God. Being of the fallen of man, just as all other men, i come to you not with my pride or [...]