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Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not How much I wished to love Nor did it make any difference That I desired to be [...]
The Pillar and the Lamp
I have to admit to my very self that almost all of what I write is like a blunt force [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it [...]
Of Blessings
What gives me joy is born not alone from heartache. What offers me peace is born not alone from lawlessness. [...]
Into the Fire of Love’s Healing
The mending of a broken heart is of the most difficult task. In the loss of a hearts security is [...]
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love? A god is anything you worship. To worship is to [...]
The Sex Talk I Never Got
There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers, that time has forgotten. All manner of stupidity and childishness I [...]
A Man’s Honor
"Honor is a gift a man gives himself" Though there are several meanings, Honor cannot be defined by an outside [...]
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not How much I wished to love Nor did it make any difference That I desired to be decent I am a man born of flesh and blood [...]
The Pillar and the Lamp
I have to admit to my very self that almost all of what I write is like a blunt force instrument… my posts generally tackle subjects concerning our self-importance, our [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it up, nor shall I condemn myself for it. It is [...]
Of Blessings
What gives me joy is born not alone from heartache. What offers me peace is born not alone from lawlessness. What sanctifies my body or my mind has not been [...]
Into the Fire of Love’s Healing
The mending of a broken heart is of the most difficult task. In the loss of a hearts security is torment beyond reason. Decades it may take, to finally tare [...]
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love? A god is anything you worship. To worship is to give adorning reverence to. In several of the sacred texts, [...]
The Sex Talk I Never Got
There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers, that time has forgotten. All manner of stupidity and childishness I have done, and paid for what I know with my [...]
A Man’s Honor
"Honor is a gift a man gives himself" Though there are several meanings, Honor cannot be defined by an outside source. It can be recognized as similar in nature to [...]