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Heroes of Independence
To know loss one must first have and to have one must first gain and to gain one must first [...]
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and [...]
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is [...]
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it [...]
The Shunning of Children
Who returns what is given? Who restores what is broken? Who replaces what is stolen? Who heals what is wounded? [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the [...]
Thanksgiving and Gratitude
How many time were we saved When we should have been hurt? How many times did it all work out [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s [...]
I am not perfect But love is perfect I am not sane But honesty is sane I am not wise [...]
Gratitude of the Living Dog
The love of God is a mystery to man For He lifts up the fallen And brings down the raised [...]
For the Love of God
Those who love God Love also their neighbor Those who curse their neighbor Also curse God. Who can curse a [...]
Vain Glory
The seeking of personal glory Is born of self lack Raised in self denial Groomed in self praise Founded in [...]
Grave Temptation
I was lifted up Shown all the world of glory Placed at my feet to rule Offered with praise and [...]
Without Regret
As a child, I was mellow Unspoken and shy Obedient and scared Dismissed and overlooked Unwanted and alone Incapable of [...]
The Poet’s Passion
Oh that I would write only goodness! That my cross not be of foolishness! But of my heart I cannot [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance [...]
Open Understanding, Hidden Wisdom
Understanding is of the flesh While wisdom is of the spirit He who understands a thing Does so through experience [...]
Baptism of Elders
Listen to the elders Who speak of natural things For they remember the making of life And the perfection of [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words [...]
The Wheat from the Chaff
Hear the wind of unrighteousness howl But fear it not within For the chaff rise up at its blowing Looking [...]
Giving Thanks
Whom do we give thanks? What are we acknowledging? Why be thankful if nothing is above us? Where did we [...]
Sacred Life
Lift up your brothers Stand always with them Give hand when they fall Share heart when they are broken What [...]
Pride – the Hidden Sin
Greetings to all brethren seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy. I, a fellow servant of our God and [...]
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, [...]
Gift of Prayer
Greetings to all brethren in Christ Jesus. Through much prayer and meditation and study, it has come to me, in [...]
Enemy of God
Greeting to all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and our Father in Heaven. Often have I written and spoken [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as [...]
Personal Repentance
Warm greetings to all who seek Christ our Lord and the Kingdom of God. I, a servant of God, who [...]
First Steps
Greetings and blessings to all seeking the Kingdom of God. Being of the fallen of man, just as all other [...]
Denial of Ignorance
Awaken me from silent sleep of wanted dreams and dithered destiny Strip away the tarnish of subtle notion bound beyond [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed [...]
Overture of Humanity
It doesn’t matter How far down into the depths We may travel There is still another Covetous of our life [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I [...]
15 More Minutes of Insomnia
Nobody ever won a Humility Contest. If there is no God, you'll need a better job. I have never argued [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if [...]
Heroes of Independence
To know loss one must first have and to have one must first gain and to gain one must first act and to act one must first take responsibility and [...]
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and know today, those things that have transformed my life, and [...]
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is the free soul and spirit who acts. For the world [...]
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it cannot be given or taken. There is drink that quenches [...]
The Shunning of Children
Who returns what is given? Who restores what is broken? Who replaces what is stolen? Who heals what is wounded? Who answers what is asked? My eyes cannot see before [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the fearful seek control And the fear of them is to [...]
Thanksgiving and Gratitude
How many time were we saved When we should have been hurt? How many times did it all work out When it should have been chaos? How many times did [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s self. It is even is harder to see in one’s [...]
I am not perfect But love is perfect I am not sane But honesty is sane I am not wise But forgiveness is wise I am not understanding But acceptance [...]
Gratitude of the Living Dog
The love of God is a mystery to man For He lifts up the fallen And brings down the raised What does it profit us at all If for our [...]
For the Love of God
Those who love God Love also their neighbor Those who curse their neighbor Also curse God. Who can curse a song Without wounding the song writer? Who can curse a [...]
Vain Glory
The seeking of personal glory Is born of self lack Raised in self denial Groomed in self praise Founded in self deception Polished to a shine of self pride All [...]
Grave Temptation
I was lifted up Shown all the world of glory Placed at my feet to rule Offered with praise and enticement If I would only accept it I was lifted [...]
Without Regret
As a child, I was mellow Unspoken and shy Obedient and scared Dismissed and overlooked Unwanted and alone Incapable of real friendship As a teen, I was wild Rebellious and [...]
The Poet’s Passion
Oh that I would write only goodness! That my cross not be of foolishness! But of my heart I cannot count it guile Nor of my mind Does it seek [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance the receiving of God They who desire to walk with [...]
Open Understanding, Hidden Wisdom
Understanding is of the flesh While wisdom is of the spirit He who understands a thing Does so through experience As victim and victor As fool and professor Time and [...]
Baptism of Elders
Listen to the elders Who speak of natural things For they remember the making of life And the perfection of earth's balance Listen to the elders Who speak of peaceful [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words of the Lord Time has lost its meaning Man has [...]
The Wheat from the Chaff
Hear the wind of unrighteousness howl But fear it not within For the chaff rise up at its blowing Looking upon themselves as greater Knowing not they scatter away By [...]
Giving Thanks
Whom do we give thanks? What are we acknowledging? Why be thankful if nothing is above us? Where did we learn to feel thankfulness? How do we have such experience? [...]
Sacred Life
Lift up your brothers Stand always with them Give hand when they fall Share heart when they are broken What does it profit us When we scold another in judgment? [...]
Pride – the Hidden Sin
Greetings to all brethren seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy. I, a fellow servant of our God and King do humbly beseech you my brothers and sisters to [...]
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, King of all Kings, and Creator of Life from the [...]
Gift of Prayer
Greetings to all brethren in Christ Jesus. Through much prayer and meditation and study, it has come to me, in prayer, that I am not required to zealously humble myself [...]
Enemy of God
Greeting to all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and our Father in Heaven. Often have I written and spoken about the “enemy of God”. Though much has been transmitted [...]
From Darkness to Light
Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ. Again, as a servant it is paramount for me to present myself [...]
Personal Repentance
Warm greetings to all who seek Christ our Lord and the Kingdom of God. I, a servant of God, who did abandon my post long ago, and hide my face [...]
First Steps
Greetings and blessings to all seeking the Kingdom of God. Being of the fallen of man, just as all other men, i come to you not with my pride or [...]
Denial of Ignorance
Awaken me from silent sleep of wanted dreams and dithered destiny Strip away the tarnish of subtle notion bound beyond the tether Wipe tear from eye of all I've seen [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed every important document throughout history is in many ways that [...]
Overture of Humanity
It doesn’t matter How far down into the depths We may travel There is still another Covetous of our life It doesn’t matter How far into poverty We do fall [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I rose inside myself Before when I prayed to be humble [...]
15 More Minutes of Insomnia
Nobody ever won a Humility Contest. If there is no God, you'll need a better job. I have never argued my disbelief in the tooth fairy. You can't really hurt [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter If arrogance [...]