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The Veil of Change Descending
Peace or Perish It's all about to change in this world that we have built. What we have known will [...]
Rise of the Dark
We saw you rise at the fall of life Handing power and might to the sea Subdue and lie in [...]
Oh, Great!
With great knowledge Comes great questions With great intellect Comes great confusion With great heart Comes great loneliness With great [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley [...]
Man oh Man
What can a man be of his own? Do I draw my own breath? Do I beat my own heart? [...]
The Servant
Father of all life and love Give ear unto Your people For the world is reeling with hardship And the [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The [...]
Turning Point
Though our world is full of sorrow And the voices cry out Multitudes have answered And presented their care How [...]
From Beginning to End
Why would they fear That you know a truth? Why would it be Your deliverance is hidden? Who decided What [...]
Absent Immortal
I have never been taught the reality of purpose nor have I been witness to the reality of truth by [...]
The Dreamer
It is true we have accepted too much It is true we have accepted too little It is true we [...]
Parable of the Foreigner – Translated Imagery
Sent down among the brotherhood of the agile warrior Placed down among the brotherhood of the soil Cast down among [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me [...]
World of the Setting Sun
If the sun did not set, it would also not rise. If the song bird did not sing, would we [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you [...]
The Virtuous Woman
Neither the Sun nor the Moon could contain her. And all of the stars of Heaven cannot radiate as her. [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
The Whispering Voice
The madness of my oppressor is overwhelming. He whispers when I am still, Cries when I am peaceful, Screams when [...]
The Tasks of Man
What is this that man should be? Our days are filled with tasks. Our nights are filled with tasks. Even [...]
The Veil of Change Descending
Peace or Perish It's all about to change in this world that we have built. What we have known will be no more, and what we have dreamed will be [...]
Rise of the Dark
We saw you rise at the fall of life Handing power and might to the sea Subdue and lie in every word Though the nations know not who Cut off [...]
Oh, Great!
With great knowledge Comes great questions With great intellect Comes great confusion With great heart Comes great loneliness With great passion Comes great heartache With great wisdom Comes great sorrow [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley of rest does awaken Oh that man could see with [...]
Man oh Man
What can a man be of his own? Do I draw my own breath? Do I beat my own heart? Do I cause myself to hunger and thirst? Do I [...]
The Servant
Father of all life and love Give ear unto Your people For the world is reeling with hardship And the tides wash away our work Many have come to call [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The darkness seeks to steal So that you should not have [...]
Turning Point
Though our world is full of sorrow And the voices cry out Multitudes have answered And presented their care How wonderful to witness goodness How beautiful to behold unity How [...]
From Beginning to End
Why would they fear That you know a truth? Why would it be Your deliverance is hidden? Who decided What you can know? How is it we think it is [...]
Absent Immortal
I have never been taught the reality of purpose nor have I been witness to the reality of truth by the works of mankind For each generation is exactly the [...]
The Dreamer
It is true we have accepted too much It is true we have accepted too little It is true we have left behind our brothers and sisters to live in [...]
Parable of the Foreigner – Translated Imagery
Sent down among the brotherhood of the agile warrior Placed down among the brotherhood of the soil Cast down among the brotherhood of the scales It does not ring within [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? We set ourselves above the land Though the land does [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not of my intellect And experiences Unknown to my days There [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a greater mystery My thoughts fall to You often When I [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or deeper holes we can feel in our chest, then the [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard and more things unwitnessed than witnessed and more things unthought [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. Though that I will to be Love, I am of [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given to my life. With deep earnestness I feel the history [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me to Follow God. Those who taught me to conform, taught [...]
World of the Setting Sun
If the sun did not set, it would also not rise. If the song bird did not sing, would we know its lovely voice? If the bear did not Stand, [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things, and all things are under your [...]
The Virtuous Woman
Neither the Sun nor the Moon could contain her. And all of the stars of Heaven cannot radiate as her. She is as Mother to all that is living, and [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
The Whispering Voice
The madness of my oppressor is overwhelming. He whispers when I am still, Cries when I am peaceful, Screams when I am free. He whispers such lies to me. Never [...]
The Tasks of Man
What is this that man should be? Our days are filled with tasks. Our nights are filled with tasks. Even our rest is overrun with tasks. Who among ALL the [...]