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Human Connection
Blessings of the Day
My wife spoke of wisdom today And experience of great value My brother shared his heart My sister shared her [...]
The Father’s Gift
Cherish the family God has given you Be they of blood or heart or spirit! Within them is all the [...]
Where Eternity Met Us
Not with idle hands was this formed that we would know our tender love How else could it be that [...]
Lesson of the All-Seeing Eye
What can we say today that we set our hearts upon a new vision or inspire at a new thought [...]
What Remains of Life
I speak for no other as it should be for my memories are my own and my dignity cannot be [...]
Eros Divine
What more is from God than the expressions of Love? What more do we discover in life than the uncovering [...]
15 More Minutes of Insomnia
Nobody ever won a Humility Contest. If there is no God, you'll need a better job. I have never argued [...]
Human Connection
Blessings of the Day
My wife spoke of wisdom today And experience of great value My brother shared his heart My sister shared her journey An uncle sent a message of family A father [...]
The Father’s Gift
Cherish the family God has given you Be they of blood or heart or spirit! Within them is all the knowledge you desire And the way of them is a [...]
Where Eternity Met Us
Not with idle hands was this formed that we would know our tender love How else could it be that all prayers find their way into one answer spoken? I [...]
Lesson of the All-Seeing Eye
What can we say today that we set our hearts upon a new vision or inspire at a new thought in order to bring about the wish of a dream [...]
What Remains of Life
I speak for no other as it should be for my memories are my own and my dignity cannot be given by anyone else Sometimes we have to go home [...]
Eros Divine
What more is from God than the expressions of Love? What more do we discover in life than the uncovering of Love? To be raised by parents one can know [...]
15 More Minutes of Insomnia
Nobody ever won a Humility Contest. If there is no God, you'll need a better job. I have never argued my disbelief in the tooth fairy. You can't really hurt [...]