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Human Condition
Mine all Mine – Son of God or Man
The church laid the foundation of what God is and what God isn't, and then ironically departed from their Creator. [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard [...]
The Eternal Question
What cause do we trust with the fragmentation of souls compromising our own remembrance? Where can we find ourself unless [...]
Human Condition
Mine all Mine – Son of God or Man
The church laid the foundation of what God is and what God isn't, and then ironically departed from their Creator. The family laid the foundation of what is good and [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard and more things unwitnessed than witnessed and more things unthought [...]
The Eternal Question
What cause do we trust with the fragmentation of souls compromising our own remembrance? Where can we find ourself unless to be a scar unwanted and forgotten without pride requiring [...]