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The Vanity and Blessing of Self
I waited fifty years to be truly happy. There was a longing of sorts to enter into the years of [...]
Speaking of Which
Three times have I been questioned by others in anger and outrage this very accusation: “Who are you to think [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I [...]
Heartache and Faith
Though my spirit rejoices At the battle you won Knowing your life is now with God, My flesh cries out [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s [...]
Enduring Tides
Every day I fail And every day I succeed Every day I harm another And every day I love another [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low [...]
The Power of Peace
Peace is power Wrath is fear Truth is power Lies are fear Helping another is righteousness Oppressing another is wickedness [...]
The Servant
Father of all life and love Give ear unto Your people For the world is reeling with hardship And the [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we [...]
A Prayer for Restoration and Guidance
Dear Great and Most Holy Father in heaven, Thank you God for hearing these words of Your son – that [...]
Visions of the Great One
I cried out to the angel of He who comforts, And I looked and behold the earth! How beautiful she [...]
Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God
Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus, The reality of this letter is not a subject [...]
Relationship Advice About Relationship Advice
I think we have all seen it far too many times. We got therapists, preachers, social workers, ministers, psychologist, psychiatrists, [...]
If even there were a chance To tell a beautiful soul While they were shattered with fear That their life [...]
To End the War
Ask yourself why? What purpose there is to know a lie? I will say what I know War has been [...]
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given [...]
The 14 Year Garden
Sometimes a beginning takes a long time. Sometimes growth takes a while. We can sit and wonder why things take [...]
Into the Fire of Love’s Healing
The mending of a broken heart is of the most difficult task. In the loss of a hearts security is [...]
The Landscape of Time
Within there plays a grossly misinterpreted dream. It is I who knows not the hour of my own deterrent. It [...]
The City of Gold
There among the solitary moment, in the evening of my reckless thoughts, I awaited inspiration. Battles of wit and will [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
In the Arms of Bliss
7 Days Journey away from your flesh. Oh how our spirits did soar, even more our hearts did join as [...]
Heaven Within Her
There is no pain in Her embrace, There is no sorrow, No remorse, No noise, No war, No dispute, No [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in [...]
The Vanity and Blessing of Self
I waited fifty years to be truly happy. There was a longing of sorts to enter into the years of jubilee. Before that I carried a great sorrow and sadness [...]
Speaking of Which
Three times have I been questioned by others in anger and outrage this very accusation: “Who are you to think you can speak for God?” Well, I never thought I [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I grew cold from lack of sight Open me again to [...]
Heartache and Faith
Though my spirit rejoices At the battle you won Knowing your life is now with God, My flesh cries out for you My heart sinks further into breaking My life [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s self. It is even is harder to see in one’s [...]
Enduring Tides
Every day I fail And every day I succeed Every day I harm another And every day I love another Every day my flesh corrupts me And every day God [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low the pride of abomination Rise this earth with song and [...]
The Power of Peace
Peace is power Wrath is fear Truth is power Lies are fear Helping another is righteousness Oppressing another is wickedness Caring for another heals both And harming another harms both [...]
The Servant
Father of all life and love Give ear unto Your people For the world is reeling with hardship And the tides wash away our work Many have come to call [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we lost We get up and do it again Give to [...]
A Prayer for Restoration and Guidance
Dear Great and Most Holy Father in heaven, Thank you God for hearing these words of Your son – that we all may join with You in this time of [...]
Visions of the Great One
I cried out to the angel of He who comforts, And I looked and behold the earth! How beautiful she is - as if being healed And to the right [...]
Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God
Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus, The reality of this letter is not a subject where I am above the sensation of anger and wrath [...]
Relationship Advice About Relationship Advice
I think we have all seen it far too many times. We got therapists, preachers, social workers, ministers, psychologist, psychiatrists, counselors, self appointed healers, self appointed experts, self appointed relationship [...]
If even there were a chance To tell a beautiful soul While they were shattered with fear That their life has meaning Or when another cannot see the road ahead [...]
To End the War
Ask yourself why? What purpose there is to know a lie? I will say what I know War has been staged - FOR US Complete with weapons of Envy Hate [...]
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. Where we live inside is not always where we are [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. Committed to Liberty, they sacrificed all, May the mothers of [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given to my life. With deep earnestness I feel the history [...]
The 14 Year Garden
Sometimes a beginning takes a long time. Sometimes growth takes a while. We can sit and wonder why things take so long. Have we been forgotten? Have we been over [...]
Into the Fire of Love’s Healing
The mending of a broken heart is of the most difficult task. In the loss of a hearts security is torment beyond reason. Decades it may take, to finally tare [...]
The Landscape of Time
Within there plays a grossly misinterpreted dream. It is I who knows not the hour of my own deterrent. It is I who knows only the result. Winter brings the [...]
The City of Gold
There among the solitary moment, in the evening of my reckless thoughts, I awaited inspiration. Battles of wit and will sprang out before my eyes from the terrors of lost [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
In the Arms of Bliss
7 Days Journey away from your flesh. Oh how our spirits did soar, even more our hearts did join as one. But how tender the flesh we left for 7 [...]
Heaven Within Her
There is no pain in Her embrace, There is no sorrow, No remorse, No noise, No war, No dispute, No upset, No bitterness, No hatred, No tears of sadness, No [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in us, For we have lost belief in ourselves. The woman [...]