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God’s Power
The Temple of God’s Light
Greetings to the all around the world who seek the Kingdom of God, the wisdom and understand of Jesus Christ, [...]
Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom [...]
Embracing Faith in Troubling Times
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom [...]
Returning to Faith
With great love and affection from myself to you, along with the Grace and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father [...]
God’s Power
The Temple of God’s Light
Greetings to the all around the world who seek the Kingdom of God, the wisdom and understand of Jesus Christ, And the grace and love of our Father in Heaven [...]
Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven. My words tonight are both [...]
Embracing Faith in Troubling Times
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven. Brothers and Sisters, we do [...]
Returning to Faith
With great love and affection from myself to you, along with the Grace and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Almighty Love of our Father in Heaven, we [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father in heaven and the peace, guidance and wisdom of our [...]