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A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as [...]
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is [...]
Blessings of the Day
My wife spoke of wisdom today And experience of great value My brother shared his heart My sister shared her [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the [...]
A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as one generation comes, and another departs So then are we [...]
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is the free soul and spirit who acts. For the world [...]
Blessings of the Day
My wife spoke of wisdom today And experience of great value My brother shared his heart My sister shared her journey An uncle sent a message of family A father [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the edge of a black rock cliff overlooking the waters. I [...]