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Peace is of The Spirit
My spirit seeks out peace While my flesh plots justice My spirit seeks out brotherhood While my flesh plots judgment [...]
Oh, Great!
With great knowledge Comes great questions With great intellect Comes great confusion With great heart Comes great loneliness With great [...]
What Does it Matter?
It matters not What people see or say of us It matters not What they think or judge of us [...]
Fear or Faith?
Who would choose a belief Based in fear? Who would choose a belief Based in faith? The human wrestles the [...]
Peace Inside
The filling of my flesh Brought peace for a time In joy and revelry played With friends and laughter And [...]
Body Image
Some people take pride in their appearance Some people curse their temple Some walk in the ways of judgement Proclaiming [...]
Peace is of The Spirit
My spirit seeks out peace While my flesh plots justice My spirit seeks out brotherhood While my flesh plots judgment My spirit seeks out humility While my flesh plots hubris [...]
Oh, Great!
With great knowledge Comes great questions With great intellect Comes great confusion With great heart Comes great loneliness With great passion Comes great heartache With great wisdom Comes great sorrow [...]
What Does it Matter?
It matters not What people see or say of us It matters not What they think or judge of us It matters not What people give or take from us [...]
Fear or Faith?
Who would choose a belief Based in fear? Who would choose a belief Based in faith? The human wrestles the fate of flesh While the spirit within departs from it [...]
Peace Inside
The filling of my flesh Brought peace for a time In joy and revelry played With friends and laughter And goodness to share The passing of time took away The [...]
Body Image
Some people take pride in their appearance Some people curse their temple Some walk in the ways of judgement Proclaiming their will above all as the word of the Most [...]