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The Veil of Change Descending
Peace or Perish It's all about to change in this world that we have built. What we have known will [...]
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s [...]
Failure of the Flesh
God would have us know We are His children Indeed all life and all things Are God's Nothing which exists [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & [...]
Fear or Faith?
Who would choose a belief Based in fear? Who would choose a belief Based in faith? The human wrestles the [...]
The Power of Peace
Peace is power Wrath is fear Truth is power Lies are fear Helping another is righteousness Oppressing another is wickedness [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The [...]
Fear of the World
The world that we see Is not what is there It’s the illusion of dreams By those fearful of losing [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father [...]
Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love [...]
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith. We who have labored long [...]
The Innocent Spirit
Religion cannot touch it Science cannot unlock its truths Until the very end man will grapple with his darkness Inside [...]
Shadows Fall
See the shadow that time forgot Lurking behind the veil Ugly and twisted and loathed That there is none to [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning [...]
My First Dream was a Nightmare
Dreams are a fitting example of the relationship between the physical outside world impressing itself upon the inner world of [...]
That Which Survives
What does one have when everything is impermanent? What does one know when everything is wrong? What does one see [...]
To End the War
Ask yourself why? What purpose there is to know a lie? I will say what I know War has been [...]
Time’s Descendant
Sometimes I wonder what everything before was all about? In my spirit there has only been one home one place [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or [...]
World of the Setting Sun
If the sun did not set, it would also not rise. If the song bird did not sing, would we [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come [...]
None Knoweth the Hour
In life we strive for principalities. Each has a darkened corner. Each has a terrible fear. Each has a merciless [...]
Everyone Knows what Love is.
Everyone knows what love is. Some will doubt these words heavily, and this I understand to be common. Often in [...]
The Veil of Change Descending
Peace or Perish It's all about to change in this world that we have built. What we have known will be no more, and what we have dreamed will be [...]
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how you feel, put it all out there, hold back nothing, [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the fearful seek control And the fear of them is to [...]
That Stupid Pride
Like so many others My greatest failing is pride Pride is the hardest of all things to see in one’s self. It is even is harder to see in one’s [...]
Failure of the Flesh
God would have us know We are His children Indeed all life and all things Are God's Nothing which exists that we know Is outside of God's possession Nothing that [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do we bask in the peace of life Requiring nothing of [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & subjecting Talking and commanding Puffing himself up amongst others Rattling [...]
Fear or Faith?
Who would choose a belief Based in fear? Who would choose a belief Based in faith? The human wrestles the fate of flesh While the spirit within departs from it [...]
The Power of Peace
Peace is power Wrath is fear Truth is power Lies are fear Helping another is righteousness Oppressing another is wickedness Caring for another heals both And harming another harms both [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The darkness seeks to steal So that you should not have [...]
Fear of the World
The world that we see Is not what is there It’s the illusion of dreams By those fearful of losing The world as it stands Is not all that we [...]
Trusting God – Even Now
Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of the family of God, with the care and protection of our Father in heaven and the peace, guidance and wisdom of our [...]
Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Around the world today, many [...]
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith. We who have labored long in bringing the message of God's true power and will [...]
The Innocent Spirit
Religion cannot touch it Science cannot unlock its truths Until the very end man will grapple with his darkness Inside us all is knowledge and wisdom Inside us all is [...]
Shadows Fall
See the shadow that time forgot Lurking behind the veil Ugly and twisted and loathed That there is none to embrace such a thing Is said to be good That [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning Discern the truth Grasp the reality The wisdom of our [...]
My First Dream was a Nightmare
Dreams are a fitting example of the relationship between the physical outside world impressing itself upon the inner world of the soul. I was only 2 or 3 years of [...]
That Which Survives
What does one have when everything is impermanent? What does one know when everything is wrong? What does one see when everything is blurred? What does one hear when everything [...]
To End the War
Ask yourself why? What purpose there is to know a lie? I will say what I know War has been staged - FOR US Complete with weapons of Envy Hate [...]
Time’s Descendant
Sometimes I wonder what everything before was all about? In my spirit there has only been one home one place of safety one moment of peace one goal one purpose. [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or deeper holes we can feel in our chest, then the [...]
World of the Setting Sun
If the sun did not set, it would also not rise. If the song bird did not sing, would we know its lovely voice? If the bear did not Stand, [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and [...]
None Knoweth the Hour
In life we strive for principalities. Each has a darkened corner. Each has a terrible fear. Each has a merciless oppressor. If it were not for our hidden fears, we [...]
Everyone Knows what Love is.
Everyone knows what love is. Some will doubt these words heavily, and this I understand to be common. Often in my past I too believed I did not know love. [...]