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Eternal Love
Where Eternity Met Us
Not with idle hands was this formed that we would know our tender love How else could it be that [...]
Aeon as One
I have been everywhere with you At the formation of the earth itself The rising of the mountains The blossoming [...]
That Which Survives
What does one have when everything is impermanent? What does one know when everything is wrong? What does one see [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. [...]
The Proposal
So many have said the words of love to each other. So many have asked the question. So many have [...]
The Virtuous Woman
Neither the Sun nor the Moon could contain her. And all of the stars of Heaven cannot radiate as her. [...]
Awakened from My Slumber
Awakened from my slumber My eyes see hell around me. Awakened from her mystery Her chains become apparent. I look [...]
Eternal Love
Where Eternity Met Us
Not with idle hands was this formed that we would know our tender love How else could it be that all prayers find their way into one answer spoken? I [...]
Aeon as One
I have been everywhere with you At the formation of the earth itself The rising of the mountains The blossoming of the fields The flowing of the beautiful sky We [...]
That Which Survives
What does one have when everything is impermanent? What does one know when everything is wrong? What does one see when everything is blurred? What does one hear when everything [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. Committed to Liberty, they sacrificed all, May the mothers of [...]
The Proposal
So many have said the words of love to each other. So many have asked the question. So many have reached for a union of soul, heart, body. So many [...]
The Virtuous Woman
Neither the Sun nor the Moon could contain her. And all of the stars of Heaven cannot radiate as her. She is as Mother to all that is living, and [...]
Awakened from My Slumber
Awakened from my slumber My eyes see hell around me. Awakened from her mystery Her chains become apparent. I look to the field where all my comrades have fallen. The [...]